Disclaimer: I own no one in this fic. Even the plot was inspired by Soon to be a Major Motion Picture, by Warren Dunford. Yes, that's right. I'm not even this creative. ~.^ I'm not sure how Heero is going to end up in this story, so I would recommend that obsessive Heero lovers stay away from it.

Warnings: OOC, AU, suggestions of strange pairings.

Under the Rainbow
A Gundam Wing Fic
Written by: Yuuki Miyaka

"Why did I ever agree to do this?" Quatre moaned into the mirror as he checked his outfit once more. He had on his favorite pink shirt, blue vest combination. Resolutely turning his mind away from the thought of that evening, he smoothed the pink linen once more. Not many men could pull off such a color, he almost preened, but the moment was broken as the doorbell rang. Quatre almost flew to the buzzer to let his friend Duo up, then hurriedly opened the door.

He watched Duo bounce up the three flights to his apartment, grateful that the horrid lime-green velvet and gold rose wallpaper no longer bothered his friend. When Duo was at the top of the stairs, they smiled at each other, Duo's smile excited and Quatre's own a touch queasy. He wondered once more why he agreed to join his friend.

They headed out as soon as Quatre grabbed his wallet, ending up in a small bar called The Rainbow Club. Quatre winced at the title, but trudged in after Duo. It wasn't long, however, before his friend completely abandoned him. Quatre sighed, swirling the colors in his tequila sunrise around as he watched Duo flirt. "Why me?" he moaned softly. "It isn't enough that I have a horrendous crush on my best friend, is it? Of course not. Instead, I also have to deal with him trying to get me a date!"

"Sounds absolutely horrible," the man beside Quatre confided, and Quatre blinked, turning to look at him. He wore a dark turtleneck, the cloth stretching over lean muscles in a way that was at once seductive and subtle. His hair was combed into a strange sort of uni-bang, falling deftly over his left eye when he glanced at Quatre. "I know exactly how you feel."

Quatre blushed brightly, murmuring something about the washroom and scampering away. Once there, he sat on the toilet seat, a protective layer of toilet paper between his rear and the plastic, and read ancient graffiti as he wondered what on earth had possessed him to join Duo in the first place. "I do NOT believe I did that," he whimpered, thinking about the turtleneck boy once more. I mean, that was just stupid." He was cute, Quatre's mind whispered back to him, which only made things worse.

Finally, Quatre exited the restroom, catching Duo's eye just as turtleneck boy turned to gaze at him. Duo wandered away from the tall man with straight platinum locks that he'd been flirting with and managed to meet Quatre just as the pink-shirted man made it to the door. "I can't stay here, Duo," Quatre said. "I feel wretched. I'm going to have to take a raincheck."

"Do you want me to come home with you?" Duo asked gently, and Quatre felt a flash of fear and longing.

"No, of course not! Stay here," Quatre assured Duo. "I'm just feeling too tired to continue." As he said it, he turned, and bumped straight into a man with messy brown hair and the most beautiful eyes Quatre had ever seen. The man gazed back at him with a raised eyebrow, then stepped around Quatre in order to enter the club proper. Quatre watched him go, then sighed. "Stay and have fun, Duo," he said quietly, before leaving the club to head back to his own, dismal hole in the wall.