A/N Lets see if I can still do this shall we? Tell me what you think all of you.
KidVince: Something tells me people thought this story was over.
IownyouALL: I thought it was the end of my pay checks…
KidVince: To be truthful, time hasn't move for you. I'm just 2 months older….
Hairlikethewind: So you bringing those who might remember this are a New Year treat?
KidVince: If they remember. But if you forgot, Duncan is about to go toe to toe with 3 juvie thugs that want him well axed permanent like. So let's see if our favorite bad boy can get out of this. But wait; with Courtney so worried about things in their relationship, he really needs at least on computer to work, or someone to save him. Find out… NOW!
Hairlikethewind: Do I get to hit them ever again?
KidVince: It's possible.
Duncan continued-
Marks charged Duncan with his blade edged out which Duncan just moved to the right to miss the blade. He took his chances with Joel on the right who tried to nail him with a punch, but Duncan took the hit head on and then brought Joel's whole body close to him for a mighty head butt. Joel whole body went crashing for the ground. Duncan then turn to see Marks still coming at him. Duncan thought quick getting a chair in his hands and threw it at Marks knocking him down. Duncan felt a person grab him and place Duncan in a Full Nelson, holding his hands in the air and Duncan wasn't strong enough to break free. Duncan's eyes were closed as he couldn't see the knife getting jammed into his left shoulder. Duncan yelled in pain, but no guard was to hear it.
Marks had a big grin on his face seeing the blood running down his arm. It gave him a satisfaction he always did. Marks drank the blood of who he was fighting at times before he did them in. Duncan was in too much pain to be grossed out by this, but not enough pain to fight back.
He took both feet into the air and kicked Marks into Will and Rex who were watching the door. Lucky for Duncan, a guard was now nearby and could see the knife in his arm. Snap, too dumb to let go knowing the battle was over, was shocked with a stun baton until knocked out. The guard tried to get Duncan to the hospital but Duncan begged for one more minute. He sent the message to Courtney's e-mail and then nearly fell to the ground. The officer caught him as a stretcher was called in. Duncan was place on top and rushed to the hospital. On the way there the officer looked at the wound and wondered.
"What in the world made you send an email? "A girl, isn't it?"
"Yes." Duncan said mixing in his grunt of pain.
"She must be real special for you to go through that kind of pain for her." The officer commented back
"What this booboo? This is nothing. But yes, that girl drives me crazy. I don't know why, but she always does." Duncan sighed. The pain of his stab wound seeming not to matter anymore.
"Sounds like the number one bad boy have just fallen in love." The officer mocked. Duncan said nothing and kicked him in the leg, but was then punched back by the officer right in his stab wound.
"AHHHH!!! Why the hell did you do that?"
"I thought you said it was nothing." The officer mocked
"Do you think I will be able to use the computer in 3 hours? I promised I go online there?" Duncan asked sounding fairly serious.
"The doctors will need to clear that up first. They have to make sure that thing isn't cut too deep. Bad news, you won't be lifting weights. Good news, you will need to be transferred to the Good unit of this Juvenile hall so this doesn't happen again. Just don't mess that up and get into a fight there. Because then you also don't have to work. You can just relax and mess with the computer all day. Your sentence will end with a whimper, but you will have your life, and your girl."
"Trust me, I don't intend to screw this up. I've messed up too many things in my life to not know something good is in front of me." Duncan said with a sigh and decided after they cleaned and bandaged his arm up, He would take a quick nap.
Heather -
Heather was now reading an email from a cousin of hers, welcoming her to her new home in a far off town for the year. It seem according to Heather, that she was wanting to help out with her and her new baby. Heather's cousin was a single mom and also a cop. Her boyfriend died in the line of duty not too long ago leaving her and her newborn son alone in this world. What was worse was she just couldn't live by the means she and her boyfriend combined could. So Heather opted to help her around the house with the new year beginning. Her parents, happy to get her out of here, offered Heather 7,000 a mouth free to spend as she sees fit. Heather had a small laugh to herself. But before shutting down her computer she said one thing. "DJ, what plans I will have for you thing school year. Oh what plans indeed."
Heather then proceed to get up and head out to do some shopping. She after all needed new clothes after all.
Kid Vince: Everyone had fun with that? I hope so… Anyway… to the chatroom!
Confidentinme (Cody): signs in
4eyedcourage (Beth): signs in
Freakadeak (Harold): signs in
Pop Jock (Tyler): signs in
Iheartcake (Owen): "Hey guys, it's been a while but we finally got some people to get online. Whoo Hoo!! So how did it go with Izzy Cody?"
Confidentinme: "It was, interesting. Long story short I got my wolf back. But here's the kicker, JUSTIN KISSED ME!!!"
Popjock: "WHAT?"
4eyedcourage: "No way. I thought Justin only like girls."
Freakadeak: "I think Justin only like attention. Where ever he can get it."
Iheartcake: "I don't know guys it said on his app for the show that he donated his time to the elderly and the homeless. How can a guy like that not want to kiss Cody for no reason?
4eyedcourage: "Great point Owen."
Confideentinme: "Well that's great and all but I mean I still just like girls…"
Popjock: "I wonder how that works that you dig Gwen and she rejects you, but you get kissed by two guys. It's pretty funny."
Confidentinme: "Well, it's not funny to me."
CITprincess (Courtney) signs in:
Ihearcake: "Woo another person! Hey there Courtney!"
CITprincess: "Yes uh hi. Has anyone seen Duncan?"
Iheartcake: "I don't think he has been on. I been on longer than anyone else and I think I can say, no Duncan sightings. Other than this group, Heather was online, but not in the chatroom."
4eyedcourage: "Well would that be better for us then right?"
Canfidentinme: "Heather is Heather, but she is still a person guys. I mean can we completely throw her under the bus?"
Everyone paused for a second and laughed from there own home.
CITprincess: Good one Cody!
Gentle Giant (DJ) signs in:
Gutersolo(Trent) signs in:
SpecialboyE (Ezekiel) signs in:
Gentlegiant: "Well thanks to Izzy, I will need to look for another job for now."
Iheartcake: " Great Gazooks! What happened to your store?"
Confidentinme: "Izzy was roleplaying the Queen's World video game and nearly destroyed the place from the inside. I will take thousands before this town has their big grocery store again. Looks like Wal-Mart will be taking all the business now."
SpecialboyE: "Well, that can't be too bad. Prices are much lower there aren't they?"
Gentlegiant: "Maybe, but the quality of those said items normally suck something bad. My mom really will hate having to hear she will need to shop there now."
CITprincess: "Anyway, Duncan should be here any second. He said he wanted to talk to me."
Popjock: "Hey the only way he won't be here is if something bad happened to him. Duncan may be in a horrible place, but he is the guy tough enough to keep alive in a place like that. Can't say the same for Cody, Dj, Ezekiel, or Owen. Don't get me started on Harold."
Freakadeak: "Hey I got skills that can get me around anywhere. I'm sure Duncan wouldn't stand a chance against a ninja like I would."
Gentlegiant: "You guys can pretend your tougher than Duncan later. Right now, we should just try to have a good time, because I have a bad feeling something did happen to Duncan."
Iheartcake: "Why would you think that?"
Gentlegiant: "Since when since we joined that show have things been normal in our lives?"
Iheartcake: "I don't know, other than having Izzy, things are the same for me."
Popjock: "An overweight guy having a hot girlfriend? You don't call that normal?"
Confidentinme: "Hey, at least he has a girlfriend. I wish I was that lucky."
Freakadeak: "You could have Noah or Justin wear a dress?"
People were shocked at the suggestion.
4eyedcourage: "Harold, bad call."
Freakadeak: "I forgot, the joke button doesn't exactly work on the internet, does it?"
Confidentinme: "That wasn't even a good joke right now. The exact thing I want to happen, and it's with two guys."
4eyedcourage: "Ever thought maybe just giving Justin or Noah a chance? It might not be that bad. They clearly like you, and you want to be liked."
Confidentinme: "When you put it that way, it makes sense. But I'm not sure I can date a guy."
Iheartcake: "Sounds to me you might not mind dating a guy if you thought it was right. But that's just me."
Confidentinme: Why can't Justin be Justine?"
CIT[rincess: "6 o clock. Is he coming? Do you see him online."
Ihatejuvy: "No, but he might try to sign in hidden twenty seconds ago."
CITprincess: "DUNCAN!!! We were worried about you! What been going on!"
Ihatejuvy: "Well, to be honest, I got stabbed in the shoulder."
Courtney was in too much of a shock to speak.
Gentlegiant: "How bad does It hurt man?"
Freakadeak: "Man, I don't think I could take that and be online at the same time… I won't try to say I'm tougher than you again."
Popjock: "Same here."
Iheartcake: "Me to!"
4eyedcourage: "Owen, you didn't say it."
Iheartcake: "And you never will hear me say it either.
Ihatejuvy: "Ok, well I was outnumbers 5 to one but they couldn't take me without fighting dirty. They planned to take me out for good. And if a guard hadn't shown up when he did, it might of happened. I'm tough, not bullet proof. But I'm going to be transferred to the nice part of Juvenile Hall. There I can rest and do what I want. No weapons aloud as there may be looser guard, but better food. I'll be out when my school starts. The only reason I got into that kind of trouble I did was I needed to save that E-mail I sent you Princess. Otherwise I might of jumped out the window to safety."
Confidentinme: "Well at least you will be out at all if you know what I mean."
Ihatejuvy: "I know, I know. I didn't think I could make it. But really Courtney, are you ok?"
CITprincess: "I just can't get over the fact that I was willing to break up with you, and to hear you could have died. It was just too much… I'm, I'm sorry I even got you into that kind of mess."
Ihatejuvy: "Your worth 250 million near death experiences. At 250 million and one, we might need to talk."
CITprincess: "I think at that point I would understand, my ogre."
Gentlegiant: "Ah, so sweet. Almost bawling over here."
Popjock: "Who wouldn't expect that one man? But it's cool. Glad to have TDI's most wanted back in the game man."
Gutarsolo: "Yeah man. We wouldn't have the level of toughness without you."
Ihatejuvy: "Nah! You'd be just fine as long as Tyler doesn't get around any chickens. As for DJ, he might need to be last defense."
Iheartcake: "Ok, this subject can only go on for so long. I think after a certain point, we should go about doing something else. I mean it is Saturday night."
CITprincess: "I know I'm going to talk to Duncan for as long as I can."
Gentlegiant: "I think I'm going out for a run. That will make up for the exercise I miss from not working today."
Freakadeak: "So I guess we just take off for now. Later all!!!"
They all said their goodbyes and signed off. Little did anyone know that Noah had signed on hidden and heard everything Cody said about not being into guys, and Justin's kiss.
Noah laid his head on his bed holding a book in his hand. He originally grabbed it to read it, be no he was never going to read. Instead he wanted to cry, but he didn't understand really. It's not like Cody is the only person out there. He gripped the book harder and harder. Perhaps if he was as strong as someone like Duncan he would have broke through the book by now. Why did it hurt as much as it normally did.
Noah decided to head outside of his home, and to his surprise, someone was at the door, Izzy.
"So you jetpack run out of fuel?" He asked really not interested in why Izzy was there. He was really more interested in when she was leaving?
"No silly! I'd never leave not knowing I had enough fuel. Rather I'm here to help win the heart of my best friend Cody! I dated Justin asd I know he is a liar. He is all around bad for Cody. As his best friend I can't let that happen!"
"And how do you suppose to help me?" Noah asked trying to hold back his sudden interest. But even for him, he was doing a bad job.
"By getting the info needed to help you win Cody's heart. It will be hard though. But as long as Justin doesn't get it, I don't care. But you're an all and all good guy. You'd do best friend Cody, and Izzy some good."
"And is there anything in it for you Izzy? Something you might of wanted from me maybe? No deal can go without maybe you wanting something right?"
"No no! When Izzy is someone's friend, Izzy will battle to make sure that that friend is happen. I will even risk my life. People can't often put up with me, but I'm really caring like that. My mom always told me one day all my energy would come to good use. I feel this is one of those times."
Noah paused for a second. If he had Izzy's help, and if she really was Cody's friend (He was really doubting best was in the title) then he could win him to maybe date guys, that might have to be first. But even if he did that, he would still need to worry about Justin. "Ok I'm in."
"Good!" Izzy said taking off her Jet pack and walking into Noah's home really making herself feel at home.
"But why are you acting like you are staying here all of a sudden?" Noah asked now a bit worried.
"Because I am! There is no way I can help you from where I live. So I need to stay here and relay any info you need to win over Cody's heart. Don't worry, I won't mess you up, too bad."
With the look of wanting to get the hell out of here Noah's house door was closed and all that could be heard were the panicking screams of Noah and his family. Having Izzy as a houseguest, this day went from bleh, to bad, to worse, to ok, to a nightmare.
Upon ending the conversation with Duncan that lasted almost 2 hours she turned off her P.C and then went over some notes she felt would help her over the next year in high school. Certainly she needed to get back to her nearly perfect life. She needed to be sharp, she needed to be ready to bite the head off anyone that tried to get her off her mountain. She already knew she had enemies there. It was all a matter of taking them down.
As much as she tried to focus on that, she couldn't soon the thoughts of losing Duncan came in more and more the focus of her mind and she couldn't take the fact that she might lose him. She felt she was being way too selfish wanting his attention like that. It's not like he was anything like her. He's never had the shuffle people like her and do it in a way that makes everyone happy. She just relaxed knowing that he was still her Duncan. She tried to keep focused on her notes, but nothing was working. Some other feeling was taking over her that she couldn't get. She felt she would never get over it until She saw Duncan, But what indeed was she feeling.
Things were getting worse and worse by the second for DJ. She was in the hospital and she wasn't waking up. They were losing her. It seemed she wouldn't make it. He was in tears for it seemed she was dying. All DJ could do was look as the man got away with shooting her. DJ was but a scared and sensitive 16 year old, without a gun. He called 911, but they weren't coming. This was the other reason he didn't want to come to Wal-Mart. This neighborhood was too dangerous. And now, she might die because of it. Funds were hard to come by as is, but if his mother, died…
KidVince: "Were done for now…
Chris: "Dude that was awesome. I'm sure that will bring a few tears to the people who read this. And they will definitely want you to conclude this. Are you that good?"
KidVince: "There is nothing good about maybe losing his mother. But.. DJ just might. I'm not even sure yet…"
Chef: "Sounds like this story could go two ways huh?"
KidVince: "There is one circle theme to the DJ/Heather part of the story, what it is, I'm not saying.
Chris: "You going to give them something as to who mains what right now?
KidVince: "Fine. Currently, the main characters are Justin, Cody, Izzy, Noah, Owen, Heather, DJ, Duncan and Gwen. If I keep doing this, I'm not sure how far I will take it, but I have other idea's for other characters to main, or I will leave it as is. The big headline characters if you can't tell are DJ and Cody. They are what holds everything together.
Chef: "But will anyone else play an important role.
KidVince: Of course. There will be no story without Courtney, Beth or Justin. Why, well you will see… until then… PREVIEW SMASH!!!"
Chris: "YES!!!" Smash! Smash!!!
"Heather, I know we have our agreement, but with things going on with my family can we hold off on this maybe?"
"An agreement is an agreement. Live up to it Jock!"
By the way, how did you even get here Heather?" Ask Cody.
"So, your sure this will help me get to date Cody?" Asked Noah not liking this plan at all.
"Nope! But it will prepare you to get confident in yourself!"
Until Next time
- The Kid