A/N: Hey! My name is Tori, and this is my first fanfic, so please forgive me if it totally sucks. I'm also writting this same story with differant names, and differant apperances of the characters, and also them with totally differant attitudes, so also please forgive me if i slip up and put a differant name in there or something!
Chapter one: Memories.
"Bella!, emmet!" mum called my brother and i. "Come on kids!, it's time to go home!"
"Awh please mom!" Emmet begged mum. " We're having so much fun!"
it was true, we, meaning Myself, Bella, my twin brother, Emmet, and our best friends, Edward, and his sister, Alice, along with Jasper, and his sister Rosalie, who were also all twins, were having a very important 'guys verses girls' competition of hula hooping.
"Yeah mum!" I pleaded along with my brother. "Please! Just a few more minutes"
I gave my mum the saddest puppy dog look I could, then shot Rosalie and Alice a look, and saw Emmet doing the same to Edward and Jasper.
"Please!" the four said together. Now, mum could handle her own children, but when her own children ganged up with their friends, she was doomed.
Mum looked over to our friends parents, over the years they had all become just as close as we, they're kids had become.
"Esme, Carlisle" my Mother said to Edward and Alice's parents, the Cullen's . " I think we should let the kids spend some time together, with all that's coming and everything. Don't you agree Jane and George?" Jasper and Rosalie's parents, the Hale's, nodded.
what the heck could that mean? I thought to myself.
"I was about to say the same thing, Renee. What do you think Charlie? "Edward and Alice's mom said to my mom, and asked my dad. we were the swans.
"I thoroughly agree" he awnsered. Gosh, Daddy and his big words…
"Well, they should have a sleepover in the treehouse! Wouldn't that be fun kids?" she asked us all.
The six of us looked at eachother with big goofy grins plastered on our faces, then nodded exitedly.
"Great!" Esme smiled " now don't worry about getting your things, Bella and Rosalie, you can borrow some Pj's from Alice, and Emmet and Jasper, you can borrow from Edward." I didn't understand the point of this, because Me and Emmet just live next door, and Rosalie and Jasper lived right across the street. We could easily grab our things and come right back, but I went along anways, running up towards Alice's room with her, and Rosalie at my sides.
When we came back down, I saw that the boys were already dressed and ready, so we hugged our parents good night and headed off towards the big treehouse in Edward and Alice's back yard.
We all lied down in our usual spots and continued talking as usual. Just as we were all about to back asleep, I sat up, and whispered "guys" they mumbled, probably half asleep already "guys get up I have something to say" another mumble "please guys, it's really important!"
"Ugh! What do you want, Bella?" Emmet said.
"just get up and I'll tell you!"
"fine" they all mumbled.
Jasper got up and turned on the night light so we could all see, then we all sat in a circle on our messed up sleeping bags.
I looked around to see four tired, mad and confused faces, and laughed to myself. The only one who had a smile on, was Edward. Edward always smiled when I had something to say. He was easily my best friend out of all of them. Sure, I loved all my friends, and I wouldn't be complete without them. But me and Edward had something special.
"Okay guys, I don't really know what made me start thinking of this, but I really need you guys to promise this." They all looked at my, clearly confused. "I need you to promise that no matter what happens, no matter who comes in our life, and who out, we will always be like this, and we will always love eachother. And even iff any of us start to like people from school, which I don't think will happen, because that's just gross. We will always be besfriends." By this time they were all smiling.
"Promise," they all said together.
"Pinkey swear?" I asked
"pinkey swear" we all said. And put our pinkeys together.
"Wait! I have an idea!" Alice shrieked, jumping up and down in excitement and bounding out of the tree house. We all laughed, Alice always got over exited.
Rosalie started to twirl her long blonde colored hair between her fingers. Even though she was only eight, she could easily pass for eleven or twelve. She was beautiful, with her deep grey eyes, and rosy cheeks. Of course, so was Alice with her elbow length jet black hair, and stormy blue eyes.
The boys, were also very good looking. Edward had amazing messy bronze hair, that went to about to his ears. Skater style, I guess you could say. Along with his hair, he also had the beautiful forest green eyes.
Jasper, had a much darker blonde coloured hair than Rosalie, but you could still see the resemblance in it, And they both had the same matching deep grey eyes.
Emmet, my brother had dark brown colored hair, and chocolate colored eyes. Just the same as mine. Only difference- on him, it worked. My hair was waist length, and pin straight. I always felt so out of place with my friends, they were gorgeouse, Rosalie with her beautiful ringlets, the kind people spend hours trying to get, and Alice with her stunning waves. Compared to them- I was as plain as a blank piece of paper.
But always, no matter what I said, my friends told me I was beautiful. They said I had 'Beautiful' shiny hair, and 'amazingly deep' chocolate eyes. Pft. I wish.
Just then, Alice came running into the treehouse.
"Look guys, look!" she shrieked. " we can make friendship bracelets, everyone take a string, and a bead, but you have to have your own colour."
"Awh common Alice, I don't want to wear a Braclet!" Jasper and Emmet diagreed.
"Oh pretty please!" Alice gave them her best puppy dog look, she clearly had mastered it. My theory was she practices it in the mirror on her free time. They huffed and puffed, but eventually gave in.
I Chose purple. It had always been my favorite, so I thought that would be best. I didn't really pay attention to the colours my friends chose, but I suspected Alice and Rosalie fought over who got pink.
Once we were done, we all settled back down into a deep sleep.
The next morning, we all woke up to Emmet jumping up and down on the loose floor board in the tree house. After groaning and slapping him, we all said our goodbyes, and headed towards our own houses.
"Bella? Emmet? Is that you kids?"
"yeah, mum" we said together.
" Come in here to the living room, kids, your father and I have something to tell you."
We looked at eachother, confused, but walked into the living room.
"Kids…" mum started. " I know that you both are very happy…"
"Just get to the point, Renee." My father told her.
"kids, we are getting a divorce. Emmet, you will be staying here with your father, and Bella, you will move to New York with me. I know this is going to be very hard on you bu-" she got cut off my my brother's and my own screaming and crying. "Kids, i'm sorry bu-" She got cut off again.
"No! your not sorry!" I yelled, and ran outside, tears streaking my face, to go find the comfort of my friends, especially Edward. My brother was close behind me. We both didnt really know what a divorce was-all we knew is that it was going to tear us all apart.
"Flight 82 will be landing in Sackville in five minutes." The lound speaker came on, inturupting my memories. "Please buckle your seat belts."
I took a deep breath. "this is it" I said to myself.
I was going home. I spent six years in New York with my mother- and I hated it. Especially her new husband, Phil. Man, was he a creeper. I really needed to be home, I missed my friends, my school, my brother and my dad. I left there when I was eight. And I was now fourteen. "it's been too long." I said to myself, again.
Of course, I was exited to see my friends and brother again. But I couldn't help but be nervous. What if they don't love me anymore? What if I had been the only one to keep my promise?
I looked down at the bracelet on my wrist, almost tearing up. What if they all found new groups to hang around with?
But as nervous as I was now, there was no turning back. The plane landed, and I piled off, looking around for my father.
I spotted him by the luggage claim, already holding my familiar multi-colored suit cases. How he knew they were mine, was beyond me. So I just shrugged it off.
A/N: So yeah, that was chapter one, please let me know what you think! :)