Ima Love you, because I hate your kind...


" Kagome, come on the kids started without us...." A girl with black hair and a mini pony-tail on the side of her head called she wore armor like Kagome did and had pointed ears. Her feet had a black fur covering and her fangs and claws were like any other in the pack. She had a white uniform underneth that last placed to her upper thigh and her arm braces were white and had a black jewel at the end. She had a bright smile and a bow where her pony tail clip was. She looked at least in her late teens.

" I'm coming Rin, Im coming." Kagome had a armor on also. It was pure black and had a design on a dragon on the back. Her arm braces were long from her sholder edge to her wrist. It was black and had red fire waves on it. Her hair was in a high-pony tail and her bow hold was dark red it was a charm of hers and was the color of human blood. Her Father Zuko had gave it to her before he had past. She had the same color fur on her ankles and was her feet braces. She also had an under uniform like Rin but it was white like hers insted of red like expected. Kagome was just a little bit older then Rin, but they acted as if they were the same age. The only difference between them was Kagome had black Wolf ears on her head and side bang to cover where her ears of a full wolf demon were supposed to be. Unlike her sister.

" Rin, Kagome isn't going to play those stupid games with you and the kin...she's gonna come with me to help gather the food around." That's Kikyou. She's Kagome's older sibling. They look like twins except for the ears. Kikyou had a white armor fit and a black under uniform. with little designs of anything. and her fur was white insted of her hair color like everyone else witch made her a very unique type of wolf. that's what gave her a lot of attention form the other male wolves unlike Kagome.

She wasn't worthy enough to be marrage material even if she was a part of the act to becoming leader nobody will breed...with a half-breed.

" Kikyou, But....." Kagome whinned but Kikyou cut her off. " No you're an adult in the family like me and Kouga. Even if you're younger then the both of us your gonna help with the duties of a wife and care taker..." Kikyou poked her chest. " Like i'll be a wife to anyone here..." Kagome scowled at her big sister. " Kagome get over it. And don't act like Mother isnt finding a sutible man for you as we speak." Kagome looked dully at her following behind her.

' yea whatever Kikyou they always think moms talking about you until my names metioned then they make an excuse don't lie to me i don't want a husband anyway....' She sighed and speed up to Kikyou who was way farther up then her.

" Kouga here she is..." Kikyou signaled. ' Hurry up mongral' she thought as Kagome came up. Kouga looked at Kagome who slipped and fell on her fours. They looked embarressed at her. " Sorry brother..." Kagome appolized as the males who spotted the scene laughed at her. " CLUMSY OUF come on so you can help." Kouga growled at the males who shut up seeing he didn't like them laughing at his sister.


" Kouga why do i have to help." Kagome looked at her brother closely. " Because mom insisted it. Your gonna be a wife at some point so you might as well be able to support your family like a She-wolf is supposed to even if you're a Half-breed. " Kikyou glared at Kouga and Nudged him hard in the stomach. " Kikyo..." Kagome stopped and turned.

" Kagome look its what you are embrace it..." Kouga tried to help her feel better. " Im ok, Big Brother...Just a lil' bummed about missing The party the kids are throwing without me. An anyways Im used to the name. Its normal..." Kagome started walking in front of them head-high. 'does anything fase her anymore' Kouga thought following his happy-spirted sister.


" Kagome you missed it they were all over playing pranks. Im in trouble too. But it was soooo worth it." Rin ran up to Kagome, Kouga, and Kikyou. Kouga looked Unamused about her being so mature in age yet still playing games like a meer child. Kikyou wasn't surprised about the deed, Rin is that type of girl. And Kagome smiled wishing in her head she was there to do the same. but not saying it aloud knowing the look Kouga would give.

" Rin, why in the world would you do that simplten act. You're an adult a-like Kagome your supposed to be doing acts with your mother and learning how to do things to be a wife." Rin stuck out her tounge and put her hands on her hips. " You want me to act like a adult Kouga ok i'll say an adult word. Go to he...." Kagome covered her mouth. " Rin cut it right there you know Kouga." Rin removed Kagome's hand away from her mouth. " Humph" Kagome smiled werily at her friend.

" Kagome you know when to be home. See-ya." Kikyou walked off. " I better get going also, Tell Ayame i said hello when she gets back from the mission, Peace Kagome....RIN" Kouga then sped off.

" Kagome hey where' s Sango-chan?" Rin asked. Kagome looked off into her own world and wondered. " I think she's with my mother talking about know since her mother and father died she has been hanging with my mother a lot and it's hard to raise a 12 year old brother by her self so it's good she's like the others." Rin got what she said.

" Kagome all because you're a half demon doesn't mean a thing they'll stop looking at what you are and soon discover your personality sooner or later or else they'll lose the best Wolf here to mate with. " Rin annoced proudly Kagome didn't feel much better but it did lift her confidence a bit. " Thanks Rin. you know what you want to go see Baa-chan with me today while Kouga and Kikyou are busy?" Rin looked unsure. " Kagome you have to remember she's human. One day you're gonna get caught and it's gonna be ugly. plus im in trouble from earlier." Rin told.

" It's ok I'll go by myself. And Rin it doesn't make a difference to me Im half human and it's not a clift to me." Kagome whispered. Rin nodded. " Be carful Kagome" She nodded and Jumpped off when she got outta sight.


Kagome reached another territory this is where it got dangerous. This ground area belong to any demon she expected. She decided to walk through and let her surroundings sink in. She looked up at the sky at the night fall begining to come she didn't care she always smelled like she'd been hunting so that was her excuse. She sighed smelling freedom once again going to her Baa-chan's house in the human village. That human village excepted her because of the times she saved them from planning demons. They were easy to kill, but for her Baa-chan to live on to pass knowledge to her for another day she didn't care.

Kagome was only a few yards till she was out of the Demon forest. Until she heard a fight near her area of choice. She was a very curious wolf at times and this was one of them. Moving closer she hid behind a tree to watch the sceen. ' might as well watch.' her brothers words came into picture when she thought that. 'Don't watch random fight always, ALWAYS they will come after the watcher out of spite. The winner loves to shed more blood, just to gain more respect and power. Kagome don't do it.' Kagome sucked her teeth and wanted to laugh. She watched plenty of Demon fight and they're so damn tired after they don't care who the person is watching. They just go on their way. And this to her was no different.

She saw the tall. big, buff demon with red eyes and a loin cloth facing and Human figure with silver hair all on his head too dark to see other features since his back was to her. this guy had decided to face him off. Kagome was shocked at the courage the male knew he had to be dead in a matter of seconds. 'this is no fight' Kagome wanted to yawn at the attempter to show how she didn't like the fight. Then she thought of what her Baa-chan would say if she just watched a human die. She had to weigh out her options. If she interfeared then all the humans would know who to congradulate, draw pictures. Complicate things. Then helping him would mean rewards and the kindness would have more points with the humans. Then lose points with the demons and no chance of being a Mate to someone special to her.

" Argh My head hurts!!!!" Kagome held her head gain a bad migrain from thinking too much about one damn subject. Then looking at the fight it seemed it had already started without thought she crussed herself for thinking to long about it she had to save the old guy. The red-eyed demon slung its arms at him. Kagome would be to late to even try. But insted the old guy jumped up and dodged the blow. Kagome was wide eyed. 'No old guy can ever hope to be that fast or even a young kid.' Kagome watched carefully the male turned in the air and she saw all his features. " Iron Rever Soul Stealer." He yelled forcing his nails on the demon spliting it into peices.

"that's not a human." She backed away from the scene and looked at the male from another angle. Checking off the points that told positive he was a Demon. 'He's smile of vitory...Fangs check...His hair now tells me...his claws....power in a simple move ...use of strategy...the jump...the accuracy in the turn...He's a demon alright.' She looked at his Kimono and saw the rip on his left arm. ' guess he didn't dodge it completely....' seeing the eyes were amber glowing in the night. She couldn't stop staring. Until she relized he was heading the way she was. 'damnit go Kagome.' She tried to move, but her legs wouldn't allow her. for the first time she was gonna get caught and she was afriad of what was coming to her.

He looked at Kagome and walked on passed her. She couldn't believe it. " Next time try to move before i do and keep your thought to yourself For another fight you might wanna watch." He waved off and left Kagome on her own. " Hey old guy!!!!" Kagome yelled. A vain popped on his head. " Im not old.... and what do you want?" Kagome ran to him and saw he had ears like her. " WOW... can i touch em....Can i see if they real..." He pulled back. " What do you want. You saw the fight most people just walk to another place or go home." He stated looking down at her. " Hey... do i look like im other people?" He turned and began walking.

" Go away, Bitch..." Kagome blushed. " I don't think you should call me that. Im not a dog demon ima Wolf demon. She-wolf if you please." She took a bow at herself. He looked at her sideways and smiled. " Really you smell more of half to me..." Kagome turned angry now. " So what ima half-breed no one cares i don't even care so why bring it up!!!" Kagome poked his chest. " You called yourself the half breed don't get mad at me for what i didn't say. " Kagome's finger weakend. " Sorry..." He began to walk away again. " Hey before you leave could you tell me your name? "

He kept walking. then turned slightly. " it's better if you don't know, Wench." And with that he jumpped off. Kagome looked after him in amazment. " He'.Cool!!!" Kagome felt like Rin 100% for a second on that sentence. " I need to hang out with Sango a lil' bit more. That's something Rin would say..." She held her head walking on to the village. Relizing how late it was. " Geeze, Im late."


" Kagome how are you?" Baa-chan asked in a cherry mood. Kagome had just rushed in and was outta breath. " Good baa-baa-chan. " She was a frail women but looked like she was in good health she had an eye-patch and a white and red kimono on. " I told you child call me Keade im not really ye baa-chan." Keade smiled at the She-wolf. " But... I don't really have a baa-chan. I have a Nee-chan, Brother, Big brother, and me im a little half-demon apart of the family. Souta's younger then me and he's full demon....Baa-cha...I mean Keade i was wondering." Kagome started. Keade was litsening in. " Do you know any Dog demons? Half. Dog demons who are half blooded like me. " Kagome figured he was a half demon like her with the ears on his head. Keade thought for a moment. "Hmm i think one, I don't know the rumors correct. the leader of the dog demons had died leaving a Human mother to lead and a demon mother to lead. Both had become mates with the great dog youskai and had a child with him. I don't know the whole story of how....but I believe that the human mother who had the off-spring with the lord had a son named either sesshamaru or Inu-Inu something. " Kagome let the information in. " he didn't act like a lord or anything so i don't think he is the demon your speaking of." Kagome stood. " It's late so i better be getting back before they suspect things." She walked to the door.

" Kagome..." She turned to her. " You dont act like a leader to be yourself you know. Ye are a loner yourself. to control yourself from turning to an impure demon like most you excape that life in secret. that's probally what that boy is doing. don't doubt him for being what he is, and don't hate him. Not all kinds act alike and not all kinds act by rules. Esspecially Demons." Keade told. Kagome nodded. " I know, but... I have to for MY kind and i have no voice aganist it. That's my people's rules i HAVE to follow by and it's the only way mom will find a mate for me...." Kagome sighed. " I hate the thought of a husband for me. I don't want one and no one wants me. I'd rather be alone Baa-chan." Keade sighed. " Alright child if that's how ye wants things to be. but for things to begin things have to change and in a matter of time if you don't do anything somebody will do it for you." Kagome nodded again and went out the door.

" Nothings gonna change for me Baa-chan.'