I walked quickly to my destination, my white robe flapping around my ankles in the wind. People around me stared, old ladies sniffing at my choice of clothing. I tried to avoid eye contact with them, not having time to hear their stories. I was late, running out of time. I reached the small, cheap looking house which resembled more of a shack, before glancing around, making sure the area was clear.
When I was sure it was, I let my wings unfold and flew to the open window, where I could hear the cries of the child above. I landed without a sound, but with a tap on the shoulder of Rachel, she turned to look me, her expression looking as if she'd seen a ghost. "You're-" She whispered.
I cut across her, not having time for this chatter, "Yeah, the person who sent you the note? Uh-huh. Yet, you haven't seemed to have done what I asked, have you Rachel?"
"No, you haven't. And do you remember what the punishment was for it?"
"Yes you do Rachel."
"What am I? I would have thought you'd guessed by now, Rachel. Even if you haven't, I'm not telling."
"Rachel, I told you you'd have to go there if you didn't stop. Don't worry though its only for an hour."
"No buts. You should have thought of the consequences of your actions, and don't, " I said as she was about to speak, "say that's unfair because I did warn you what would happen."
"Yes, he'll let you out after an hour, stop worrying." I gently rested my hand on her forehead and she started to shimmer before disappearing altogether. Then I turned to her child who was crying softly, covered in injuries inflicted by his mother. Tears fell from my eyes, and landed on the child who's injuries healed immediately.
Cradling the child in my arms, I sang a soft lullaby feeling the child drift off in my arms. An hour passed before Rachel retured who looked crisp, like she's been burnt or near something hot. Her eyes were mad and pleading as she begged me not to make her go back.
I rose from my seat on the windowsill, still holding her child and asked her, "Are you going to continue this?"
"No! I swear I won't her again!"
"You vow not to?"
"Good. Now, if you are to touch the child in a harmful way again, I will hear of it and he shall come for you. I don't want to do that, but it may come to that."
She nodded.
I was already starting to shimmer when she whispered, "Thank you," her face sincere. I nodded once before vanishing completely.
110 years later
I was going to Forks. Exciting? Not. I had to look after some stupid vampires under the pretense of going to highschool. So not boring at all, even though I've already been to highschool 47 times. I strolled to my car, still angry at what Father had sent me to do. The porshe purred to life, and I sped down the road faster than all of the rusty old car in which sat the citizens of Forks.
In the car park of the highschool, none of the cars stood out. The most flashy car apart from mine was a shiny Volvo, which smelt exactly like a vampire. Perhaps I should have taken a different one? As soon as I got out of the car, I could smell the sickly sweet scent of vampires from inside the building. After getting my schedule, I walked to my first class - English.
A tall blonde vampire was sitting next to the only open seat, her eyes staring at me with the deepest loathing when the teacher told me to sit there. Not wanting to be impolite, I extended my hand, "Bella Creator, nice to meet you."
The blonde however did not look up until I nudged her. Hard enough for her to feel it and cause pain. The moment my eyes met hers, a string of memories which were not my own hit me. I saw blurred memories of what had happened on the night of her transformation, of waking up and finding out what she was, of her newborn years and revenge, her and Emmet's first kiss, their marriage, some unsuitable scenes I'd rather not have watched and some funny pranks.
All of that I saw until I put up a shield and the visions stopped. Rosalie Hale stared at me, her eyes fulled with even more hate now. "What do you want, bitch?"
"Well, I'd appreciate if you didn't call me a bitch Rosalie but somehow I doubt that'll happen."
"Damn right! And how the hell do you know my name?"
"Maybe the teacher told me. I mean you wouldn't have heard our conversation when we were way at the front of the classroom and you were at the back."
I had her there. She couldn't say she's heard it because only mythical creatures could possibly have heard it. It was funny to watch her get frustrated, knowing that she couldn't possibly come up with a come back now. "Let's start again, shall we? You wouldn't want to set a bad impression to me about the Cullen and Hale lifestyle, would you?"
"How do you do about my family?"
"Like I said, the teacher over there could have mentioned it. So, I'm Bella Creator, what's your name?"
"Rosalie Hale."
"Aren't you going to ask me how I like Forks? Its the polite thing to do," I teased.
"How do you like Forks?" She asked me through gritted teeth.
"Its okay. A bit green if you know what I'm saying, but of course you know all about Forks don't you, especially things about it from about 50 years or so ago?"
Bingo! She froze slightly but quickly recovered herself saying, "Why would I know things from then?"
The bell rang before I answered and I speed off to trig where another pixie like vampire sat. She was looking at me oddly, and at once when I stared into her eyes, the memories came. Waking up after a vision of a vampire fighting unsure of where she was, of finally finding Jasper in a diner, of finding the Cullens and there constant moving around.
I sighed when the teacher pointed to the seat next to her, but I was glad that Alice Cullen couldn't see my future so there was no way in her spoiling my fun. "Hello, Alice," I said to her.
"Um ... how do you do my name?" At least she awknoledged me. That was politer than her sister.
"You know - people." If by people you mean me, and me only. "So, how are you?"
"I'm fine," she said, before turning her attention to the front.
"Really? You're very pale, did you know that?"
"We're in Forks. Everyone is pale."
"Yes, but you also have a strange eye colour. Its sort of like a vampires." Ha ha! That got a reaction. Just like Rosalie when I mentioned how she must know a lot about Forks fifty years ago, she completely froze. But yet again, the bell rang, ruining my fun. I sped off to my next class. It was annoying, and disappointing that no vampires were in any more classes with me, at least until lunch soI didn't have much fun in the next two classes.
At lunch, was when I next saw them. Sitting with trays fulled with uneaten food in front of them, staring at nothing, not even each other. Large black circles were under their black eyes, and it worried me that they hadn't hunted for a while. It was obvious Alice, and the bronze haired guy that I had found out from her memories was called Edward and a mind reader were having a private conversation. Not too private anymore, but they didn't need to know I was listening.
Ah, Jasper wasn't exactly 'strong' when it came to resisting the humans. Unlucky for him. I wondered what his reaction would be if he got a whiff of me and started biting, then only actually drinking Holy Water, which was the only substance inside of me. I picked up a tray and fulled it with food, which just like the Cullens I wouldn't eat.
Instead of sitting by myself, I wanted some entertainment, so I walked up to the Cullens table. "You know its really bad to waste food? Unhealthy almost, and I'm sure you wouldn't want any of us thinking you were anerexic or something, would you?" Glaring at me, each of them lifted up a slice of pizza and took the smallest bite possible.
"Hmm, I don't think you ate enough," I said in a sing song voice. "Eat the whole slice and I'll be happy." It was hard to stop myself from laughing as the vampires looked distainfully at the pizza before they stuffed it all in to their mouth.
"Okay, I'll go now. But don't worry! I help you eat more tomorrow!" I told them, acting as if I was giving them a special treat. Clapping my hands, I walked to a table of my own in the darkest corner of the cafeteria.
I sighed as I dissected a bagel, bored with this place already. I glanced around the room, at all of the teenagers talking excitedly, just mortals I couldn't be friends with. And I looked at the vampires who were talking about the bitch who they hated, me. I felt something wet trickling down my arms, and looked down to see the apple I had unconsciously crushed. Good first impressions, Bella. Nice going.
Not wanting to be in the same room as all the happy excited teenagers anymore, I threw my uneaten food into the bin, and walked to the bathroom. I stared in the mirror, looking at my face. I wasn't in the mood to sit threw more classes, so I went to my car and off.
And I wished, just like always, that he hadn't done this to me.