Holy crap. I feel really bad that I haven't updated. I just had my 15th birthday and got a car though! My aunt was diagnosed with cancer, my dog had surgery, worked at the local homeless mission, and I bought Twilight!!!

Chapter 5


I walked downstairs slowly. I saw Troy sitting on the couch watching football.

"Hey," he muted the TV as I walked over to him.

"Hey," I muttered.

"What did Evanne need?" he asked.

"Um, she is growing up,"I said hoping that would say enough.

"You mean..." he dragged off.

"Yep," I said popping the end syllable.

"But, how, she's only in 6th grade! And she even skipped a grade!," he asked.

"I'm not sure why it's so early," I told him. "The same thing happened to me."


I can't believe this happened to me! I'm only supposed to be in 5th grade! This doesn't happen to people this young. And the dance is tomorrow!

Maybe I just won't go. But I really like Parker.

For now, I'm just going to go to sleep.

the next morning/ the day of the dance

I woke up and felt all sticky. I climbed out of bed and looked at the covers. I felt nauseous at the sight. Blood was EVERYWHERE!

I looked at my legs and you couldn't tell, so I figured it just bled through my pad and shorts. I ran downstairs and pulled my mom up by the hand.

"Evanne, what are you doing?!" she yelled freezing when she saw my sheets.

"Oh honey. I hate that this happened to you so early." she wrapped me in a hug. "Are you still going to the dance?"

"Yea, I guess. It'll be fun." I said.

Noon couldn't come soon enough. I couldn't look at my dad all morning. I could just tell he knew.

When I finally got to Sam's house I was ready for the dance. I had my outfit in a bag and was totally ready to get ready.

They primped and prodded me until I was ready to explode. And by the time the were finished, it was only 4:30. The dance started at 6:30.

"We're going to eat first, duh!" Sam said like I was stupid.

"Oh, with who?" I asked.

"Parker is going to be there," she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ugh, shut up," I said. "When are we going to eat?"

"In like, 5 minutes." she said.

"Well, I'm gonna go to the bathroom first." I said trying to be subtle and grab my bag, but Sam saw me.

"Why do you need your bag in the bathroom," she asked raising her eyebrow.

"Um," I said.

"I feel for you. Me too," she said. I smiled a bit and walked to the bathroom. I took care of everything and soon, we were on our way to IHOP. Heaven on Earth, other than Starbucks that is.

When we got there, Sam moved some people around on the table. When she finished, I, of course, was sitting next to Parker.

"Hey," he said smiling when I sat down.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"So, how have you been?" he asked.

"I've been good. You?" I asked.

"Fine," he said turning away to order his food. I ordered next then the waitress got the rest of the people's orders. The food came out pretty quickly and we ate and went on our way to the dance.

We all piled into a big car and when we got to the school, we piled out like a clowns out of a car. We grouped together with our 'dates' and walked to the table where you paid to get in. All the girls walked to the door while the guys paid for the tickets. Once inside, the question was what to do first. Take pictures, dance awkwardly, or find more people you know.

Sorry it's so short, but if I don't end it here, then it will be insanely long. Next chapter is the dance. YAY!


1) What is the deal with making so many HSM movies? Your opinion.

2) Who is your favorite character?

3) Who is your least favorite character?