Hello all! ^^ It's about time I got off my butt and actually started another fanfic. This entire story was based off the song The River Below by Billy Talent. (Which is practically B's theme song.) Anyway, After first hearing the song and really listening to the song, I found that it sorta told a story. So, I decided to run with the idea.

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. If you believe otherwise, you're crazier then B.


I'm sick and I'm twisted

I'm broke and you can't fix it

Don't make me cause, Ill do it.

- River Below, Billy Talent

Prisoner # 61035658 of the California State Penitentiary laid his head back and chuckled. Why was he in such a good mood? he had just escaped said Hell-hole, and managed to get a ticket to Tokyo, Japan all in the same day. Quite a feat, for most people. But you see, Prisoner # 61035658 wasn't by any means a normal person. He was the man that would bring the world's greatest detective to his knees...and eventually...his murder.

He frowned when he felt a unwelcomed visitor standing beside him. "Do you need anything sirs?" A rather small flight attendant asked him and the 2 men sitting beside him. The other two replied with petty things. He looked away from the young woman, to glance above the two men's heads. Blythe Howard stood above the one closest to him, while the other had Dante Gibbs, scrawled in glowing red letters above his head, along with a series of numbers that were lowering in random patterns. He looked away, feeling light-headed from the sudden range of math he had just done. In the prison, he had no visitors, no signs of human life at all. Meaning that he had a lack of practice in the art. So, the man had only a few hours left. At this rate...he'd die after exiting the plane. His thoughts then drifted to what he had planned for the future to hold. A very welcoming darkness enveloped him, one that wouldn't end in a nightmare-ish failure.


L sighed giving a oblivious Matsuda a withering glare. "Light. Please explain it again, he still doesn't get it." Light rolled his eyes, and glared at the famed detective. "Ryuzaki." Watari's voice interrupted what argument was about to stir. "Yes Watari?" Watari gave a frustrated sigh. "There's a slight problem. Ryuzaki...you remember Rue don't you?" L froze. "What about him?" "...H-he's escaped from prison. And...the police in America believe that he's headed here." "Yes. That seems to be the most obvious thing for him to do. I was afraid he'd do something like this. Watari. Please keep all security cameras on at all times." "I certainly will."

L sighed. His life had just went from 'in danger' to 'dying within days'. But, something didn't make any sense. Why was B being so easy to track? The B he had known was leading everyone and nearly himself in circles. "R-Ryuzaki?" Matsuda'svoice broke him out of his reverie. "Well, I suppose I should tell you all. But, you're all in danger of being killed, including myself."


OKAY! Annnndddd DONE! XD This is just chapter one. I'm currently writing on more. But remember...reveiws give you more chappies! (If I get 2, TWO, reveiws I'll post another chapter.)