Title: "Quality Time"
Author: Pirate
Rating: G
Summary: Just a brief moment with Dakota,
Moo, and wishful thinking after a rescue. 100-word drabble.
Challenge: For this particular answer for ForeverInDisney's
November '08 monthly challenge, I paired Dakota Dude with
Disclaimer: Dakota Dude, Marshall Moo Montana,
and the C.O. of Moo Mesa are © & TM their respective
owners, not the author, and are used without permission. Everything
else is © & TM the author. The author makes absolutely no profit
off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is
Dakota Dude grinned as he pulled the loaded wagon to a stop in front of the saloon. He watched as Moo politely escorted each heifer off the wagon, his eyes silently feasting on the handsome, lithely muscular vision that was his love. With the rescue of the heifers from the brothel that had burned down, and most of them eager to find new employment quickly, the townsfolk should have their hooves full. Maybe, he thought hopefully, his smile growing at Moo's wink until it shone over his entire face, he and his partner could finally get some well-earned quality time.
The End