It started with a note

This is a little IOU to sasukeloves. This story idea is hers. I read it from her story Notes in a desk. I recommend the story it was a little interesting.

A/N: This is something new I wished to try and once again I came with the idea from reading Notes on a desk. Please enjoy!

Sakura got up every morning and got ready for school. She had a large school at that. Sakura was really pretty with her waist length pink hair and shining green eyes but the thing is she is a vary nervous person. She is vary sweet and cares. When Sakura was done getting dressed she grabbed all the things she needed and left for school. She walks to school everyday. Alone.

She walked into the school and sat down in her 1st period class, seat. People were being loud and hysterical most kids at this school like to show off. But not Sakura she would prefer to not be seen. She's a junior and she's a little of a geek. She's vary pretty but really smart. It gets annoying sometimes.

Sakura was getting really bored of just sitting there so she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote on it.

Dear Anyone who sees this,

I'm so bored so I just decided to write this. It means nothing. You can just through it away if you'd like. I really don't care I'm just doing this out of boredom. If you do decide to write me back (which I doubt) Can I ask some questions? How are you? What grade are you in? What's your favorite color? How about food? Well I'll just have to see if your real or not.

From a very bored student.

Sakura read over it a few times before she stuck it into the desk. Sakura wondered if anyone would write back. She would have to check again tomorrow. Sakura went through the rest of the day wondering if anyone saw her note.

It took Sakura forever to fall asleep that night. She was so curious but she didn't want to get her hopes up though. What if someone through it away? Sakura wasn't sure. Finally by some miracle she fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning Sakura woke up and got ready and was off to school in a hurry. She was so curious to find out about her note. When Sakura got to the school she went tp her desk and opened it to reveal...

Her note from the day before. Her heart sank. Then she saw something on the back of her note she flipped it over and was surprised. Someone had written her back! She started to read over the words that were in perfect handwriting.

Dear bored student,

Being bored will make you want to do something. You showed a perfect example by writing. Of I'll write you back. You can ask away. I'm pretty bored too so I searched through this desk and found this. See we're not too different. I'm fine, thank you. I am 17 years old. I'm a senior. My favorite color is most likely red. I don't really have a favorite food. Right now I guess Pizza is ok. How about you? Can you tall me all your answers for your questions? Maybe you'll write me back.

From a curious senior.

Sakura was so happy she grabbed out a new piece of paper and began writing to her new friend.

A/N: How was it? Please rate and review! Have a good day!