
By: Rem was here
Chapter I


DISCLAIMER: Higuchi-sensei owns Gakuen Alice. Not me. Not you. Not anyone else.



◦◊◦ This is a rewrite so expect a couple of major changes.
◦◊◦ Despite its summary [which sounds too Natsume-centric], this is a Mikan-centric story so expect that most [if not all] of the story will be told in Mikan's perspective
◦◊◦ If you really must know the reason for this rewrite or if you want to read the old version of this story, PM me because I'm not going to explain much in my author's notes.
◦◊◦ Read and enjoy. Drop a review if you deem my story worthy. Criticize if necessary. However, kindly refrain from giving me 'update soon' reviews. I'd rather receive nothing.

[I M-R end]



That's the first word that presented itself in my mind as I approach two people who were too engrossed in the act of sucking each other's faces to notice me coming towards them with an expression of complete distaste.

"Excuse me," I call out as I try to get their attention. However, instead of acknowledging me like I frustratingly wished for, they merely continue with their display - completely oblivious to my presence and current distress. Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I also happen to notice the guy's hands creeping up from underneath his acquaintance's blouse.

Upon seeing this, I almost snapped and ripped the two apart. But fortunately enough, I was somehow able to manage to conjure enough will to forcibly shut my eyes and count from 1 to 10 just so I could calm down and remove the sickening images of pure unadulterated lust from my disturbed mind. With that done, I open my eyes once again while sporting renewed determination in them.

"Excuse me," I call out again – this time in a much louder voice.

Just as I was about to clear my throat for added emphasis, the two had finally become aware of my presence, causing them to temporarily halt their display – looking slightly flushed. I almost snorted and rolled my eyes at this but fortunately, I was able to stop myself from doing so for if I had done that, I would probably get fired for misconduct. The manager had almost blown his top yesterday which most likely means that he's already getting really fed up with me. And although I'm usually very inquisitive of things around me, I really don't want to make myself a subject to an experiment where I can get fired in the process. Or in simpler terms, I don't want to risk it - especially now that I'm already on thin ice.

"I am sorry for disturbing you, Sayuri, okyaku-san[1]. But I had to do that in order to catch your attention" I deadpan. In response to this, I could catch a glimpse of Sayuri, my favorite co-worker, barring her fangs at me. I, however, merely continue to look at them passively, not feeling the least bit threatened. After all, there was nothing that she could actually do against me. During the short time I've known her, I've come to learn that she could only glare and throw childish insults – acts that don't deal much damage, if any, at all. The most she can probably do is to tattle on me for some 'rude act' that I've done to the boss – something which I'm admittedly wary of. Nonetheless, I doubt that she could present him an actual evidence of that so I can't really be threatened.

"That's fine, babe," the guy drawls while flashing me a grin that was probably meant to be flirtatious. Once again, I fight the urge to roll my eyes and gag right on the spot. Tch. Men like him really are hopeless. Just a while ago, he had only been 3 steps short from fucking Sayuri on the table and now he's trying to pick me up? Not to mention that he's also doing it in front of the aforementioned woman. Oh that is so predictable. Honestly, guys like him need to be taught some decency OR if that's too much to ask, they should at least be taught to distinguish the decent from the not. Oh, and speaking of decency, I can feel an extremely caustic glare of someone who clearly lacks it. Now I feel really threatened. I'm cowering in these awful heels…

"What do you want, Sakura?" Sayuri suddenly spat in a shrill voice, thus breaking my train of mental sarcasm.

"Here is your order sir," I merely say stoically, ignoring Sayuri completely, before setting down the tray that I was carrying and setting its contents on the table. As I was doing so, I could still feel both of their gazes at me but I merely continue to ignore. After all, the sooner I get done with this, the better.

"If that is all sir, I would like to take my leave now," I say with a bow after finally finishing my job of setting the table. However, just as I took a turn, a hand suddenly shoots out from behind me – capturing my wrist – thus preventing me from walking away and returning to my previous work in the counter.

"Don't leave yet, babe. Why don't you stay with me for a while? I know that you're wanting some private time with me as well."

Upon hearing those repulsive and grammatically incorrect choice of words, I couldn't stop myself from gritting my teeth and clenching my fists in frustration. However, knowing that one wrong act could cause me to lose my job – especially with the mossy-eyed Sayuri waiting for me to commit the most minor of mistakes – I force myself to smile amidst my boiling temper.

"Okyaku-san, I apologize but I really cannot stay here. I have spent too much of my time here already." I say, albeit stiffly, as I try to gently peel his hands from my wrist. "I have other duties that I need to attend to."

"Bullshit," he spits out rather viciously while forcefully pulling me towards him – causing me to stumble a little. "Stop playing so hard-to-get and sit down already."

Completely offended and angered by his brash words and actions, I move to slap his hand away and speak my mind but another hand suddenly creeps up my shoulder, thereby momentarily distracting me and stopping me from lashing out impulsively.

"Don't touch her, punk. She's mine."


Who is the mystery man [and yes. He's male… or so does the authoress think] that saved Mikan? Has Mikan finally become a man-hating homo? Who the hell is Sayuri slut and why is she even in this story? Heck, why do I even care?

Tune in next chapter of 'Not Just a Toy' for answers and even more befuddling and sickeningly annoying and irrelevant questions.



Brief explanation of terms used:

[1]Okyaku – a Japanese word which means 'guest.' Although I wanted to put the least amount of Japanese words in this fic, I just couldn't find the best substitute for this. In my previous version, I had used 'customer-san' but it didn't sound appropriate. And so, I decided that it'd be best if I stick with 'okyaku'

Till then!

