I'm so sorry it's been so long since i've updated. I've had killer writer's block. I hope that everyone had a wonderful holliday season and here's to the new year! Thank you all for your wonderful reviews, I hope you liek this chapter.


The cool autumn air washed over Kane as he sat out on the balcony outside of Cherry's room. He was fighting his body's natural sleep cycle, it was nearly 4 in the morning and his eyes were trying their hardest to close. The sound of objects hitting the floor snapped him out of his daze and on full alert as he ran into the room prepared to bring hell upon anyone who was trying to get into the area. He conjured a flame in his right hand to provide him some light so he could see in the darkness, but there was nobody around and the door had been untouched. A drawer of the dresser opened and the Holy Bible flew out and nearly took Kane's head off!

Kane looked over to where the book was thrown from but there wasn't a soul in site. Papers flew everywhere, clothes were being tossed across the room by invisible hands and Kane couldn't fight someone that he couldn't see. In the midst of all the projectiles, Kane glanced at Cherry, who was thrashing around in the bed.

'She must be the source of the chaos' Kane thought as he went to wake her.

"Cherry, wake up." Kane said gently shaking her. Her eyes sprang open and she let out a scream and scrambled out of bed in confusion.

"Cherry? It's me, it's Kane." He cooed to her.

Realization settled over Cherry as her mind came back to reality.

"Oh Kane! I was having the terrible dream." She replied as she eased herself back into bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"I can't remember it, all I know is that it was horrible. What happened to the room?"

"You did this in your sleep, I thought someone was trying to break in."

" I'm so sorry Kane, I'll clean it up." She tried to get up but Kane grabbed her arm in protest.

"Don't worry about it, just try to go back to bed."

In the morning Kane woke Cherry up at 7 so she wouldn't miss her flight to the next state, South Carolina.

"I have to go to my room and pack my stuff, I trust that you'll be alright for the time that I'm away." Kane said while she picked up the mess that she made during the night.

"Yes Kane, I'll be fine. Thank you for staying with me, it's very sweet of you." She replied giving him a little peck on the cheek.

"Now I have a lunch date with Michelle when the plane lands, so I won't be checking into the hotel right away."


"Kane, you said it yourself that I would be safe in another state. Nothing happened last night, I think it's safe to say that Steven crawled back into the hole that he belongs in. Besides, if I don't get to have lunch and go shopping with Michelle, then I won't be able to buy a new dress for our next date."

Kane was a little shocked.

"Next date? With me?"

"Who else silly!"

"I didn't realize that we had set another date up."

"Well… you haven't officially asked me yet, but I'm kind of hoping that you will." Her faced turned a shade of red as she looked up at him with her big innocent eyes. He couldn't help but smile.

"Of course I'd love to take you out again. Maybe to a movie."

"That sounds great. I'll call you when I get to the hotel, and we can take it from there."

The Miz and Morrison were walking down the hall with their luggage in tow, John of course had about ten times the luggage as the Miz, when they had to do a double take and make sure they weren't seeing things.

"Hey John, was that Kane coming out of Cherry's room?"

"Ye…Yeah. I think it was."

"Maybe he got lucky."

"Impossible! That monster can't possibly get some action when the Shaman of Sexy and the Chick Magnet got nothing last night!"

"Woah, speak for yourself John. I got plenty last night."

"Whatever Miz, last night you got drunk and cried yourself to sleep in my arms."

"Dude shhhhh! You swore that you'd never mention that! It's just that sometimes when I get drunk, I feel lonely and need someone to hold me…" he explained with tears forming in his eyes.

"Sheesh, enough with the water works! Lets go before you embarrass us both."

After a long flight Cherry met with Michelle at a starbucks close to the arena.

"So what is this I hear about Kane spending the night with you!" Michelle blurted out before Cherry could even have a seat.

"What?! Where did you hear that?"

"From credible sources. Did you sleep with him?!"

"No! I didn't sleep with him. We just talked all night." Cherry got defensive.

Michelle gave her the 'yeah right' look.

"Fine, don't believe me."

"Look, I don't care if you did, I'm your best friend, I'm entitled to know these kinds of things."

"I didn't! We went to dinner, had coffee in my room and talked. Honestly."

"Alright alright. Don't get touchy. What could you two possibly have to talk about?"

"Everything, he is a really nice guy once you get to know him."

Michelle scoffed.

"I don't think that Kane and nice have ever been mentioned in the same sentence together."

"You know, just because he doesn't fit what you would call 'hot' doesn't mean that he doesn't have anything to offer the opposite sex. He was very sweet to me and treated me better than most men have. Which is why I invited him into my room and why I'm seeing him again later on. I don't need your approval." Cherry stated. Michelle didn't realize that she would take such offense to her comments.

"'I'm sorry Cherry, I didn't mean anything by what I said. If you say that he's a great guy then he must be and if you say that you didn't sleep with him then I believe you. You must really like him."

" I do really like him." Cherry hadn't even thought of it before this moment, but saying it out loud somehow confirmed it; she liked Kane.

The rest of the night went on without incident, Cherry and Michelle went shopping, Raw went on the air, and even though she lost her match against Victoria, Cherry was pleased with her performance in the ring.

After she was dressed there was a knock on her dressing room door. Kane stood in the hall with two mugs of hot chocolate and a goofy smile.

" I know a little park near by, care for a moonlight stroll?" She laughed.

"Its freezing outside."

"That's where the hot chocolate comes in." Kane said motioning to the glasses. How could she say no.

"Of course. Let me get my coat."

The two walked along the pathway of a local park, his hand large hand wrapped around her smaller one, getting to know each other better.

"I'm the baby in the family and the only girl. My two older brother's work for my father's construction company."

"What does daddy think of his little girl wrestling?"

"He's coming around to the idea. I was suppose to be a kindergarten teacher, but I left school to train to be a professional wrestler. It sounds crazy making such a big career leap."

"No that's not crazy at all. I was a substitute teacher before I became a wrestler. Sometimes in life, you have to leap before you look, or what's the point?"

"So tell me Kane. You are such a mysterious man, give me some insight to your life."

"I'd rather not."

"Oh c'mon, I've gone on and on about my parents and my brothers, tell me about yours."

"You know my brother, he is what he is. That's that."

"What about your parents?" Cherry asked innocently. At first

Kane was offended at her question, but then he remembered that she hadn't been around that long and nobody had told her about his tragic past.

"My father and I are no longer speaking, my mother is no longer with us."

"Oh I'm so sorry. Honestly Kane, I didn't know."

"It's okay, lets just forget about it. You haven't touched your hot chocolate."

"I've been talking too much, it got cold."

"Hand it to me."

Kane held the mug in both hands and closed his eyes. Within seconds steam slithered from the top."

"here, I hope it's not too hot."

She took a sip.

"Its perfect. You've been so nice to me, I don't see the monster that everyone talks about."

"That's because I don't need him right now."

"You talk like you have split personalities."

"We all have split personalities. Even you." Cherry gave him a questionable look.

"In front of people, you are soft spoken, well mannered, and innocent. Behind closed doors you practice the tarot, listen to heavy metal, and probably scream the lyrics in front of the mirror with a hairbrush as your microphone."

She blushed, he was right.

"Okay I see what you mean. It's getting late, we should probably get going."

Once they were at the hotel Cherry wished Kane a good night and thanked him for the lovely walk in the park.

"I had another great night Kane, I can't wait to go to the movies tomorrow. Good night."

"Good Night Cherry, My room is just down the hall if you need me."

Before he could walk away Cherry placed a long lingering kiss on his lips, rendering him speechless.


"Night." He mumbled softly.

Cherry shut the door and smiled to herself. She flopped down on her bed, who would have thought that this would happen to her, and with Kane. Who knew he was such a romantic, it was a shame people didn't give him a chance.

"Oh no, he forgot his cup." Cherry noticed.

'that must be him' she thought once a light knock whas heard.

"forget something?" She chimed as she answered the door, but her smile faded and turned to a stunned look.


"Hey Cherry can we talk?" Cherry couldn't believe that he was there.

"Yeh, yeah. Come in."

"I don't know what I can say, I'm an idiot." He stated once she shut the door.

"What do you mean?"

" I should have never left you. I was going through a selfish stage in my life and I now realize that I made a mistake. You were the best thing that has ever happened to me, and you are the only one that can make me happy."

Cherry just sat on the bed and listened as he went on.

" I love you and I want you back in my life. I know that what I did broke your heart, there is nothing that I can do about that, but we can start over and make things right again."

"I don't know Domino. You really hurt me, we had been together for so long and you just up and left me."

"I know and I want to make it right. Cherry sweetheart, please, we had been together for years, since junior year in high school. That is a long time and a lot of love. I got you something to show you how much I love you."

He produced a small blue box from his pocket, then took out the gold chain and heart locket from the box.

"This was my mother's, and now I want you to have it. To show you that I am devout and committed from this day on."

Cherry's eyes got huge and filled with tears.

"Domino, this is so sweet of you. I don't know what to say."

"Say that you'll forgive me and we can pick up and improve where we left off." Domino replied while putting the necklace around her neck.

She gazed at the pretty locket with the word "Love" engraved on it'

All of the wonderful memories of Domino came flooding back into her mind; their first date, first kiss, senior prom, anniversaries…

"Alright, one more chance."

"Thanks, babe. I promise I'm going to treat you so much better." He said picking her up and spinning her around.

"I'll pick you up in the morning and we'll have breakfast." Domino said standing in the doorway getting ready to leave.

"Okay, that sounds wonderful." Cherry agreed placing a kiss on Domino's lips.

"I missed you so much. I'm glad that we're back together."

The couple didn't see the mismatched eyes around the corner that had seen the public display of affection and the tears that were swelling up in them.

Anger rose inside of Kane as he stood in the hallway, unable to move. He had been led down the prim rose path yet again. He had no idea that this innocent angel was capable of screwing him over so royally. His fist clenched the glass mug in his hand until it gave way and shattered in his hand. Blood dripped down his fingertips and shards of glass stuck out from his palm. He crushed his fist together and grounded the glass deeper into his wound. With a large sigh he relished in the pain for a moment and then left to take care of his hand.