It's going to rain. It's Friday, and he knows it's going to rain.
Friday used to be a favorite day of his. It was good day, for most. The end of the week, two days of freedom, whatever. She always smiled brighter on Friday.
Even though it meant nothing to a group of uneducated teen heroes, and more likely then not they'd have to wake up early to fight the latest sort-of villian who crawled into the city, it was still a nice idea. Friday.
She liked Friday. It was, according to her, the day they all met.
Of course, how would she know? She'd never even heard of Friday when they'd first met. He didn't pay attention to days, because they usually meant nothing to him. Her, however, everyday was a celebration of something. Friendship, full moons, early stars, love.
Even though Beast Boy insisted they met on a Wednesday, she would always say it was Friday. She liked Friday.
It was the day he'd asked her 'out', as Cyborg had once pointed out, the day after they'd come back from Tameran. It was also the day they first kissed, back in Tokyo. It was Friday in America, anyway. It was Wednesday in Tokyo.
She didn't like Wednesday. Not the beginning of the week, nor the end of the week, she had explained. He'd told her it was techniclly the day they'd first met, and the day they first kissed. She had just smiled and said it was a Friday.
Friday was the day he asked her to marry him.
It was the day she had smiled the brightest.
Friday was the day she was shot.
Wednesday was the day she died.
He'd begged her not to go.
She did anyway.
She didn't smile after that.
He looked up blankly at the sky, thinking of the clouds, what made them cry like this.
She was shot on the day she loved.
She died on the day she hated.
It was Friday, and he knew it was going to rain.