Sry for not updating. I've been obsessed with a new game Last Remnant so I have kinda forgotten about ToV.

I must now leave ToV, and leave the fanfic writing to the next generation of ToV fans.

So long, and remember me!

Thx for sticking by me during the duration of writing this fanfic.


They were randomly travelling in some random place, when suddenly, they somehow managed to fly right off the map and into the world of IdiotsRUs aka our world.

They soared over a icy poles, and across a large desert.

"This new world we are exploring seems very different..." Judith murmured.

"Yeah, an awful lot bigger, for one thing!" Karol nodded enthusiastically.

"I might just stay here longer to do some experiments..." muttered Rita.

Yuri rolled his eyes. He felt a strange sense of déjà vu, as they descended over a tiny island. Rita found a little directory to this new world in the glove compartment in the cabin (?!). "The little Red Dot, Garden City...OMG IS THAT A LION MERMAID CROSSBREED ZOMG?!?!?!" Rita exclaimed as she saw the...yeah, if you're living in the Red Dot, you'll know she's talking about the Merlion.

Raven muttered thoughtfully. "Now, what kind of lion would shag a mermaid, or to put it more accurately, which pretty mermaid's gonna let some fuzzy animal shag her?"

"What's a 'shag'?" Karol asked innocently. Yuri casually wondered over and booted Raven so he nearly fell over the edge of the boat.

"WAUGH! Geez, Yuri, ya nearly gave me a HEART ATTACK!" And to demonstrate his point, he did a back flip.

Yuri smiled innocently. "Whoops, I thought I kicked a dirty rat." He flashed a sneaky grin at the old man, that suggested something along the lines of Wanna see how deep the water is down there?

They landed somewhere on a rooftop of a mall and entered from the staircase. Yuri led them through a door, and they entered a departmental store. "Woah, this stuff is AWESOME!!!" Rita gleefully danced around, pressing buttons, experimenting around.

Yuri left the workaholic at the computers and walked past a large screen TV. While other normal people (ie not from the game people, as in people like you and me) gaped at the high resolution, Yuri and company gaped at the contents on the screen.

"Isn', fighting..." Karol stuttered.

Yuri picked up the strange white controller. He pressed the large X button in the center which glowed, put it in layman terms, "It was shiny!"

The screen went grey and a window popped out. One of the options read "Continue Playing "Tales of Vesperia"

"Tales of Vesperia? Sounds catchy!" Raven grinned.

Yuri thought about it. "Tales of Brave Vesperia? Tales of Vesperia?" He looked at the screen again. "Is this...a game...of our lives?!"

"No, dummies! This ain't the game of your lives. It IS your life!" said a cheery little voice from behind them.

Repede leapt onto the mysterious speaker, but the speaker grabbed the pooch and set him down and scratched him behind his ears, which made Repede growl happily.

Estelle exclaimed angrily. "He really doesn't like me! HUMPH!"

The speaker was a long haired girl with a pink dress. "I am Lifiea Chancelot, one destined to kill the hermit!" Then she paused, took out a piece of paper from her pocket, scanned it, put it back, then amended her introduction. "Sorry, I meant, I am Lifiea Chancelot, one destined to kill the Onion punners!"

The whole bunch of characters stared at this mysterious girl. "Whut." They said.

"You can call me Lifiea, and..." she smiled, then she grinned insanely. "ZOMG ITS Yuri LOWELL GAH YOU'RE SO HAWT!" Then she smiled sweetly again. "Hiyas Raven!" She winked playfully at him to see a reaction.

He fainted. She laughed.

Yuri was shocked by Lifiea's insane outburst. Estelle, being...the OOC Estelle that she is in this fanfic, glared daggers at Lifiea. "Miss, I suggest you do not try that again, because Yuri is MINE!"

Lifiea grinned happily at Estelle. "Estelle! No worries, mate! I totally support YuriXEstelle!"

Judith stepped forward. "Hello, Lifiea. I gather you know more about us than we know about ourselves even. Now, would you care to tell us how you came across this information?"

"Well, you see, you guys come from a game. And..."

By now, Raven had awoken. "A GAME?! We're from a GAME?! Which means all this time I've been chasing after a bunch of coloured pixels when all this time I thought I was chasing some gorgeous girl..."

Lifiea poked Raven in the ribs so hard he yelped and shut up. "Anyway, I'm a biiiig fan of you guys! Mostly Yuri. But I've finished the game and I know everything there is to know about you guys! Except your age, Judith. That's one of the things I don't know."

Judith smiled. "Good. Then could you tell us how to get out of this insane world?"


" I have to work this ...thing to call a TeeVee to a portal so we can enter?"

"Yeah! Easy?"

"...who do ya think I am?"

"Rita Mordio, genius mage of Aspio?"

"Affirmative. " Rita called up the control screen and typed faster than I do. Which is saying something.

Before long, she was done. As the crew lined up to walk through the portal in the departmental store, Lifiea glomped Yuri, while pushing him so he pushed against Estelle, who ended up pulling both herself and Yuri into the portal, disappearing into the spectrum of light.

"Wow, that was smooth. " Judith commented.

"I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING IN SPECIAL!" Raven whined. Judith kicked him into the portal. Karol sighed and followed in a less violent manner. Repede followed after, with Judith. Rita configured the portal to vanish after a few seconds. "Perhaps I shall return for experiments. Remember us."

As the portal vanished after Rita, Lifiea's smile vanished like it had never been there.

"Remember me too."


I don't know why it seems so sad to leave Tales of Vesperia behind. If you guys caught the meaning behind the last three paragraphs, congrats.

btw ??? is a character in Consumption note which is a parody of Death Note as drawn by my insane friend Cupcake aka the Apple Girl. She put all of her friends (including me) into it. Basically, instead of "Whoever's name is written in here shall die" its more like "Whoever's name is written in here shall be eaten". By a cupcake. Kira = Cupcake. I took the role of Mello (Smello...actually thats Lifiea Chancelot. Not me) and Ray Penbar, and MIkami, and one of those random Kiras. But whatever. Unless you know the "King of the new Cupcakey world", you can ignore this paragraph. (I should have told you this earlier, I know. I just wanted you to read this farewell crappation first.)

Sayonara, Lifiea Chancelot.

Lifiea Chancelot is my 'name'. It sez so in my profile if you bothered checking.