Who's your daddy!

Chapter one

I can have fun!

Casey lay on the bed staring up at the ceiling. How could she have been so stupid! This just wasn't like her. Usually she would plan everything right down to the last second, didn't matter the situation or time, everything was thought out before hand. She even planned what she socks she was going to wear the next morning. I guess that was where the problem started. 'No, scratch that,' thought Casey. The problem had undeniably started a few days ago when Derek had told Casey that she was a bore and had no idea how to have fun. Now Derek had told her this a million times of course and she had never let it bother her, but this time his words seemed to have had more of an effect on her. That was probably because earlier that week her boyfriend, Max had told her the same thing.

They had been making out on Casey's bed, when Max had tried to move his hand slowly under Casey's skirt. Casey had called him out on his advances and demanded to know what he thought he was doing. Max had merely smiled sheepishly and said "Oh come on Casey, we've been going out for months now what's so bad about wanting to take the next step in our relationship?" Casey looked at him like he was mad, she hadn't really thought about the idea, because she never thought she needed to. Surely it was far too early in the relationship to think about anything like that, or at least that's what she thought. Now that Max had mentioned it though, she could kind of see his point; they had been going out for quite a long time now, (almost six months to be exact) and max had never tried to make her do anything more then kiss. Max had interrupted her thoughts at that moment to say, "I mean Casey, you don't have to be all 'prim and proper' all the time, try taking a risk then and then and do something unusual,"

"I am taking a risk and doing something unusual, I'm letting you in my room and lie on my bed aren't I?" she pointed out with a triumphant smile. Max responded with a pitying smile and whispered quietly "You really don't know how to have fun do you." Casey had felt like she had been punched in the stomach as all the air had escaped her body at this comment. She had always thought that leading a well organised and structured lifestyle was fun. This is what she thought.

Casey continued to stare at the ceiling as though she was trying to memorise it. She noticed there was a crack in the ceiling and a strange reddish-orange stain of some sort. She sighed loudly.

After Max had left, Casey sat on her bad with her back against the wall. She wanted to have a long hard think everything that had happened and what Max had said. She had never gotten the chance to do this of course as, Derek came bounding into her room stuffing a slice of pizza in his mouth and smirking at her. Casey stared back at him till she got so annoyed she yelled "What!" at him. Derek's smirk grew at the irritation he was clearly inflicting on her, then said (mouth still full of pizza) "I heard your conversation with Max earlier."

Casey face flushed red with anger and screamed "You were listening! I can't believe you eve-dropped on me that is low." Derek, clearly enjoying every minute of his torment said in a mocking voice "Casey, Casey, Casey, how could you leave poor max hanging for months and no give him any, now that's low."

Derek thought Casey was going to explode from all the different emotions that were appearing on her face going embarrassed to disgust to furious. Before Casey could start ranting at him again Derek said "Casey it was a joke relax, Max was right you really don't know how to have fun, sometimes if I didn't get so much amusement from making fun of you, you'd probably bore me to death." Then he left chuckling to himself of his analysis of his boring, prudish stepsister. Casey remained on her bed, hurt. She was not boring, just because she didn't do stupid immature stuff like Derek didn't mean she didn't know how t have fun. In fact she would show Derek, and Max just how fun and exciting she could be, starting tomorrow. She just had to figure out how.

The next day when Casey woke up, as usual she showered then opened her closet to get dressed and before getting dressed she wondered what would class as a fun outfit. She digged into the very back of her closet and found one of her old skirts she hadn't worn in years, she was planning on giving it to Lizzie but figured it would come in handy now. It was an old tartan minie skirt one of her old friends had gotten her for her birthday years ago. It wasn't really her style but felt rude to return it so she kept it in the back of her closet out of the way. She then pulled out a black vest top with the words 'cute kitty' written in pink gems across it, which she thought was sweet. She finished this outfit with a pair of small, black stilettos, and let her hair fall in its normal curls. She checked her self out in the mirror. She definitely looked different, but wasn't sure whether it was exciting. She didn't have time to change anyway so she made her way down the stairs for breakfast.

When she arrived in the kitchen everyone was already dressed and was eating their breakfasts. Except Derek who was still in his . no doubt he would throw on any old pair of jeans and t-shirt at the last minute. As Casey walked over to the island saying "Good morning" to everyone and grabbing her cereal she felt Derek's eyes on her.

"Casey, you look different this morning," noticed Nora eyeing her daughter nervously. When and if ever her daughter dresses like this it was usually to make a statement so she was a little unsure whether to compliment her or not.

"Yeah, Casey, are you trying to impress some guy?" asked Lizzie with a smile. For reasons Casey couldn't explain, her eyes darted towards Derek and he had his usual signature smirk playing on his lips. He knew exactly what Casey was up to and as far as he was concerned she was wasting her time. A squeaky clean keener like Casey could never be fun and exciting, it just wasn't done.

"No," replied Casey, "I just thought it was time for a change. I wouldn't want anyone thinking I was predictable and boring." She directed her last comment at Derek, but George who wasn't really paying attention to the looks she was giving Derek, said "Now, Casey nobody thinks your boring." He drained the rest of his glass of milk and then left for work. "I don't think you're boring Casey," assured Marti sweetly. Casey smiled at her. Marti always knew how to cheer you up. "Thanks, Marti."

"Okay now kids, off to school. Marti come on I'll drop you off on the way to work," ordered Nora as she shooed everyone out the house.

Edwin and Lizzie caught the bus to junior high, and Derek and Casey drove to their school in Derek's car. It was silent for a while which Casey liked but then Derek had to ruin it by saying "Casey, why are you even bothering you know you're as boring as grass, so why even try?"

"I am not boring Derek and I am going to prove it to you, one way or the other," guaranteed Casey confidently.

Derek shook his head amused and parked in the school parking lot and watched as Casey scrambled out, every now and then pulling at the end of her skirt and stumbling a little in her heels. Derek knew he was wrong Casey was amusing, just not in the way she wants to be. She had provided him with many laughs in the past and he was sure this wasn't going to be any different.

Gets better i promise. So if you are enjoying what I've uploaded so far and you want to know what Casey's mistake is, or you just wanna give me some advice, just send me a little review. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas!! xx