Title:: Will the game be over soon?

Day/Theme:: November 6th/Let someone ask my heart about your half drawn arrow.

Series:: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

Character(s)/Pairing(s):: (TYL) Hibari Kyouya/Chrome Dokuro+Rokudo Mukuro

Rating:: NC17

Genre:: Hurt/Comfort/Romance

Warning:: Smutty smut, anyone? And heavily implied sex if you insist

Word count:: 1160

Summary:: She never knew why he came to her. She also never knew why he had wanted her. And she never knew why she always played along on satisfying his needs. But, she knew that it was all just a game

Author's Note:: My first try on writing NC17 for 1896. So please, be easy on me. I never wrote something as explicit as this, though honestly I do think it wasn't explicit enough. (////). Even chapter 4 of 'The World Ten Years Ago' (the one with 5986's smutty scene) wasn't explicit like this one. DX. Your reviews/comments/critiques are definitely welcomed. Just tell me if you spot on any grammar mistakes (and there must be lots of them, cuz I'm writing this at 2 o'clock in the morning, while writing my NaNoWriMo novel at the same time, and finished it two hours and a half later), plot errors, and typos. Enjoy! X3

Chrome woke up in the middle of the night, her one eye barely able to see anything because Hibari had turned the lights off when he came to her room. She could hear his steady breath and faintly saw his chest going up and down along with each intake of breaths. His slightly tanned skin glowed under the full moon light. She suppressed the urge to touch him again just like a while ago. One touch and maybe Hibari would bite her to death for waking him up. He was a light sleeper.

She let out a small sigh and let her mind drift back to what had happened earlier that night.

She woke up abruptly when she heard the loud knocks on her door. She walked faster towards it when the unknown guest began to hit the door. When she opened the door, she was immediately attacked, literally, by Hibari. He had forcefully pulled her into a deep kiss. He kicked the door closed; one hand ripping her nightgown and the other switched the lights off.

She really tried hard to fight him back. She didn't want to be treated like this. But he was too strong and she couldn't do anything but to play along, just like the other time. And play along she did.

He threw her nightgown away and pushed her back to her bed. His lips savored hers, their tongues battling with each other ferociously. She pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders, prying his sleek black tie off his neck and her fingers fumbling with the buttons of his white shirt. With his shirt being thrown away, she tried to unbuckle his belt but was stopped because he had bitten her lips. She could taste the taste of iron inside her mouth.

He moved his lips away from hers and started to trail her jaw line, neck and then her cleavage. She could feel the shiver down to her spine when his tongue slipped inside her bra. His hands now moved to her back and were opening the clasp of her bra.

She arched her back when his mouth starting to sucked on her breasts. His hands moved away from her back and trace the outline of her panties before slipping it down to her legs. While his mouth was still savoring her breasts, his fingers were now tracing her inner thigh; making her unconsciously spread her legs open. And then he was there, delicately touched and slowly dipped inside. The pleasuring sensation his touch had given her was enormous. She couldn't help but moan and called his name over and over again.

His fingers moved rhythmically back and forth while his lips savoring hers again. Her moans were muffled by his mouth. Her hands were twisting and pulling the sheets under them. His fingers moved deep further and she couldn't hold back anymore. She cried out in sheer uncontrollable pleasure and screamed his first name.

She couldn't see clearly but she could faintly saw he had pulled away from her. He unbuckled his belt and slipped his trouser off with amazing speed. Then without any warning, he thrust inside her. She cried out again.

Tonight, she had lost again. She had lost not just once, but twice. She began to feel tired from all this entire game they played. She had lost count of how many nights he had come to her room and stay with her for the remaining night. She never knew why he came to her. She also never knew why he had wanted her. And she never knew why she always played along on satisfying his needs. But, she knew that it was all just a game. It was just a game with only two players, him and her.

There were no words exchanged between them every time he started to pry her nightgown or whatever clothes covering her off her body. There were only kisses, bites, touches, thrusts, lusts, and passions.

He never said anything when he kissed her, his kisses were always hard and aggressive and full of hunger. He never said anything to her when he savored her neck, biting it and licking it. He never said anything when his hands were fondling her breasts. He never said anything when he was penetrating her. He never said anything when they reached climax and just slumped above her body before fell asleep right after that.

There were supposed to be no strings attached in their games. It was rule number one. While they never agreed on any rules, Chrome realized that there had to be rules if they want to play this game safely. He never said anything about whatever they could or could not do and whether she was allowed to feel anything at all. So she made her own rule. No strings attached; no feelings, no commitment, no nothing…

It was all just a game, she always reminded herself whenever she started to feel the need of something more from him. She tried not to think more about this whole game. She tried really hard not to think that Hibari had feelings for her, because she was sure that he was not. But if he really didn't have any feelings for her, why did he always give her the

She sighed and then she pulled the blanket up to her chin, taking care not to make any unnecessary movement lest she would wake him up.

"How long will you keep up with him, my dear Chrome?"

She closed her eyes. The vision of that beautiful lake, the place where she first met Mukuro, replaced the bleak darkness of her room. And she found him, sitting under the tree by the lake side. He wore his usual white button down shirt and was twirling his trident. His long raven black hair was swinging freely along with the wind. She walked slowly towards him.

"Do you not feel any pain at all?" he asked her again. "I can feel it in your heart, my dear Chrome. You have started to love him."

Chrome sat beside him and Mukuro stopped playing with the trident. She tried to not look at his eyes. Because if he saw her eye, he would know immediately the feelings of pent up anger, sadness, disappointment and the love she had been hiding for Hibari.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Mukuro-sama."

A deep scowl formed on Mukuro's forehead. The trident disappeared from his hands and he put his hands on Chrome's shoulder.

"You know exactly what I am talking about, Chrome. He was just using you."

Chrome turned her head towards Mukuro and he could see her glistening with tears eye.

"I know, Mukuro-sama. I know…" The tears finally fell from her eyes. Chrome put her head on Mukuro's lap and sobbed.

Mukuro sighed and then pat her head. His cute little Chrome was in pain. If it was just physical pain, she could still endure it, he was sure of it. Because she have had experienced the worst. But, it was not something physical. His dearest Chrome's heart was in pain because of her love for Hibari.

"He didn't love you, my dearest Chrome."

"I know, Mukuro-sama. I know…"

Last Author's Note:: That was one tiresome fic writing. I never knew that writing pron will be this hard. Poor Chrome… Wonder what she'll do the next time Hibari come to her again, huh? No spoilers, cuz I'm saving it for the second part. This is part one of the Game of LoveTrilogy. It is also included in my 30 Days with Hibari, Chrome and sometimes Mukuro drabbles collection. But, because it was rated M, I decided to put it on a separate stories instead.

See you on the next part! Which will be published some seven days later (while ignoring the fact that I'll have my mid-term test just three days after). ^dies^