A/N: Alrighty then!! That was a fun chappie to write hehe. I kno I'm very modern in my writing sorry can't help it hehe. Okie dokie!!!! Well let's get ready for the next chappie shall we.

Chapter 10

"Where's Sasuke?" Sakura questioned again. She now was more aware of her surroundings. She was in her room. In her apartment. It'd been 4 years since Sasuke was murdered.

Naruto was hovering over Sakura. His hands had a death grip on her shoulders. He had been trying to wake her for fifteen minutes. He had heard her whimpering and then calling out for Sasuke. In his heart he felt a sting of jealously knowing that Sakura had still not gotten over Sasuke. But more than anything Naruto felt worried. Worried that Sakura may not ever recover from Sasuke's death. He had gone to the funeral. Not believing that Sasuke was dead. Upset that his best friend had passed away. And even more so that Sakura was absent for the funeral. He knew the two were lovers. At least that was the impression they had left on everyone. They called each other by their first names and sometimes added chan or kun at the end.

What had gotten to Naruto the most was when the last time he had visited the two Sasuke was talking about marrying Sakura. Sasuke had said that he had always been in love with Sakura and that he could not live with out her. But now looking at it Naruto now saw it was Sakura that couldn't live without Sasuke.

"Sakura you of all people should know that Sasuke is dead. He was killed by the S-class missing nin Orochimaru," stated Naruto softening his grip on Sakura's shoulders.

"Where's Sasuke now then?" Sakura asked innocently as if she had not ever visited the grave of Uchiha Sasuke.

"Buried in the Uchiha graveyard. You of all people should know. You visit him at least once a month. "Naruto's voice cracked with sadness. Sasuke had been his best friend and rival but most of all they had been so close that the two boys considered each other brothers. Naruto could still remember the last time he talked to Sasuke.

4 years earlier:

Naruto walked into the kitchen of the lab looking for ramen to eat. He knew perfectly well that Sasuke was not a ramen lover like he was. He also knew that if Sakura caught him in her kitchen at 3 in the morning she would kill him or injure him so bad that he would be hospitalized for a year. At the thought of being injured hurt Naruto's ego and his body. He shivered. And it wasn't because he was cold.

Naruto opened the cabinets and peeked inside. He sighed seeing a box of ramen. "Sasuke I would kiss you….if you weren't a man that is," Naruto whispered. But he had soon wished he hadn't for as soon as he reached for the ramen the kitchen light turned on.

"NARUTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Came a screech from the far side of the kitchen. Naruto trembled in fear.

As he slowly turned there stood Sakura in her pink pajamas. Naruto smiled politely and closed the cabinet. "Gee who left this cabinet door open. I could have hit my head on it when I was looking for a cup." Naruto being the very clever fox he was lied to Sakura.

Of course Sakura didn't believe him. She tapped her foot waiting to hear the full truth from Naruto. Soon she was whisked away from her feet. She wrapped her arms around Sasuke's neck and giggled. Who else would it be?

"Saku-chan give Naruto a break. He didn't have dinner before he arrived. Let him eat darling." Sasuke said roughly shaking his head at his pink haired companion. She had always had a temper. And that's why he chose her to stay with him. Sasuke looked at Naruto and gave him the "You owe me one" look. Naruto just gave him the goofy smile that he usually have Sakura when she caught him with his hand in the cookie jar.

"But Sas-kun you-"

"Shhh shhh Saku-chan there ther. Let it be." Sasuke said soothingly to her while running his fingers through her long pink hair. He then turned and carried her to the room they shared.

Naruto stood in the kitchen feeling a tad jealous that Sakura had fallen for Sasuke and not him. Then his stomache grumble and he smiled. "Well I'm hungry!!!" Naruto stated and then continued his quest for the ramen. But there was one problem. He couldn't remember what cabinet it was in.

4 years later

Naruto never did find the ramen again. Only because it didn't exist. He found that out in the morning from Sasuke. Sasuke laughed and laughed until he was crying. Naruto was shocked because Sasuke had not laughed like that since they were children. It made Naruto mad because when the two boys were in college the two had a little fling on Chritmas eve. But the two had not spoken of it and Naruto had planned to talk to Sasuke about it because it had bothered him. Naruto had conflicting feelings. He didn't think he was gay but anytime he was around Sasuke his heart would melt and he would think of that Christmas Eve. But now it was to late to talk to Sasuke.

"I love you Naruto," Came a small voice.

Naruto looked down to see Sakura cuddling against him and asleep. Naruto smiled and layed down next to her. He had always loved Sakura.

"I love you too Saku-chan."

A/N: comment plz!!