A/N: So...do I have any readers left? I'm not going to make any excuses for the VERY long wait between posts. It's been what? Two years, I think? Extremely long if you ask me. For a while, I just kind of lost the inspiration to write. But I'm back...for now. Since it's been a while, I might be out of touch with the characters so I hope you'll excuse anything different. Read on and enjoy :)

Disclaimer: [Insert witty disclaimer about how I'm using Stephenie Meyer's characters]

Chapter 20 Fountain of Death

A whole month passed. Four weeks with the Volturi without any indication as to why I was here. Thirty days of murder. Granted, I didn't kill all of the time, but twenty people were dead because of me. The Volturi were impressed with my ability to "suppress" my need to kill more. I wasn't. It isn't ability; the guilt transcends my thirst. At least, for a day or so… I hate being a newborn. The thirst is always there in the back of my mind, if not in the forefront screaming for attention.

The only things that help are memories of home, my life before filled with love, friendship, and happiness. Now I don't even have sleep to save me from my reality. Each time I try to remember something from my previous life, things get fuzzy. Though it hasn't been that long, I find myself forgetting things already. I remember my dad and Rebecca, but I only vaguely recall what they look like. I remember friends, male and female, but I forgot who they were. It saddens me, missing people I don't know. But that's my life now.

The one thing that remained the strongest was Daniel. I remember him and all the love, his hazel eyes staring deep into my soul. I remembered everything clearly. When I think of him, though, I hurt. A month went by and no sign of him or his family. It made me wonder if I was truly as important to him as he made me think. Maybe he was mistaken about imprinting. Or perhaps now that I'm a vampire, now that I'm dead, the whole imprint thing is gone and he could care less about me. After all, things did move rather quickly with us.

I shook myself from that train of thought. Lately, I seemed to be having more of those thoughts. I just couldn't help but feel like maybe they had given up on me. This, in turn, made me want to give up on them. After all, a month seemed like more than enough time to not only realize I was gone, but come to my rescue.

This time I physically shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts.

That was exactly when Chelsea took that moment to enter. It reminded me of the first time I met her; it was just after my first kill…

A vampire, possibly posing a threat to me, had just entered the room. My body, seemingly on automatic, swiftly moved into a corner so as to not be taken by surprise from behind.

The newcomer was a female with light brown hair and a couple inches shorter than I was. She was beautiful, but that was expected. She smiled pleasantly when she took in my defensive stance. As I stared into her red eyes, I felt a hint of ease with her being in the room.

Suddenly, from underneath her dark grey cloak, she pulled out a dress. Instead of preparing to attack at her sudden movement, I simply watched in curiosity. I couldn't understand why there was a change from my impulsive behavior earlier to the almost calm state I was in now.

"Master Aro sent me in here to give this to you. It's well known that newborns can be messy on their first feed. After all, you don't have the precision or patience to be aware of what is happening. All of your senses are filled with blood," the unknown vampire said. It sounded like she was trying to rationalize just how horrible of an act I had previously committed.

A brief moment of silence had passed between us. I wasn't sure how I should respond to that. She smiled again and, again, I felt content with her presence.

"I'm Chelsea," she said. "It's nice to meet you, Lily. Yes, I know who you are. In fact, the whole guard is aware of you. I would like to be the first to welcome you to the Volturi…"

After entering the room fully, she paused. "I see you have finished your meal," she said quietly, eyes flicking from the body on the floor to me.

I glanced at the girl before quickly looking away. Yes, unlucky 21, I thought bitterly to myself.

Stepping over the body, Chelsea walked over to me and stood by my side. "Lily, will you not join us, yet? Master would very much like to see you during meals. It saddens him that you've been here for a month, yet do not visit."

At that I pictured Aro and the guard sitting around a table, hands held and heads bowed in grace. I snorted at the image.

She mistook the snort as a response and pulled away in anger. "You know, we have been nothing but kind to you. We have fed you, clothed you, and offered you a nice place to stay. There is no need to sulk away in this room. We have done you no harm."

"Except take me away from my family," I muttered, referring to the Cullens. I didn't mean for her to hear it, but being a vampire it was inevitable. I might as well have shouted it from the rooftops.

"And where exactly is that family of yours, Lily? How long has it been?"

720 hours…far too long.

Her whole stance, eyes, and even voice softened. "They have not even attempted to contact you. How can you still call them family?"

I sighed. Although I didn't want to, I could see her point.

"I'm sorry, Chelsea. I didn't mean to upset you. You have been my only friend here. Do you forgive me?"

Even after all this time, I still hadn't gotten used to my voice. Actually, there was more than that. There was the speed that surprised me the first time I moved. I was quicker than I thought possible, with an agility I never had before in my life. And the new vision that allowed me to see in darkness as though it were clear as day. Plus enhanced hearing, much greater strength, everything. But mostly, there was the thirst. I thought of the first time I killed, again. It all happened so fast and was over before I realized what I was doing…

All too soon the blood was gone. The woman had long been limp in my arms, but I had not noticed until now. I looked down in horror at the figure in my arms. Quickly, but gently, I put her on the ground. As the realization of what I had just done sunk in, I slowly backed away from the now lifeless body in front of me. I couldn't believe I had just done that. I, who couldn't even kill a spider before, had just killed and drained an innocent person.

I looked down at my hands that were covered with blood. Even my clothing was spotted with it. What was wrong with me? I had just killed that woman and she did nothing wrong. I was a monster.


I am a monster.

Even with the knowledge of the horrible thing I had just done, there was still an ache at the back of my throat. I still wanted more. This only made me that much more disgusted with myself.

It hadn't gotten any easier since then.

"Of course, Lily, there's nothing to forgive. Now, how about we get out of this room finally!" She smiled at me and I felt better. Suddenly, I just wanted to follow her wherever she went.

For the first time in a month, I smiled. "Sure."

We explored the whole castle, careful to avoid outside. I was still a newborn after all, no need to expose us. What surprised me was that everyone we ran into, I liked; even when Chelsea brought us to the main chamber where Aro, Caius, and Marcus were seated. I found that I hated them less than I thought. It was almost like they gave me the chance to realize that the Cullens didn't care for me like they said.

"My dearest Liliana!" Aro exclaimed excitedly, "It is excellent to see you again. I am hoping you are doing much better now?"

I paused, recollecting our first meeting. Aro was just as enthusiastic then. Me, however, not so much. I screamed, I begged, I cried. It was not very pleasant.

"Yes, Master, I am much better." As soon as I said those words, I realized what I had just called Aro. I didn't mean to do that, it just slipped out. And yet, it sounded right.

His grin widened and for some reason it made me happy to know that I made him happy. I didn't know what was going on with me. First I was starting to give up on Daniel and the Cullens, then I appreciate the Volturi for kidnapping me, and now I was calling Aro, Master? Somewhere inside of me I knew this was wrong, but at the same time I felt at ease with these occurrences.

"Very well," he said before turning to Chelsea. "Well done getting Liliana out of her room. It is about time she change her settings."

For a second I wondered if there was a meaning behind that, but I pinned it off as lingering doubt.

As we were leaving, Aro called out to me. "Oh, Liliana? I hope you do not mind, but I will be paying you a visit later on."

When Chelsea and I were back in my room later, I asked her about what he said.

"I know just about as much as you do, Lily," she said. "What I do know, however, is that Aro usually requests someone's presence. He does not normally make personal visits. If he needs to send a message, someone else is sent. So whatever this is about must be of great importance."

Fear and honor were warring within me at that moment. What if he was going to kill me? No, he would have sent someone like Felix to do that. Suddenly, fear out won honor. What if he was coming to tell me he had the Cullens destroyed? I couldn't think that way, I just couldn't.

It was three hours after Chelsea left that Aro graced me with his presence. When he entered, I wasn't sure what to do. Do I bow? Do I take his coat? Do I offer refreshments and ask how his day has been? I didn't have to struggle with my silly thoughts for long since Aro got straight to the point.

"I have spoken to the Cullens." He paused only long enough for me to take in what he said. In that momentary pause, though, my mind started racing. I'm sure if my heart were still beating it would have been racing as well.

"They are quite aware of your presence here in Italy. I even offered them a place here. Regretfully, they have declined our invitation." He sighed, looking as sad and disappointed as he sounded. "It would appear that the Cullens do not wish to see you again. My dearest Liliana, I apologize on behalf of the Cullens. I hope this news does not sadden you too greatly. After all, you are very much wanted and adored here with us."

I couldn't respond at first. It was all true. The Cullens really didn't care about me. It was one thing to just think it, but now those thoughts were confirmed. At first, I wanted to just cry. After a while, though, I felt numb. The knowledge of the Cullens apathy towards my situation only solidified my resolve to make the Volturi my new family, my new home.

"Now I do not want you to feel like a prisoner here, however seeing as you are still a newborn we cannot let you leave just yet. When you gain control you are free to leave if you wish. If you so desire, you may even seek out the Cullens."

"No." My voice was firm. If they did not care about me, then I didn't care to reach out to them.

Aro sighed again, as if this saddened him as well. "Do not be rash in your decision-making, Liliana. I am sure there must be an explanation of some sort." I barely held back the eye roll—didn't want to appear rude, now did I? "Be that as it may, it is still quite upsetting they do not wish to join you in your stay. Now, I do not wish to depress you so I will take my leave. It was very nice to chat with you, Liliana. I hope we may do so again."

"Of course, Master." I bowed out of respect as he passed.

"Farewell, Liliana."


Once again, I was by myself, left to my traitorous thoughts. One part of me still wanted to give Daniel a chance to redeem himself. Maybe it was all just a misunderstanding.

Suddenly my room felt like it was suffocating me. I remembered a secluded garden Chelsea and I passed on our tour. Though she said it was far away from any human and it was safe, it was still outside. Earlier I didn't want to risk anything bad happening. At this moment, I was willing to take a chance.

The journey there didn't take very long thanks to my speed. I knew the chances of someone stumbling upon me here were slim so I was able to relax. According to Chelsea, vampires weren't very interested in "smelling the flowers."

I couldn't see why because as soon as I was within feet of the entrance I could smell the perfume of each flower and plant. The smell only became more potent once I entered, but not overwhelmingly so. I couldn't remember the names of the flowers very well, but I knew that flowers never smelled like this. I closed my eyes and took my time to breathe it all in. That action alone helped me to feel at peace.

When I opened my eyes, I looked around. Even in the moonlight I could see every vibrant color. I was entranced by the rainbow of colors throughout as well as the archways formed by the trees. I wondered who kept up with this if no one ventured here very often and why they did so. In the center of the garden was a beautifully lit-up fountain. Though I would have been able to see it just as well in the day, it seemed perfect at night. It was almost like this was my beacon of light amidst all the darkness. Drawn to it, like a moth to a flame, I approached it ever so slowly.

My hand reached out of its own accord. Marble to marble, my finger tips lightly grazed the surface. And that was all it took.

I was still in the garden, but it was now day time. Things were different, though. There weren't as many flowers and the archways were no longer there. Regular trees stood in their place instead. The main reason I could tell it was the same garden was because of the fountain. The lights were missing and it looked much newer, but other than that it was the very same one.

A young woman, a decade or so older than me physically, approached the fountain. She was beautiful, a serene smile on her face as she looked admiringly at the fountain. I could tell by her eyes that she was a vampire.

"Excuse me?" I called out to her. I wasn't sure what was happening and perhaps she knew something. She did not respond so I called out a second time. Turning towards me, she smiled, looking pleasantly surprised.

As I was about to start babbling, asking what was going on, she said, "Hello, brother."

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion until I heard a very familiar voice from behind me say, "Didyme."

I turned and saw Aro approaching me, but it looked as if he hadn't even noticed my presence. Instead, he was looking straight towards the woman, who I assumed to be Didyme. He was smiling, but it was nowhere near as pleasant as hers. He almost looked a bit feral. If she noticed, she did not comment on it.

"What brings you here, Aro? Has something happened?" she asked.

"Now sister, must I only be here for business? Can I not simply wish to visit you in this beautiful garden?"

"Beautiful garden? According to you, Marcus wasted his time building this for me. Are you simply trying to win favor of me?" Her voice was playful, but there was a hint of curiosity.

"Didyme, if you truly loved it here, why would you want to leave?"

The smile that was once serene became tight, much too forced to be natural. She was scared, I could tell.

"How did you find out?" Her words were calm on the surface.

Aro chuckled. "My darling sister, you should know that nothing gets by me. So do tell, how could you possibly leave your brother when he is in a time of need?"

Slowly, he moved closer to her, almost like a predator stalking its prey. Didyme did not move an inch even though it was obvious she wanted to be anywhere else. The smile she wore completely fell.

"You do not need us, Aro. Marcus and I are not essential to your plans. We do not wish to join you anymore, but we will not stop you. You will see that you can carry on without us. Please, brother, let us go. We find no joy here."

Aro sighed, "It is very unfortunate it has come to this. I thought we could be together forever, all of us. I will miss you, Didyme."

Her smile was back in full force; happiness seemed to be exuding from her. "You will let us go?"

"Yes, I will let you go."

"Oh, brother!" She hugged him quickly before pulling back to look at him, "You have made me very happy. Thank you! I should go tell Marcus, now."

He put his hands to her face, cradling her head in his hands. "I am afraid that will not do. You see, though I have agreed to let you go, I have done no such thing for Marcus. I cannot lose him now. And though you are my sister, my true blood, he is far more important than you. I will indeed miss you, Didyme."

Confusion passed to realization in a matter of seconds until finally horror settled in. With a quick move of his hands, her body was on the floor while her head remained in his hands. He kissed the forehead of Didyme. "Goodbye, dear sister."

And just as soon as I was there, I was back. The cool night no longer relaxed me. If anything, it only made things more ominous. I wondered if what I saw was real. Could vampires dream or hallucinate?

When I finally snapped out of my thoughts, I realized I wasn't alone. Immediately I went into a defensive stance. After what I just saw I did not feel very safe.

My eyes fell upon Marcus, more specifically the small smile on his lips. This was the first time I had seen any sort of emotion on him. The shock of his presence and peaceful expression was broken by him.

"Lovely place, isn't it?"

I thought it was at first, but when I had seen the dream—vision, whatever it was—it changed my mind. It was tainted and no longer seen as beautiful to me. However, for the first time he seemed rather happy, so I didn't want to ruin anything for him. I simply nodded instead.

"My wife loved it here. Every one found it strange that though she had the world at her fingertips she chose this. She found it very relaxing here. The fountain there was her favorite part of it. She could stare at it for hours."

He stared at the fountain wistfully. After a couple of minutes of silence, I decided to leave, but then he started speaking again. "I keep up with it for her. I have updated it and planted more. It is one of the only things I truly look forward to."

Burning curiosity got the best of me so I asked him what happened to his wife. I was hoping there was a different story behind it than what I saw. His smile disappeared and was replaced with pain and sadness. "My Didyme never harmed anyone, only bringing happiness to those around her. And yet somebody murdered her."

I hesitated before asking, "Do you know who it was?"

His face went blank but I could see the fire in his eyes. "No, but if I ever found out then I would make them suffer as I have."

I didn't know what to do then. What if I told him and accused Aro of murdering his wife and I was wrong? What if I was right? I still had no proof. Instead, I settled for, "I'm sure she would have loved what you've done. It's very beautiful."

He looked at me again, the fire in his eyes gone, and smiled. "Thank you."

I flashed a quick smile at him, hoping he could not see the panic inside of me, before I left and ran straight to my room.

I knew then that if I wanted to survive, I needed to play along and then find a way out without alerting Aro. How I would manage that, I had no idea. All I knew was that I could really use a miracle and soon.

Are you still with me?

I can't guarantee when the next chapter will be, but I'm hoping it won't be another year or two from now. Just keep me on alerts, that's all I can say.

Please let me know what you think, even if it's to complain about how long it's been. At least then I'll know if people are still interested...