Chapter 3
"Hey, how's he doin'?" Fin stood up when Elliot walked up.
"Why don't we go see?" Elliot motioned for Fin to enter the room. They walked in and took in the appearance of Munch in a hospital bed. He looked weak and frail without his sunglasses on they could see the pain in his silver eyes.
"Hey, John" Elliot walked up and put his hand on his friend shoulder, "you gave us quite a scare there."
"Sorry about that, do you think you could talk to the nurse and get me outta here? I need to see E.J." Elliot was worried; it was unlike John to pass up a chance to joke at other's worries.
"I'll see what I can do." Elliot started to leave but Fin stopped him.
"I'll do it." He held up his hand when Elliot started to protest, "I got a way with people." Elliot nodded, if there was one thing Fin Tutuola knew, it was people. He returned to the chair by the hospital bed.
"She's okay, John. The guy didn't touch her." His face relaxed, but barely.
"First day in my custody and this happens." He slammed his fist on the tray in front of him.
"I'm sorry about your brother. Uh, what happened?" Elliot looked around uncomfortably, he and John had never been very close.
"Killed in a mugging, my other brother was with him. Her mom died years ago." Elliot could tell from the look on John's face he'd had the same fate. Fin walked in with an angry looking nurse pushing a behind him.
"Thanks Fin." John said swinging his legs off the bed, "Am I discharged?" He looked at the nurse sighed and walked into the hall and returned with his clothes. Elliot and Fin went out into the hallway and John quickly joined them. They came to E.J.'s room right as Olivia was slipping out the door.
"Hey, John, how you holding up?" Olivia gave him a quick hug.
"How's she?" John countered.
"Okay. She's sleeping now, but she should be up soon." Olivia didn't tell John about her A.S.R., he looked like he'd probably pass out again if she did.
"I'm just gonna…" He didn't finish as he entered her room. Olivia quickly gave the two men a run down of what had happened since Elliot had left.
"Dang, after all that happens to her, she has a panic attack when her uncle passes out." Fin looked through the glass at E.J. Elliot pulled out his phone as it rang.
"Stabler." His face softened as a small voice came across the line, "Hey, Sweetie….I know, honey, but Daddy has to work today, I promise we'll go next year. Hold on." He stopped as Olivia tried to mouth something, "What?"
"Go, El. We've got it covered here." Olivia and Fin nodded.
"I can't just—" Fin cut him off.
"As a guy who didn't get that quality parenting as a kid, I'm telling you, go." Fin smiled.
"Thanks guys," He put the phone back to his ear, "Hey, Liz, you better have your costume on cause Daddy's coming home."