La Corda d'oro: Stupid Cupid

Hi this is my first La Corda d'oro fic, so please be nice, I'm so use to writing vampire knight stories but I decided to take a break. Oh and I usually write lemons so if you don't like lemons I'm sorry, but this fic will have a lemon. There are no lemons in this first chapter but there will be some in later chapters k:)

*I don't own anything*

Chapter 1: A terrible love spell

"Oh no I'm late!" Kaho checked her watch as she jogged through the park. It was after the school's annual musical competition that she summand the gall to finally ask Tsukimori Len for his help, and now she was going to be late.


"Tsukimori-kun" Kaho walked up to Len, she looked incredibly nervous, "what is it Hino" as if he didn't already know the girl as been begging him to teach her how to get better with her violin, for quit some time, she always got nervous like this every time she asked, am I really that scary Len thought to himself. "umm I was hoping maybe, if you have the time..." "Friday at 5:00pm in the park right near the big oak tree, and don't be late" Len told Kaho while leaving. "what so you mean your going to help me" Kaho followed him to get an answer. "Yes now if you don't mind I need to practice" Len finished and closed the door between them so there was no further discussion. "were did that come from I wonder, he's refused every other time. Maybe I annoyed him" Kaho told herself, but ether way she was finally going to get the help she wanted.

End of flashback

He might not want to help me now, theres no doubt in my mind Tsukimori-kun would not tolerate tardiness Kaho thought to herself. Kaho looked around to try and find Tsukimori, but he was nowhere in sight, I could have sworn this is were he asked to meet. Kaho looked to her right, and her face turned as bright as a scarlet rose, there before her were two lovers entwined in each others arms. The blond haired boy's hand roomed around the womans body, he kissed her senseless like he was oblivious to the world around him. Kaho quickly looked away to her left and there was another couple in love, they were sitting on a bench making out and holding one another in a sensual way. "what?!" Kaho said to herself as she looked around to see a bunch of couples around her, every one of them were to busy kissing one another to notice Kaho's loud comment.

"Hino-san?" Kaho turned and found an irritated Tsukimori. "Tsukimori-kun, gomen?!" Kaho bowed inside she was waiting to be scalded for being late but there was nothing. She lifted her head to find that Tsukimori wasn't even looking at her. He was blushing in irritation as he frowned at all the loving couples couldn't they do this somewhere privet, some people have no dignity, Len thought to himself. He sighed and walked over to the park bench, Len set his case down and gently pulled out his violin. Kaho stared for a minute then realized it was time to practice, she quickly ran to Tsukimori's side but was stopped when a red flash zoomed passed her head. There it was a fairy like creature almost identical to lily, but glowed in a bright red light, smiling at Kaho.

"waaa here you are I've been looking for you everywhere, Hino-chan!" the fairy flew around in a joyful mode. "who are you?" Kaho asked, she shook her head a little to make sure she wasn't dreaming. "It's me Lilly Kaho, I know I look different but I have been given a promotion higher up, I'm now a love fairy" He stood with pride as he announced to her his victory. Kaho tipped her head to the side and walked away. "But I already have a problem, I need your help Kaho-chan!" Lilly pulled on her arm to get her attention again. "what is that?" Lens voice made both Kaho and Lilly jump. "w..what!?" Kaho looked at Len he was staring right at Lilly. "that this there what is it?" Len looked bored but it was obvious he meant Lilly, "thats umm, its a toy" Kaho grabs Lilly in her hands and stuffs him in her pocket. "Kaho.... another..... fairy" Lilly tried to tell her but she wasn't listening.

"whatever lets get started" Len lifted up his violin, then ZAP. A red light was glowing around lens body, he froze in place for a long while then collapsed on the bench behind him rubbing his head "ow" he said. "Tsukimori-kun, are you alright" Kaho asked. She turned her head to the right when she heard giggling. There was another fairy, it's hair was bright pink and its body was glowing red, now I know what Lilly wanted Kaho thought. Lilly flies out of Kaho's pocket, his hands on his hips and he spoke "Kio-chan your breaking the rules Median orders you to put everyone back to normal and see her immediately!".

"No I don't want to, oh look he's awake" Kio giggled. A long set of arms wrapped around Kaho and someones face snuggled into her neck "Kaho-chan" Kaho could see from the corner of her eye, the blue hair, "chan?!" she blushed. "hehe more love, now for you, the fairy lifted his wand ready to zap Kaho when Lilly reached for the wand, and stopped him, "your coming with me Kio now!", "Nee you cant make me" the fairy took off into the sky. "waaa I'll get him Kaho you just wait there. Lilly followed him, and Kaho was left with Len still wrapped around her oblivious to what was happening. " Tsukimori-kun...?" Kaho turned around to look a Len. It happened so fast Kaho didn't know what hit her, Len leaned in and kissed her, he pulled her into his warm body and continued to kiss Kaho, she felt her body go weak and a scarlet blush covered her face, what do I do now?

Hi I redid this fanfic to be longer, I didn't like what I had before for the first chapter, some of it is the same though. I don't know how good I will be updating but I'll do my best give me some encouragement and you'll have me working on it in no time:)