An: So you all asked for a new ROGAN so here you go. It's a story that changes the characters a bit, but they are still how we love them. Set around the holidays after Rory turns 27. Logan is back in New York as is everyone else. Lorelai and Luke live happily in Stars Hollow. I don't own Gilmore Girls but are hoping for at least a two hour movie!!
Ch 1
Christmas time is the busiest time of the year and especially in New York City. It's a little less than a month before Christmas and I'm entering Macy's to pick up grandma's coach bag that they are holding for me. Pulling the Hayden influence normally gets what I want, and working crazy schedule like I do at CNN, it came in handy. I've been living in NYC for the last three years and I love it. I came here after spending 18 months traveling around with the Obama Campaign for president. I needed normalcy and the ability to separate work and I personal life. So here I am on the Saturday after thanksgiving hitting the store for more gifts. Mom and I hit Harford yesterday for Black Friday and bought everything for us instead.
I walk passed the perfume counter and see a little boy cradled in the corner crying. "Hey there sweetie are you okay" I question kneeling down to be eye level with him.
"I'm lost" he says rubbing his eyes before pushing some of the crazy blonde hair out of his eyes. He has to be no older than 3 years. He must have gotten separated from his parents. I feel sorry for him. Who knows how long he has been lost?
"Where are your mommy and daddy" I question and he shrugs.
"Are you here with mommy or daddy?" I questions again, getting a pad out of my bag.
"Press" he says smirking and it looks awfully familiar.
"I'm a reporter but right now, I'm a friend okay" I say smiling.
"Daddy press" he says proudly and I laugh.
"So are you here with Mommy or daddy" I question again.
"Daddy" he says excitedly.
"Do you know daddy's name" I question and he looks like he's thinking.
"Daddy" he says again and I laugh.
"Okay what about your name" I ask.
"Um…" he says scratching his temple and that too is familiar.
"Alex" he says.
"Well Alex, I'm Rory" I say extending my hand and he shakes it.
"Boy that's a strong handshake for a little guy" I laugh.
"Like daddy's that's what Pop says" he says and I smile.
"Okay Alex, will you let me help you find your daddy?" I question. He nods and I stand up. He extends his hand and I take it.
"Where to Alex" I question him.
"Mean big guy" he says and I almost have to laugh.
"You mean Santa" I question.
"Mean big guy" he restates and I figured out why he ran away, he was afraid.
"Hey you want to know I secret I say lifting him up on the escalader. He nods and I smile.
"I was afraid of Santa too when I was your age and a little now too" I say and he's shocked. We get off the escalader and I go to put him down and hold on tighter around my neck. I see Santa ahead of us.
"Okay, I won't let him hurt you" I say rubbing his back.
"Do you see Daddy" I question and he looks over my shoulder and shakes no.
"Hey, I know this really cool place that all these kids go when their daddy's get lost wanna try there" I question think of Child lost and found.
"Me lost" Alex giggles.
"No, I think Daddy's lost, you look too smart to be a lost boy" I smirk wondering if he knows what I mean.
"Pan…Pan" he exclaims.
"Yes Peter pan. Wow you are smart" I laugh walking to the child lost and found.
"He's three years old with blonde hair how hard would it be to actually do some damn work and find my son" I hear someone yell, the voice is all too familiar no matter that I haven't heard it in almost 5 years.
"That's daddy" Alex exclaims and let him down and he goes running.
"Daddy" he yells and I see the man that I haven't seen in about 5 years whip around.
"Alex" he says grabbing Alex in his arms and hugging him tight.
"You got lost daddy like Pan" he says and I laugh. Logan just looks at him oddly.
"You shouldn't let that little guy too far away from you, he's quite a charmer" I say making my presence known and Logan looks at me.
"Ace" he says shocked.
"No Rory, daddy Ro-ry" Alex says correcting him.
"Right my mistake, buddy" he laughs and it's picture perfect watching Logan with his son.
"She's press daddy like you and she's nice and she's afraid of Santa too and she knows Pan" Alex exclaims wiggly out of Logan's arms and coming towards me.
"Thank you Rory" he says hugging my leg and I see Logan look away.
"You're very welcome Alex, but do me a favor, stick close to your Daddy okay, I don't think you should lose him again" I say and he smiles. Logan picks him up and Alex whispers something.
"Buddy I don't know, Rory might be busy, but it was extremely fortunate that someone as good as Rory found you buddy" Logan says coming closer.
"Ask her daddy, pleaseeeee" he begs Logan and I laugh.
"Alex wants to know if you want to join us for hot chocolate" Logan says coming even closer and I think about it. What if he's married or dating someone serious and they have Alex? It's just hot chocolate Rory, you can do this. You miss Logan.
"Will there be extra whip cream?" I question and Logan shakes his head knowing some things never change.
"Yep and a cherry and cookies too right daddy" Alex says.
"Right you are" he says looking at Alex.
"What do you say, Ace spend a little more time with us unless you have someone wanting for you" Logan smirks. Nice one Huntzberger, trying to see if I'm with anyone. Tristan and I broke up so why not.
"Daddy its Rory" Alex exclaims shaking his head.
"I need to pick something up first, but let's say up front in 20 minutes" I say.
"We'll be there" Logan winks. He knows I'm unattached, but his he?
"No, I wanna go with Rory" Alex states.
"Alex" Logan says sternly.
"I like Rory she's nice and pretty and blue eyes. I like blue daddy and you like blue too" Alex reasons with him. I find it hard not to laugh at the Master and Commander being outdone by a three year old.
"It's fine with me, I just need to pick up a gift that's all" I say.
"Are you sure you don't mind?" Logan says.
"Nope, I like I said he's a charmer" I smirk as Alex wiggles out of his arms and comes to stand next to me. He extends his hand and I take it.
"Sure you hold Rory's hand" Logan states.
"I'm pretty" I laugh over my shoulder and he looks shocked at me as I walk away.
"I have a reserved bag for Hayden" I say to the clerk as I place Alex on the counter.
"Hayden" Logan questions me as the clerk goes to the back for the bag and I nod.
"Things change Logan" I say playing with Alex's hair.
"Here you go Ms Hayden" the clerk says handing me a bag and I look inside with Alex.
"Yuck" Alex says and I laugh.
"It's for my grandma Alex, she has weird taste" I say and he nods.
"Grammy too" he says and I laugh knowing he's talking about Shira. I take out my wallet and hand over my card and I see Logan watching me.
"Who are you and what did you do with Rory Gilmore" he laughs.
"I'm still me Logan, but with more responsibility and an unlimited black card, you should know all about that" I smirk and he laughs.
20 minutes later we are sitting in the cold winter air sipping on the hot chocolates and watching Alex play in the snow. Anyone looking would see a lovely couple and their son. "You look amazing" Logan says and I blush.
"Thanks. You're great with him" I say.
"I have to be, I'm the only one he has" he says and I feel sad for him. I guess that answers my question as to if he's with anyone.
"I'm sorry" I say as Alex comes running to us with a snowball.
"What are you doing with that little man" Logan questions.
"This" he says and he hits Logan with it and I laugh.
"That was so not cool little man" he says brushing snow off his jacket.
"But it was hilarious" I laugh and he looks at me as Alex goes off to get more.
"There's no need to be sorry Ace, you were the one who left him in the hospital alone when I went to clothes for us after giving birth to only overdose two weeks later in Vegas" he says and I can hear the anger in his voice.
"I can't even comprehend what that was like for you. She didn't deserve you or Alex than" I state.
"I knew that when I broke up with her but she laughed and said she was pregnant. I had to push her to have Alex and then Dad paid her to sign off her rights. Nikki's parents don't even want anything to do with him" Logan says.
"But he has you and that more than enough Logan" I say touching his arm lightly.
"Thank you for finding him. I was so lost when I couldn't find him. I thought I would never find him" he says taking my hand.
"You're welcome" I say.
"Do you know how many times I thought about seeing you again over the years and it was never with you finding my son" he says laughing a little.
"I know, me too" I smile.
"Daddy sleepy" Alex says climbing up on Logan's lap.
"I think that's our cue to leave" he says as I grab the cups and through them out and grab my bags.
"Well it was nice seeing again Logan and meeting you Alex" I say.
"Bye Ace" Logan says smiling and Alex waves before laying his head down. I smile and turned walking away.
So what do you all think! I'm an attention Junkie and want reviews, let's try ten for the next chapter??