Drabble Challenge - Word: Skin
Word Count: 100
Co-conspirators: Mad Server, Onyx Moonbeam, Iheartsam7, Orange Autumn, NC Girl, Nana56, Muffy Morrigan, mahtalie, Sherry Darling, supernaturalsammy67, TCB 0.5, twinchaosblade, InSecret, deangirl1, supernoodle, vanessa sgroi, moonlight80, Chailyn, Dream Painter, Enkidu07.
He was dripping dryad goo on the counter. The cashier was staring at his chest. He pulled his drenched shirt loose again.
"I said, a fill up on pump five, please." He waved some bills.
Her gaze moved to the door as Dean blew in, holding his ruined shirt by two fingers. "Sam, hurry up. This crap is so freaking gross. I've got to change." Dean wiped at his chest with the shirt, grimacing. His eyes tracked to the cashier's intent stare. He managed a weak smile, fair skin reddening.
And here Sam'd thought Dean had forgotten how to blush.