I watched the sun set low in the sky for the last time. Tomorrow I would be boarding a plane to Forks, Washington. I spend the late hours of the night trying to convince myself that it would all be worth it. I watched the sun set lower in the sky and watched the tears splatter the concrete at my feet. I ignored the tears, glancing up at the moon that had taken place of the brilliant sun.
A low sob crept out of my throat. I stood up, running out of the party. My best friend Amelia had tried to throw me a goodbye party, but I was being a bit of a downer. My friends there included Amelia, Ashlynn, Kennedy, Marcy, Stacy, and Hogan. Hogan had always had a crush on me, I couldn't help that I never returned the feelings. There were more people there, at least fifty, but without a mother to hug goodbye the whole thing lost its purpose.
I traced my way through my mother's garden. She'd always loved this garden, more than she probably did me. The wild rosebushes grew in a frenzy now, having been untrimmed for weeks. I slid around the side of the house, my body constantly bathed in the shadows. I turned, finding the familiar ladder my mom had always kept for me and climbed up to the roof. There, I knocked it onto the ground and let my anguish spill out. My low sobs wracked my entire body, and I felt the shakes from the center of my heart.
How could you leave me mom? How could you do this? You had a choice! Ashlynn's dad didn't have a choice, and he begged to stay until the very end. How could you choose to leave me? Mom, I loved you!
I let my feelings flow now, in the safety of being alone. I ignored the calls of Hogan, told him to leave, and cried more as he stayed down there. I heard him find the ladder, and saw him climbing over the railing and sit next to me. We sat there in silence for a long while, me crying and him looking at the moon.
"You know you can always call us, Bella, we're here for you," he said. I looked up and smiled weakly, offering him a peck on the cheek.
"Thanks, Hogan. You've been an amazing friend my entire life, I owe you. Thanks for sticking around," he nodded seriously, but I saw a small smile hidden behind his carefully constructed mask. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
"Tomorrow," I said shakily, taking a deep breath, "First thing in the morning. I'm leaving, Hogan."
He just nodded and sat with me. When I was ready, I went back to the party. My friends looked concerned but said nothing, and for that I was grateful. When the party was over, I hugged them all tightly. They knew I was leaving soon, and I'm sure they'd figured out that it was tomorrow, because Amelia and Stacy had tears in their eyes as they grabbed me, hugging me tighter.
"Be strong, Bella, you're strong," Amelia said, tears brimming over both of our eyes, silently running down our cheeks. I nodded and hugged her again, wondering if I would ever get a chance to see her again. When the house was finally empty, nearly an hour later, I sat down and cried.