A/N: So this is it. I'm late, I was busy uploading videos on veoh instead. HEHE I hope you people won't ask me for the whole night scene 'cause truthfully I have no idea how two women does it. LOL (Feigned innocence) Really, please don't give me that look.

I do not own Maria-sama ga miteru characters.

"Yumi-sama, are you alright?" Hana asked. They arrived to the next destination she promised to bring Yumi first.

"Yes, I'm alright." Yumi looking at the ice rink. "I've never been here before. It looks fun." Yumi said as her eyes sparkled with merriment.

"Yeah, it's very fun. I love skating. We used to live in the northern area in the US before we came back to Japan." Hana added.

"Is that where you learn to ice skate?" Yumi asked.

"No. Since I was young my parents force me to join figure skating." Hana smiled at Yumi.

"AH! You're a figure skater? So you wear that frilly stuff? How wonderful! Hana-chan, show me some moves please…" Yumi with pleading eyes.

"Ah yes, as you wish. Demo Yumi-sama, I want to skate with you." Hana gave in. She really enjoys Yumi's company.

"Eh? I don't know anything about figure skating or ice skating for that matter." Yumi hesitated.

"It's ok. I will show you a little." Hana said with reassuring smile.


"Sachiko-oneesama, what are we going to do?" Touko asked very troubled. "We shouldn't stand here like a harlot." Every male is looking at them. Well they are standing right outside the Erotic boutique shop.

"Okay let's move over there. I'm sure this is the only costumer exit of the building." Sachiko said still guarding on the side. She's determined to confront Hana right there. There's a tiny regret that she let Yumi go on a date. And if something happens to Yumi, she wouldn't think twice hiring an assassin or she'll kill Hana herself.

"Ah! I'll call Yumi." Sachiko said as if the greatest idea just entered her mind, Thank God for Cellphones. She dialed Yumi's number. It's ringing but Yumi's not picking it up. 'The person you are trying to reach is not available. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEEEP!' The line went to voicemail. "Yumi, it's me. Please call me back; I need to know if you are safe." Sachiko left her first voice message.

10 minutes later, she called again. Her excuse was she forgot to tell Yumi who left the voicemail, and might have not registered the number. Still Yumi did not pick up the phone. Sachiko ends up leaving another voicemail. Many bad thoughts is going through her mind right now, she and called again after 7 mins; she is getting paranoid and impatient. Then the time intervals between calls became lower and lower, until she left about 8-10 voicemails.


Hana demonstrated a few spins. Upright spin, then the scratch spins and arabesque spiral glide. But since she's wearing normal clothing, she wasn't able to perform the right angle for her leg. Not that her performance was a failure. In fact in Yumi's eyes it looks perfect.

"Hana-chan, you are so cool." Yumi cheered as the crowd gathered around her to watch up close. Hana glides few more with jumps and skating backwards. There was applause from the audience.


"It's taking so long, could it be Yumi is in trouble?" Sachiko said, talking to no one in particular, starting with the hysteria. "Satsuki-san must have threatened Yumi. Or maybe she kidnapped Yumi."

"Are you sure she's even here right now?" Touko asked. "The GPS might have been wrong Sachiko-sama." Touko said, trying to calm Sachiko down.

"Right! Let's check the GPS again." Sachiko said with a light of hope in her eyes. The dot is not in the area anymore. "She's not here. They moved? Is this thing accurate?"

"There may have been a lag with the data, Sachiko-sama." Touko said.

"Then if that's the case, Yumi is not here anymore. GPS are supposed to be on time." Sachiko complained. "Had I been cheated?"

"Well, where is she now?" Touko asked. She knew Yumi would never go to an adult store.

"The dot is somewhere behind this block where we are now. It says an arena, I'm not sure." Sachiko said. "Can you follow this? Look here, if we zoomed in the map says there's a small passage way near here."

Touko spotted small alley, she looked at the direction. "They could have not taken this road, could they? I mean the GPS maybe right. She was in the area awhile back, but not inside the store." Touko speculated.

"Yes, you might be right. Anyway let's follow her now." Sachiko said, looking back at her phone. Thank God for GPS.


"Wow!" The crowd asked for Hana to perform again, and was cheering for more. Yumi clapped and struggled to keep steady on ice.

"Hana-chan," Yumi called. "One more time." Enjoying the show than to participate skating, she's stalling her date because she's still new to skating.

Hana just nodded. She saw Yumi's really appreciating her, she doesn't mind doing a performance. Like Sachiko, she's used to the crowd and how to entertain people. Her father is a big time businessman after all. After 15mins of her performance:

"Yumi-sama, will you skate with me?" Hana asked and lend a hand to Yumi.

"I will only be in the way. Won't it be better I just watch you?" Yumi asked.

"No. Yumi-sama is my date. Please join me?" Hana asked.

"O-okay." Yumi held Hana's hands. Somewhere in her heart she wished it was Sachiko she's having fun with.


Sachiko spotted Yumi from a distance. There was a large crowd of skaters watching Hana performed. 'Show off!' Sachiko thought. Touko and herself sitting by the bench watching the skaters glide through the ice.

"Is she trying to win Onee-sama's heart?" Touko asked, watching closely using Sachiko's binocular. They've been passing it back and forth.

"Let me see." Sachiko asked for her binocular back. "Looks like it. She's dragging Yumi into this."

"Does onee-sama even know how to skate?" Touko asked. "And she's wearing a skirt too. I don't think it's a good idea, her skating like that."

"Yeah and Yumi doesn't know how to skate, at least not that I know of." Sachiko answered not taking off her eyes on the rink. "See, she fell." Watching Yumi scrambling to get up, Hana lend a hand. 'Grrr...B*tch, Don't touch my Yumi.' Sachiko cursed mentally. And Hana did let go of Yumi, letting her glide on her own. So Yumi fell on her butt again. 'Uh!'

"Looks like Onee-sama is having fun." Touko pouted. She hasn't even dated her Onee-sama yet.

"Mmn… Yumi is wearing a sexy panty." Sachiko said as the blush slowly crawling from her neck going up to her face.

"Please don't share your perverted ideas." Touko said looking away.

"I'm sorry, I just happen to see a glimpse of it." Sachiko reasoned. "It was lacy and it's black. But why it's different today? I've never seen that before kind before. Yumi's underwear usually has strawberry prints and bears."

"Ah! Too much information!" Touko blushed. "What are you watching so closely Sachiko-sama?"


"That was fun!" Yumi said panting a little on the side, by the benches further away from the crowd.

"Are you thirsty Yumi-sama? I can get you something to drink." Hana offered. She's used to cold weather so looking at Yumi shivering from cold. Must be the skirt she wore too. She thought Yumi-sama is so sexy today, there must be other plans.

"Yes, please. I'm really cold." Yumi said and smiled. "But maybe we should go together.

"Okay," Hana watched Yumi closely as she looked the time in her wristwatch. "Do you have other plans Yumi-sama?"

"Eh? Ah, not right now. I have plans later after our date." Yumi said and stood up to get herself something warm to drink. They manage to kill an hour or two.

"Was it for that someone special?" Hana asked.

"Yes," Yumi said and smiled happily. "Hana-chan, when did you learn you like women? How old were you?" Yumi asked personal question.

"I've only like men before. I like you a lot, the first time I saw you." Hana said. "I did not know why, but I was so interested in you." Hana confessed.

"I understand. But isn't it better to forget about me? B-because someone I love very much also loves me back." Yumi said.

"Is she's your girlfriend, Yumi-sama?" Hana asked dejectedly.

"Yes, and please don't tell anyone." Yumi said.

"IF she is a better person than I am, I won't tell a soul." Hana said. She's testing Yumi. She thought it might just be a joke, since she has never seen Yumi-sama with her girlfriend before.

"I see. When I see her next time I will introduce her to you." Yumi said. "I trust you will not tell on us."

"You have my word." Hana promised.

After that, they went window shopping at the nearby mall. They visited the arcade too. Yumi needs to get groceries, so Hana accompanied her to the store. On their way out Hana offered to help Yumi, in which the en bouton hesitated but accepted Hana's good intentions anyway.


"Touko-chan, what did they buy?" Sachiko asked waiting outside the store.

"Whip cream and fresh strawberries." Touko said, in disguise with wig. She followed Yumi and Hana in the grocery store. "Is she making a cake?" Touko asked.

"That could not be, she gave presents to everyone already." Sachiko thinking, she dreaded the next idea that entered her mind. Could it be Hana is going to take Yumi somewhere private and do this, and do that? $≠x + #o+єℓ = ю√έπ§ her mind processed. NO! She is taking back Yumi now.

"What is it Sachiko-oneesama?" Touko asked, as her Super grande soeur is blazing with murderous aura.

"Let's go find them Touko-chan!" Sachiko said firmly.



Sachiko was covering her mouth with her hand and Touko was extremely horrified as they were passing Hotels and Love motels are lined up to their left and right. It was already dark so the lights twinkled in the area, very colorful scenery. After they look around the grocery store, Yumi and Hana had left already and so they took a taxi cab ride and followed Yumi by GPS again. Asked the driver to take them to the address where Yumi was. Destination: C Tower Hotel.

"Ma'am we are here." The cab driver informed. His two passengers seem to be too shock and has not move for awhile.

"Y-yes, thank you. Here." Touko handed him the payment. They end up on a 30-stories high Hotel. That was the address the GPS said to be where Yumi is located. "Sachiko-oneesama?"

"I'm not feeling too well." Sachiko said having difficulty breathing, no, this not happening. Yumi is letting Hana do this? Is Yumi cheating on her? Does Yumi not love her anymore? Yumi..

"Sachiko-sama!" Touko called louder. Sachiko snapped back to reality but still is trembling and somehow gasping for breath. "Mr. Driver, please take us to the Ogasawara residence."

"No." Sachiko sternly denied. "Let me get off here. Touko-chan, you can go home now. Please?" Sachiko asked. She's shaking from fear and anger; all Sachiko wanted to do is find Yumi. "I want to talk to Yumi."

"Demo?" Touko worried. But she understands that it's Yumi and Sachiko's personal problems. She just came along because she's worried about her Onee-sama and her distant relative.

"It's ok. I'll be fine." Sachiko said. Though she said that, she has no courage to get out the taxi. So Touko and the cab driver patiently waited.


Yumi stood at the front desk asking the receptionist for her key. She showed an advance reservation certificate. It was prepaid too. Hana thought, why at this expensive hotel? She never thought Yumi-sama have such money for this kind of Valentine's gift. The receptionist informed it was dinner for two at the highest floor, and handed Yumi a key card. It was a private non-smoking suite, with the best viewing for the fireworks show. The receptionist also informed that dinner will be delivered at 7:30pm in her room.

"Thank you very much." Yumi said and smiled at the receptionist. "Glad I made it in time. Grandpa would really kill me if I can't do this right." She said to Hana.

"Yumi-sama? You are on a date with your grandfather?" Hana confused. Yumi just smiled.

"Yumi-chan…." Someone called from behind. Yumi turned around to see … Sei-sama ran up to her and embraced. Hana looked surprised.

"Sei-sama!" Yumi is very much surprised too.

"Darling, you're finally here!" Sei said. "I missed you so much, baby."

"Eh!? R-really—???" Yumi eyes turned to slits.

"Yumi-sama? Is she your girlfriend?" Hana asked, looking at Sei with scrutiny.

"Eh?" Yumi surprised.

"Sure. Yumi is my girlfriend." Sei said. "Who might you be?" Sei asked hugging Yumi possessively.

"Satsuki Hana. And you are?" Hana asked. Yumi looked back and forth; there must be some kind of battle going on.

"Satou Sei, Lillian University student." Sei boasted.

"Ah. I see." Hana said not believing Sei.

"Babe, where's my chocolates?" Sei begged.

"You are not getting any from me." Yumi answered.

"Ah, then maybe your gift for me is your b-o-d-y?" Sei asked playfully tracing Yumi's body.

"Didn't you get chocolates from Shimako-san?" Yumi asked and ignored Sei's teasing.

"Ara! Are you jealous?" Sei asked. "You know she is my petite soeur, but you are the love of my life. There is nothing to jealous about, darling." Sei teased.

"I'm not jealous at all." Yumi said nonchalantly.

All the while Hana observe the closeness of Sei and Yumi, she is not convinced that they have a relationship. But Yumi-sama never denied them being girlfriends. Plus, she mentioned Shimako-san as her petite soeur. Sei-sama must be the former Rosa Gigantea. Perhaps this Sei is really Yumi-sama's girlfriend.

"Yumi-sama, I'll get going now." Hana smiled at Yumi. "I had fun today. Thank you very much."

"You are welcome. Hana-chan, your promise…" Yumi asked about not telling anyone about her having a girlfriend, though Sei is not the real one I guess she could protect Sachiko this way.

"I'll keep my promise." Hana said. "Sei-sama, please take good care of Yumi-sama."

"I always do." Sei said and winks at her. "You are very attractive you know that? Why don't we go out sometime?" Sei asked. Hana looked appalled.

"SEI-SAMA!" Yumi shoots a glare.

"Hai. Hai. I can't help it. I have a very jealous girlfriend, Hana-chan." Sei said. "Take care too, until next time."

Hana left the two by the hotel lobby. She is not needed when the real girlfriend is also there. Sei is also beautiful, there's no denying it. Plus she was Rosa Gigantea's Onee-sama. So to conclude, she knows where she stands. Yumi-sama is surrounded by many beautiful people; they have known each other longer. Hana did make a beautiful memory at Lillian, and Yumi-sama granted her wish, at least one of her many.


Sei and Yumi proceed to the top floor. They were greeted by flowers, dozens of them as soon as they entered the room. Looks like the room was especially prepared, Sachiko's grandfather gave Yumi the certificates as his present. Anyway, there was a living room, dining room and the bedroom. The suite is specially sectioned, like a mini-apartment. The living room has the view overlooking the city.

"I'm not so sure Onee-sama will like it this high." Yumi having second thoughts, well grandpa told her to go there and treat Sachiko the best Valentine's ever. She first planned on talking her Onee-sama to a romantic dinner date, but it looks like grandpa arranged everything for her.

"Are you kidding? I LIKE IT HERE. There's a big Jacuzzi in bathroom plus this." Sei patted the mini-bar. "Thank you Yumi-chan."

"You're losing your hearing Sei-sama. I said, this is for my Onee-sama." Yumi said bluntly. "Sachiko Ogasawara, you remember her right?" Yumi sarcastically asked.

"Tse! And here I was rescuing you to that Hana girl. Do you really think she's not going to do anything to you if you bring her up here?" Sei asked.

"I don't think she's a bad person Sei-sama." Yumi said.

"People can always hide their true colors. But if desire takes over, I don't think she is that nice at all." Sei advised.

"I'll be careful next time. Thank you for the concern." Yumi said. "By the way, why are you here at this hotel?"

"I dreamed of you last night calling my name, begging me to come here today." Sei said and Yumi just squinted. "My professor held a seminar here, Kei got interested so I tagged along. That's when I saw you by the lobby." Sei explained.

"Kei-sama wa? Where is she now?" Yumi asked.

"At the seminar, I'll wait here until it's over." Sei said.

"You can't! I'll call Onee-sama and have dinner with her—" Yumi said looking at Sei who just helped her. "I'll treat you dinner at the restaurant Sei-sama."

"Don't worry about me. I'll just disappear when Sachiko arrives." Sei said and flopped herself on the couch. "For now, I'll be your play thing." Sei bit partially her lower lip and winked at Yumi. That got a laugh from the younger red rose.


Sachiko readied herself. Just as she stepped out of the cab, she spotted Hana at the front entrance. W- Where is Yumi? She looked around. Sachiko wanted to call out and confront her. But too late, Hana just got in to another cab. Sachiko is on her own, she checked the GPS. It still says Yumi is in the same area.

Ring. Ring.

The noise surprised her; quickly she looked for her phone. "Hello," Sachiko answered.

"O-onee-sama." Yumi said. "I'm sorry I just realized you had called." She explained on the other line.

"Where are you now, Yumi?" Sachiko asked, confirming where Yumi is and at the same time insecurity and jealousy makes her doubt her beloved.

"Eh? C Tower Hotel." Yumi said. "I'm sorry I missed your calls. I had it in silent mode since this morning. I forgot to turn the ringer on." Yumi explained.

"I see." Sachiko said and there was a pause as if Yumi is waiting for punishment. "Why are you at that hotel? Did you do something with Satsuki-san?" Sachiko questioned as she walked inside the lobby.

"Why I'm here? You'll know later on. My date with Hana is over. We just went ice skating and little window shopping. Ah! Also, we went play a few games at the game center." Yumi said and giggled a little. Then Sachiko hears background noises then Yumi covered the mouth piece. 'Stop it Sei-sama! That's for Onee-sama.' Then she hears some kind of struggle in the line. "Sorry about that Onee-sama, there's a big cat here." Sachiko can't help but laugh a little. So Sei is with Yumi, at least she trust Sei better than Hana. But why is she with Yumi?

"I see. So then, are you coming home now?" Sachiko pretended to be at home. Yumi must have prepared something for her.

"No. Actually, I want to meet you here. The second part of my Valentine's Day gift." Yumi said.

"Eh? Second part?" Sachiko feigned ignorance. She has seen through Yumi's plans now. Though earlier she was very angry and just simple words from Yumi and her heart gives in.

"Then, I will be there in a few moments, my love." As Sachiko approached the front desk.

"Okay." Yumi said. "Call me if you arrive, I'll come meet you at the lobby."

"There's no need. I'll come find you." Sachiko said. "See you soon." And end her call.


Sachiko got to the top floor, she was about to knock at the door when Sei opened it.

"Sachiko!" Sei very much surprised, she was about to go check on Kei and tell her she's at Yumi's room until the lecture/seminar is over.

"Sei-sama, good evening." Sachiko not surprised seeing Sei and glad she's still wearing clothes.

"Ah, yes. Good evening." Sei smiled mischievously. "That was fast; Yumi-chan just called you 5mins ago. Are you that excited?" Sei teased.

"Very much so, Sei-sama." Sachiko said with a smile, eyebrows twitching. "Are you going somewhere?" She didn't hate Sei but the fear of losing Yumi to Sei is there in the corner of her heart.

"I'm on my way out. I'm a bother now." Sei said and opened the door wider. "Honey, There's someone at the door for you." Sei yelled. Sachiko's eyes grew big. "I'm going out now. Take care."

"Who were you calling 'Honey'?" Sachiko asked, before Sei could get away.

"Who is it Sei-sama?" Yumi yelled behind the bedroom door.

"Your wife!" Sei yelled back.

"My what?!" Yumi peeked at the door. "O-Onee-sama!" Yumi shocked. That was fast, she expected Sachiko to be there 30 mins or so. Anyway she came closer to her girlfriend and slightly pushed Sei out the door. "Goodbye, Sei-sama." Yumi smiled. "Thanks for keeping me company."


Things have gotten awkward. Sachiko is just staring at Yumi and not saying a word. Yumi thought she must have done something wrong. After seeing Sei-sama off, she invited Sachiko in and did her greeting which was accompanied by a hug and kiss, of course. Then since the food has been served Yumi want to have dinner right away. Anyway Sachiko takes few bites and stares at Yumi.

"Yumi," Sachiko finally said breaking silence. "Why did you come here to this place?"

"Eh? It's Lovers Day, is it so bad?" Yumi asked. "I want to spend a romantic evening with you."

"…" Sachiko didn't respond. Would that mean they be lovers tonight? Don't jinx it Sachiko! She thought.

"Are you not going to eat?" Yumi asked.

"Yes, let's eat." Sachiko replied. Her mind keeps repeating the word 'Lovers'. Even though she's eating she kept looking at Yumi. What is Yumi planning for them tonight? She's getting excited.

After dinner, the fireworks display starts, Yumi showed her the best view. The last boom formed a shape of a heart.

"Onee-sama did you like it?" Yumi asked after the fireworks show, standing by the glass window.

"Yes." Sachiko said coming up behind Yumi. Why is Yumi not making a move on her? If that's the case, she'll do the move and examine her beloved's body tonight. "Are we staying the night here my love?" She wrapped her arms around the waist and starts kissing the neck and biting Yumi's lobe.

"Ah… If you want to," Yumi thought she do something more but scared, and glad that Sachiko is making the first move. "The place is paid in advance, though I did not bring a change of clothes." Speaking of clothes should she ask Sachiko about the gift she gave this morning?

"You're right." Sachiko blushed, she thought of not wearing one tonight. PERFECT! Sachiko continued sucking her soeurs neck, leaving her mark on Yumi's skin. "Since you gave me something so provocative this morning, why don't we sleep bare tonight?"

"Provocative?" Yumi blushed and giggled. "I thought you'd like it better than wearing nothing at all." Yumi turned around and face her love. "Did you bring it?"And smiled seductively.

"How could I? I've been following—" Sachiko stopped, needs to choose her word carefully.

"Following?" Yumi asked.

"Following the rules, you know being a lady." Sachiko lied. Need a distraction and trace kisses on Yumi face.

"Did you like it?" Yumi curious to know.

"Do you want me to wear the lingerie? Wasn't it only a hindrance?" Sachiko said blushing as she captured Yumi's lips. "But I like it because it's from you."

"I guess it was a hindrance. But I want to see you in it." Yumi said and kissed back. "Shouldn't we take a bath first?" She asked, though Yumi lost control of her desires already. Her hands unbuttoned Sachiko's pants and slides it down and hands caressing Sachiko's body going up unhooking the bra.

"Haa… If you want," Sachiko replied, eyes heavy with desire. She continued kissing she missed this; she missed Yumi so much even it was only a few hours apart but it felt longer, it was torture. Yumi has complete control of her life.

"Sachiko," Yumi pulled away slowly.

"Yes?" Sachiko answered. Why did Yumi stop?

"Please take off your shirt." Yumi blushed, she can't believe she's asking so boldly. Sachiko smiled.

"Brave, aren't we?" Sachiko teased. "If it pleases you, my love. Well then." And started to undress.

"Wait." Yumi said. "Not here…" And lead her Onee-sama to the bedroom.

When Sachiko entered the bedroom, it was surrounded with bouquets of roses of different colors. Only one Red Rose in the middle of the bed, there's even a note. Sachiko looked at Yumi, who is serious with love in her eyes.

"Is the note for me?" Sachiko asked, as she pointed the tiny envelop on the bed.

"Yes." Yumi responded and waited for Sachiko to read the note.

"Eh?" Sachiko picked up the letter and opened it. 'Please be mine tonight. Make love to me, Sachiko.' There's no need for words, Sachiko just giggled a little and looked at Yumi whose red as can be. So cute.

"Why are you laughing?" Yumi embarrassed. Well she prepared for this day, and now she lost her confidence. Sachiko moved closer to her and guided Yumi near the bed.

"Are you sure?" Sachiko asked. Well she waited for Yumi, until Yumi is ready she tried not to force her will on her beloved imouto.

"Jeez, you are making too many excuses." Yumi made the next move. Starts unbuttoning Sachiko's pants again. Slowly pulled her Onee-sama's shirt upwards and it was easier Sachiko helped. The bra is loose already, so Yumi slides it to the sides. She kissed Sachiko's shoulder, her Onee-sama's blemish-free skin. So perfect! How beautiful Sachiko is. She's not stopping tonight. Sachiko is hers and she will take what is rightfully hers.

Sachiko is in heaven, Yumi never really makes the first move unless she does something outrageous or Yumi wants revenge. This must be her gift part 2. Now all she needs to do is satisfy her love and her own desire. She unzipped the skirt of her beloved and let it fall free on floor. Her hands have a mind of its own and already found its way to the breast area, and took Yumi's shirt off effortlessly. Her captive is kissing on her neck having fun leaving kiss marks from her shoulders to her neck while cupping her breast. Then Sachiko got surprised as Yumi slipped a hand by her panty.

"Can I take it off?" Yumi asked, already drunk with lust. Sachiko blushed and nodded. Yumi didn't wait any longer, pulled her onee-sama with her and climbed on top of the bed. Yumi kneeled on the mattress and so as Sachiko. "It would be easier if you lie down Sachiko." Yumi said.

"Eh, umm... okay." Sachiko confused. She thought Yumi's going to take her panty off. Anyway she did what was asked.

"Let me know you love me, please say my name." Yumi requested.

"I love you, Yumi." Sachiko said and smiled. Yumi smiled back at her and kissed her on the lips. Deep hot kiss, their tongues dances and fought for dominance. Sachiko's hands kept playing on Yumi's nipples, and there were tiny moans of pleasure from both of them.

Yumi move down slowly to her loves neck trailing kisses and down to the breast. There was no warning anymore; Yumi applied what she learned from that manga she bought few days ago. She pinches one nipple while licking and teasing its twin. Sachiko moaned. She didn't understand which one made the bigger effect. This is too arousing.

"Ahn… Yumi, please be gentle." Sachiko said though it's slightly painful; it's also a very pleasant feeling. "And please don't stop." Yumi stop, because of her warning.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Yumi asked. "I…" And withdraw her hands.

"Shhh... here." Sachiko grabs Yumi's hand and placed it back in place. "Don't stop, please. I love everything you did, it was just overwhelming."

"Okay, please let me know if I hurt you. I'll be gentle." Yumi promised.

"Yes, love." Sachiko reassured.

Yumi was gentler the second time, almost afraid. Sachiko thought, she shouldn't have complained. Now Yumi is too cautious, and probably would stop soon. But then Yumi left the twins and trailed kisses down her belly, and still going down further. Stopped at the edge of the panty, Sachiko is tickled with excitement. Yumi grabbed Sachiko's legs and put them together while her mouth bit the panty and pulled it down slowly until Yumi used her free hand to push it down further.

"I won't tease you any longer Onee-sama." Yumi warned. "Can I touch you here?" Yumi pointed the mons pubis.

"Only, if you let me take off your underwear, the same way." Sachiko flirted.

"Tonight is my gift for you." Yumi hesitant, should she deny her beloved?

"Tonight is lovers' night, didn't you say?" Sachiko asked.

"Very well, I'll be in your care." Yumi joked.

"Likewise." Sachiko excited.


Saturday morning. Yumi is sleeping soundly in Sachiko's arms. Yumi just gave her the best Valentine's ever. She's not very showy person when it comes to emotion, but Sachiko cried that morning watching Yumi sleep, overwhelmed with her emotions, happiness and contentment. She slowly pulled her arms under Yumi's head, very carefully not waking her tired lover. Sachiko went to her purse and looked for her gift for Yumi, she was not able to give the night before.

Sachiko placed a necklace on Yumi. The cross pendant glittered, it has a small diamond in the middle and the chains are made of white gold. Since Yumi gave her Rosario to Touko-chan, she can wear this as a replacement for the rosary. That way the necklace is closest to Yumi's heart and Sachiko will always be in Yumi's heart.

~The end~

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."

By Aristotle

Now, this is my last peice. I'm ending it here. So farewell my friends. You don't know happy I am to end this story. I know it's an unacceptable ending, but I want to rest from writing. My 1 shot turned into a long story. Well then, Gokigenyou.
