Hope you like my very first fan fic, well, not the first one I published, but the very first one that I wrote. It starts with HipHuggers, ends up being DuCaine, sorry, but I love Horatio Caine, so I had to do DuCaine, but please read and sorry if most of the chapters seem a little short to you, when I typed them they seemed quite long on Microsoft Word, so I apologize in advance, and enjoy! Oh, and it starts with a flashback,

Calleigh and Eric were lounging on the couch at Calleigh's house and they were remembering when Eric first asked her out,

One year ago…

It was late, and Calleigh was working late at the lab when Eric showed up. He had come because he had forgotten his jacket, but then when he saw Calleigh working, he decided to finally ask her out. He strode purposefully into the lab, and laid a hand on Calleigh's shoulder. She jumped, and he said,

"Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to startle you, Calleigh."

"Don't worry about, I'm fine. So, what brings you here at 10 o'clock at night?"

"Oh, had to come get my jacket I left here earlier."


"Yeah," Calleigh looked at him and said,

"So, what's on your mind?"

"Well, Calleigh, uh, um, will you, uh, would you consider, um,"

"Spit it out, Eric," Calleigh said impatiently, and he spit out,

"Would you go out with me?" Calleigh looked shocked, and then she smiled and gently nodded.

"Yeah, I will." Eric grinned, and then walked out, a goofy grin on his face, but when he got out into the hall, he felt like clicking his heels, if he had any. She laughed, and wondered what their first date would be like. In fact, it was just a movie in a theatre, but it was heavenly for Calleigh.

Back to the present…

Calleigh got up and so did Eric and they went to take showers in separate bathrooms, as they both had the day off. Calleigh took a fast shower and got out, intending to join Eric. She tiptoed to the door and slowly opened it, taking special care not to creak or squeak. She peered in, as she heard noises. She was shocked at what she saw. There stood her sister in the shower with Eric, and, well, you get the picture.

I'm going to say this at the end of every chapter, because I LUV REVIEWS!!! Hope it doesn't bore you!