A/N: Well, here we are, the final chapter. This is such a bittersweet moment for me. 7 years, 3 months and 7 days, 655,000 words, 169 chapters, almost 2700 reviews and 191,000 views, this is the end. There are so many people I have to thank for their help and support during the making of this it would simply be impossible to thank them all. I would however like to give a little shout out to several people. Firstly, the 3 beta's who have seen me through this monster. Mingsmommy, SSC, and my current beta, Calim. I thank you guys so very much for the help and encouragement you have given me over the years. I certainly don't think I would have gotten this far without any of you. Thank you to all you readers for sticking by me all this time and for continuing to read. It gets tougher and tougher in the CSI fictional world especially now the show is over but it's nice to know that there are still people out there who want to read. And thank you to my friends who have supported me, especially Debbie and Leti who have been my pre readers and opinion pokers :)

Funny to think this started off as a little challenge way back when in the 1hour2write live journal group. I wave at you cropper, I beat you to the end :P (Get yours finished woman!)

I would very much appreciate your thoughts on the chapter and story as a whole if you can find 2 minutes after reading to leave me a review and once again, I thank you all :D

For the final time, away we go…

Chapter 179

*** - "The time will come, the time will not be long in coming, when new ties will be formed about you-ties that will bind you yet more tenderly and strongly to the home you so adorn-the dearest ties that will ever grace and gladden you."

Grissom had witnessed and been part of many a horse birth in his time, but none had ever been as important to him as this one. Dante had not only been his best friend for many a year but he was family and now, so was Pandora. If he could get one gift today it was that baby and mother came out healthy. That's all he wanted. Both for the horses and for Sara. It would not be a very festive season if the worst happened.

Crouching, he gently laid a hand on Pandora's neck. "Your little one is coming, girl," he said softly. "I know it hurts but I need you to push and keep pushing as hard as you can. The more you can do that, the quicker this will all be over."

Pandora shrieked and kicked out her back leg. Grissom pushed himself up and stepped toward her back end. He needed to wait for the leg to extend a bit further so he could grip it and help tug the foal out. From past experience, births could take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours. He just hoped this was the quicker end of the scale.

Sara reached for her father's arm as Dante let out a tiny whinny. Some part of this scene made her empathize with Grissom and what he must have felt during her labor. The waiting, the wondering, the screams she'd made… He'd been trapped on the other side of a door and not allowed inside. At least Dante could see Pandora and, if necessary, Sara was here to comfort her.

Oh, she just wanted this to be over.

"That's it girl," Grissom encouraged.

Pandora's belly expanded as she pushed and the foal's leg slipped out just a little further. A smile graced Grissom's lips as the tip of a second hoof followed.

"Keep that up," he said softly, "and we'll be saying hello to your new foal in no time."


It happened a lot faster than Grissom expected. Within 10 minutes, the bag split and a tiny muzzle inched out between its legs. Getting down on one knee, he glanced at Pandora's belly before taking a firm grip on them.

"Keep pushing, girl," he said through gritted teeth, tugging on the legs. "Don't stop."

Stepping forwards, Sara swallowed hard. "Do you need some help?"

A trickle of sweat dripped down his cheek as he shook his head, holding on a bit tighter as Pandora panted then whined as her stomach pulsed.

"That's it. Push," he urged as he slowly pulled. "A little more." She whined again and laid her head down. "We're almost there, girl. Just a few more pushes."

She snorted and he smiled then made ready as she pushed again. Little by little, the foal was edging closer to its new world until Grissom felt the resistance give and it slid from its mother and out onto the straw spread about the floor. As Pandora fell limp, a snort of hot air shooting from her nostrils, Grissom acted quickly, tugging at what was left of the sack around the tiny form.

Sara swiftly crouched down by Pandora. The warm air coming from her nose along with the continuing rapid exertion of her belly confirmed she was okay. For now, anyway. Then Dante's quiet whiny caught her attention and she looked at the foal laying very still.

"Come on, little one," Grissom whispered.

Wiping his hand over the foal's muzzle to clear the mucus clogged there, he then rubbed the tiny horse's belly. Without warning, a back leg kicked, followed by a front one.

Puffing out a breath of relief, Grissom smiled and pushed himself up. "He's okay."

Sara blinked. "He?"

Turning to his wife, Grissom nodded. "Yup."

Dante shrieked so loud everybody jumped and Sara held her hand to her heart.

Grissom laughed. "Relax, boy, okay? I know you're excited but Pandora and the little one need a little time. We're not quite out of the woods just yet."

Scrapping his front hoof through the straw, Dante bobbed his head before walking towards Pandora, giving her neck a healthy lick. She whickered then lifted her head to look at her newborn when he attempted to move.

Sara smiled as she joined her husband. "What should we do now?"

"I'd suggest you don't get too close to me," Grissom joked, holding out his hands to keep her back. He was just covered in nastiness.

Pursing her lips, Sara leaned in a little closer and sniffed at him, causing his eyebrows to lift. "Smelly."

Rolling his eyes, he smirked. "We need to wait a little while. Pandora's exhausted but I have to wait to see if she's going to chew away the umbilical cord. If not, I'll need to cut it. Hopefully, it won't be too long before the placenta comes. Once that happens we can leave them to rest."

"We'll need to keep a close eye on them both for the next 3 days," the captain said and Grissom nodded his agreement. "And the foal is quite small."

"Yeah," Grissom agreed. "But he looks healthy enough. Being early he's bound to be a little smaller."

It was then the foal kicked out his long awkward legs and tried to stand. Twice he fell into a heap but the third time he managed to stay upright on shaky legs.

"Look at that," Sara whispered as the foal unsteadily wobbled towards his mother. Pandora sat up, turned to her baby and licked his nose.

Sara's heart swelled as Pandora began cleaning him. "So…amazing," she choked, looking at her husband who leaned close and kissed her lips.

"Merry Christmas," he said softly and she giggled.

Her smile grew. "Merry Christmas."


Grissom groaned as he slid into the tub. It felt so good. Not exactly the position he expected himself to be in at 4pm on Christmas day though.

He'd stayed at the stable for a good three hours after Pandora had given birth while Sara went back to the house to check on Thomas. Once the afterbirth came and a thorough check from Grissom found her to be in good health, it didn't take her too long to adapt to her motherly duties. The foal was indeed small but had no defects and moved around pretty well after an hour of finding his feet. Dante was the proudest father Grissom had ever seen. Horse or not, he was beaming.

Once assured that the horses were comfortable, Grissom gave instructions to the workers to check them regularly and get him immediately if there was a problem. Confident his request was understood, he left the horses to rest and returned to the house.

Thankfully, Laura was very understanding, making more of a fuss about getting Grissom cleaned up than upending the entire day. In fact, she didn't mention it at all and seemed pleased that the horses were well and that everyone had smiles on their faces. Happiness, it seemed, was all that mattered.

"We're going to have to throw these out," Sara said from across the room, throwing Grissom's soiled clothing into a pillow case to stop them from contaminating everything. "I wouldn't wish it upon anyone to try and clean this mess off."

"Hmmm," he mumbled, closing his eyes but then jumped a few seconds later when he felt a soft pressure against his lips. Sara giggled into him as his eyes opened. "Boy, you move quickly."

She kissed him again. "You know that's the first time you haven't complained about me throwing something of yours out."

Stretching out his legs as far as he could, he growled. "Today, I don't really care. And, like you said, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone to have to clean that."

Kneeling by the bath, she held a hand to his cheek. "Thank you," she said so sincerely, Grissom frowned.

"For what?"

"For what you did. For Pandora and the foal. That's a very tough and messy job."

He smiled. "I just do what I do."

She smiled back. "And you're so great at it."

Pushing himself up a little he kissed her. Her hand moved through his hair and a moan slid up her throat as his tongue danced with hers. But a whimper coming from the crib broke their moment and Sara pulled back.

"I think someone's up," Sara whispered.

Grissom sighed, glancing down at his lap. "You can say that again."

After following his gaze, Sara giggled then tapped him on the nose. "Save it for later. We can't be long. Mother has already lost so much of the day, I don't think she'll extend her understanding if it takes us another two hours to go down for dinner."

His eyebrows soared. "Two hours? I'm honored."

Her eyes narrowed but she couldn't help a laugh. "Watch it," she warned, backing away towards the crib. "Hello you," she cooed, reaching for Thomas as he kicked his legs out. "And how's Mama's boy?" Thomas smiled then gave a healthy gargle. "You we're so good for Nana while Mama was away, weren't you?" she said, kissing him on the cheek."

"I'm amazed he went all that time without a feed," Grissom called over, grabbing the soap.

"Well, he certainly made up for it when I got back," she snickered, walking back to the tub. "Which is probably why he woke up happy. Still got a full tummy, don't you?" Thomas kicked out again and Sara's smile grew.

"Any chance of a back rub?" Grissom asked, holding out the soap.

Sara's lips pursed. "You want to hold him while I do that?"

Smirking, Grissom placed the soap down and held out his hands. "Sure."

Blinking in surprise, Sara laughed. "You're serious?"

"Why not?"

"Because he'll get wet," she replied. "And little baby plus wet clothing equals a chill and I would like to skip that thank you very much. We've been through enough of that already."

"Well then, undress him," Grissom argued. Her eyes narrowed and he gave back just as well. "Come on, honey. We do bathe him and he enjoys it. Plus, it will save you a job later. And your husband really needs a little loving over here. He's had a very tough day."

Sara laughed. "Has he now?"

"Ugh huh," Grissom returned, trying very hard to keep a straight face.

Stepping close to the tub, Sara lifted Thomas to her shoulder and leaned towards her husband. "Poor baby," she mocked. His eyebrows shot skywards and Sara laughed again. "All right, Mr. Hero. You win."

With Thomas lying safely on his father's chest, legs kicking as Grissom splashed water over his tummy, Sara couldn't contain the smile that bloomed over such an adorable sight.

"You like that don't you," Grissom said, tickling one of his son's toes.

Suddenly, Thomas laughed, well and truly, and Sara blinked in surprise.

"He's laughing," she gasped, pointing at her son before kneeling by the tub with a look of amazement on her face. "I mean, he's actually laughing." It was the most glorious laugh she had ever heard.

Grissom chuckled, tickling his son again. "He certainly is," he sighed proudly. "You see," he continued, looking at her, "Papa makes the best suggestions."

Smiling brightly, Sara leaned forwards and kissed him. "You certainly do," she mumbled against his lips before pulling back and grabbing the soap. "But we need to stop dallying or we'll have mother banging on our door."

"Could be interesting considering my current position," he challenged.

"Oh, I don't know," Sara countered, lathering up the soap. "It won't be the first time she's seen you…"

"Sara!" he squealed. "Please. Not in front of the child."

Happily laughing, she moved her hand to his shoulder and rubbed the soap over his skin. "You asked for that."

"Hmmmm," he mumbled happily as her hands worked over his skin. "I certainly did."


Grissom carried Thomas' basket on his right arm, his left hand gripping his wife's as they descended the stairs. His stomach rumbled so loud the second they reached the bottom, Sara heard it.

"Hungry per chance?" she laughed.

Smirking, he nodded. "A little."

"I'm not surprised," she continued as they headed towards the lounge. "You haven't eaten all day."

Looking at her, his lips pursed in amusement. "From what I know about your mother's Christmas dinner, I'm sure I'll make up for it."

"If it's not charcoal by now."

Pausing by the lounge doorway, he leaned close to her. "I'd eat bread and cheese as long as I'm with you."

Feeling a wave of heat pass through her tummy at the adoring look in his eyes, she gave him a quick kiss. "Let's hope it's not quite that bad."

Thomas laughed and they both glanced down at him watching his ladybug.

"I think he agrees with you," Grissom said with a smile.

Smiling back, she tugged on his arm and they entered the lounge to hear Laura telling Gregory off.

"Don't you have any more of that brandy, young man, or you'll be drunk before we even get to dinner." As Gregory slumped down onto the sofa Laura turned towards the doorway. "Ah, you're here," she greeted.

"Yes, Mother," Sara replied.

Approaching the couple, Laura glanced into the basket, smiling at her grandson before looking back up at Grissom. "All refreshed?"

Grissom nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. And thank you for waiting on me."

Reaching for his neckerchief, she straightened the knot. "Don't be silly and I don't want to hear any more apologies about anything that's had to change today. Am I clear?"

Smiling at her, Grissom nodded again. "Yes, Ma'am."

"Can we eat now?" Gregory called out. "We're starving over here."

Eyes narrowing, Laura spun around. "You wouldn't know the meaning of that word," she growled. "You ate breakfast and raided the kitchen at lunch time. Gil has been out in a cold stable all day, hasn't eaten a scrap and he's not moaning. Now stop complaining or you won't be getting any dinner."

Huffing, Gregory folded his arms and glared at Nicolas as he smirked at him.

Sara sniggered and, just as she did, her father entered.

"Oh, you're down," he said.

"We are indeed," Sara returned.

"Good," he replied, sounding relieved. "Because dinner won't be fit much longer. Are we all ready to eat?"

Laura looked at everyone and then took her husband's arm. "I think I can answer for everyone and say a big yes to that question."

The captain grinned as his nephews shot to their feet. "Then let's eat."


Dinner was an interesting affair. Never had Grissom felt so intimidated by a fork as when Laura pointed it at him and threatened he'd not work for a month if he said sorry one more time. Gregory was scolded by his uncle for asking questions not appropriate for the dinner table about Pandora's labor and Nicolas got into trouble for feeding the cat under the table. Sara found it all amusing, appreciating the lighter feel to what had begun as a very tense day.

The rest of the evening passed by swiftly but, in comparison to a usual Christmas day, it was quiet and relaxing. Brandy and dessert was taken in the lounge where the boys challenged their uncle to a game of poker, Laura happily read a book and Thomas was entertained by his parents. That is until Grissom noticed how late it was getting and headed back to the stable to check on Pandora and the foal.

Returning about an hour later, he found only Sara in the lounge sitting on the sofa, her head tipped back and eyes closed. She looked like an angel with the candlelight glowing around her. He sighed, a true feeling of love overcoming his senses. What had he ever done to deserve such a beautiful, intelligent, caring woman?

Quietly moving across the room, he glanced into Thomas' basket to see his son asleep. A smile graced his lips as he looked back at his wife. Was she sleeping too?

"Are they doing okay?"

Grissom jumped, surprised by the sudden question and Sara smirked at him as her eyes opened.

"Playing possum, huh?" he accused.

Holding out her hand, she tugged him down beside her and yawned. "I like being sneaky."

"I noticed."

She smiled. "So, they're all right?"

He nodded, reaching a hand up to her hair. "They're fine. All three of them. Pandora and the foal are sleeping and Dante is pacing. I doubt he will relax for a while. But they are all eating, drinking and healthy."

Sighing contently, she dropped her head to his shoulder and snuggled close. "I'm so relieved they're doing well."

"Hmmm," he agreed, kissing her forehead. "Me, too. Has everyone gone to bed?"

"Yeah. The boys were very tipsy and Mother and Father were tired. They said goodnight but if you needed any help with the horses to let them know."

"Has the little guy been sleeping long?"

Taking his hand, she fiddled with his fingers. "I gave him a feed just after you went to the stable and he went to sleep just after."

Grissom's lips twitched. "So hopefully he'll be asleep for a while."

Yawning again, Sara nodded. "Hopefully." Raising her head, she smirked at the look he was giving her.

"Are you tired?" he asked tenderly.

Lifting his hand to her lips, she kissed the back. "A little bit," she admitted.

He watched her lips as they softly kissed his skin, and a shiver hit his spine. Those lips drove him crazy. "Do you…want to go to bed?"

She smiled against his hand hearing the sudden gravel in his voice and her eyes caught his again. "Let's do that," she agreed.

Wrapping her hand around his, she pulled him up as she stood. Picking up Thomas' basket, she held it out to him. Smiling, he took hold of it.

"He gets more beautiful every day," she said, pulling the blanket a little further up his chest.

"That's because he looks like you."

Sara's heart melted and she smiled bashfully, clinging onto his arm. "And here's me thinking he looks more like you."

Smiling back, Grissom kissed her softly before they headed for the door and up to their room. Walking to the crib, he settled Thomas then kissed him on the cheek, moving over to the fireplace as Sara lit a few more candles around the bed.

"Are you warm enough?" he asked, giving the burning coals a quick poke.

Coming up behind him, she rubbed her hands over his shoulders and kissed the back of his neck. "Hmmmm," she replied. "I'll be even warmer once you're wrapped around me."

Dropping the poker, Grissom slowly turned and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. "You don't want to go to sleep then?" he teased, a small smirk curling the corner of his mouth.

Pursing her lips, she smoothed her hand up his back, bringing it to rest upon his cheek. "We could," she breathed.

Dipping her head, she dropped her lips to his throat. The second he felt the smooth glide of her tongue run over his skin, Grissom began to burn.

"But I'm not quite sure if I'm that sleepy just yet," she mumbled, loving the taste of him.

She grinned when she heard him groan then felt his hands shift to her butt, pulling her tighter against him. Her lips moved along his jaw, her teeth nibbling at his earlobe.

"Can you think of something that might tire me out?"

Before Sara could even blink, she was airborne, being swept into his arms and earning herself a heat filled gaze.

Staring deeply into her eyes, he moved towards the bed. "I'm sure I can think of something."



Friday, April 12th 1861

It was a glorious spring morning. Sara loved this time of year. Everything was so clean and fresh, the ravages of winter replaced with green grass and flowers everywhere. It was like a new beginning and pleased her to no end.

A new beginning.

The past four months had just flown by. The Grove was thankfully still thriving. Crops were at their best, the breeding program had grown 5 fold and the hotel in town was booked out solid every single day now having one of the best reputations in Maryland.

Grissom had signed over his land in Alexandria to Hodges and for no charge. He thought long and hard about it, after all he had built that place with his own blood sweat and tears but ultimately he didn't need it anymore. With the Grove, he would be financially secure for life and he trusted Hodges to take care of the small empire he had created. And, for his hard work and dedication, he deserved it.

The foal was doing great and growing very quickly. He could almost keep up with Dante but boy was he temperamental. So feisty and stubborn, just like his father, and Sara chuckled at that because of what they had named him. Chaos. Unusual but a reasonably appropriate name, she thought. Gregory actually named him when the foal decided to run at him one evening in the stable and knocked him to the ground before preceding to stomp on his rear end until someone actually grabbed him and pulled him away. Gregory never tried to steal any of the horse's apples again.

Sara sighed happily as she bounced Thomas on her knee. So much had happened this last year and a half, so much fear and desperation and, finally, joy and contentment. She'd not been looking for it but found it just the same.

The sounds of nails being driven into wood pulled her attention across the garden toward where her husband was working. She took great pleasure in watching him as he put the finishing touches on their new gazebo, something he'd promised to complete before summer. He was such a marvel with his hands and watching him work sent such an amazing heat through her body. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly deciding to turn her thoughts to their new house instead.

Even though it had been ready for nearly a year, they'd only moved in a month before. She'd been nervous being away from the main house but, once she got settled, found that privacy made those nerves disappear. No longer did she have to look over her shoulder if she desired an intimate moment with her husband nor worry if words were exchanged that everyone heard. It was only the three of them and that was fine by her.

Thomas suddenly mumbled some gibberish and she turned him in her lap, tapping him on the nose.

"What was that, young man?" He smiled, kicking out his feet as he repeated the same incoherent gargle. "You know, you smile just like you're Papa does," Sara told him. "So cheeky."

"Cheeky, huh?"

Looking up, she spied her husband leaning over the porch railing, wiping a towel over the back of his neck.

"Oh, yes," she replied with a smile. He smiled back, reaching over the rail for a glass of water sitting on a table. "Are you finished?"

He shook his head after taking a drink and walked up the porch steps. "One more day, I think. There are still a few rough patches I need to file down. I wouldn't want anyone getting a splinter, especially...," he said looking down at Thomas and running a hand over his head, "… this little guy if he's crawling around."

"Good point," Sara agreed.

Taking out his watch, Grissom checked the time. "I should wash up. Your mother is expecting us for lunch remember."

Sara nodded. "I haven't forgotten."

Leaning close, he kissed her and she smiled into him. "I won't be long," he said, pulling back then vanishing inside the house.


As they walked down the pathway towards the main house, Sara spotted her parents and nephews in the garden. A table and chairs had been set up under the oak trees where the captain and Laura sat; on the grass lay a blanket and Nicolas and Gregory were throwing a ball back and forth. They headed towards the group, Laura spotting them right away.

"Good afternoon," she said cheerfully, getting to her feet and holding out her arms to take Thomas from Grissom.

"Good afternoon, Mother," Sara answered happily.

"And how is my Grandson, today?" Laura asked, holding Thomas up and kissing him on the cheek. Thomas laughed and merrily kicked his feet. "I will take that as you are very well," she laughed, moving him into her arms.

"He is indeed," Grissom agreed.

Sara looked at her cousins and laughed as Nicolas tackled Gregory trying to get the ball from him. "Are we having lunch out here, Mother?"

"It's a lovely day," Laura answered. "So I thought a picnic would be nice. Is that okay?"

"Fine with me," Sara said, taking Grissom's arm and he smiled. "And Gil says it's fine too."

Laura snorted and they all approached the table.

"Good afternoon, Captain," Grissom greeted.

The captain got to his feet. "Hello to you both," he said with a smile. "And to you, little man," he continued, tapping Thomas on the nose. Thomas kicked his feet a little more and flapped his arms, causing the captain's smile to grow. "Would you both like a drink before lunch is brought out? We have tea, coffee, lemonade, champagne…."

"A little early for champagne, isn't it?" Sara laughed. "Are we celebrating?"

Opening his arms, the captain looked around. "A glorious sunny day, a happy and healthy family, happy workers, a thriving estate, more money than we will ever need. Why shouldn't we celebrate?"

Grissom smirked at the captain's exuberance, feeling the same happiness inside. And the joy he felt knowing he had finally proven his dedication to the captain, both personally and professionally, gave him a feeling like no other. Everything was as it should be. Everything in its proper place. He was where he was supposed to be all because of a kind man that found him on the docks so very long ago and had the decency to bring him to The Grove where he'd been welcomed with opened arms.

His thoughts were interrupted by the thudding sound of hooves. Turning, he spied two riders hurriedly heading their way.

"Are you expecting company?"

Joining him, the captain looked in the direction of the oncoming riders and shook his head. "No," he replied with a little uncertainty.

Not a fan of uninvited guests, especially after what they'd been through this last year, Grissom fiddled with the idea of heading inside and getting a rifle. But, if the riders had gotten this far and not been stopped, perhaps they weren't a threat.

"They're soldiers," Grissom said, catching sight of their uniforms as they came closer.

The captain's eyes narrowed. "Wait here," he requested, stepping away.

"Are you sure?" Grissom asked with a hint of concern.

Waving a hand, the captain continued towards the riders. "I'll be fine," he shouted back.

Sara joined her husband as Laura stepped up next to her. Nicolas and Gregory stood next to Grissom and the three men shared an anxious look as they followed the captain's progress.

"What do you think they want?" Sara asked.

Grissom shook his head. "I have no idea. But your father still has military connections so, hopefully, it's just a social call."

It's just a social call. Oh, how he wanted to believe that. And he'd tried to convince himself over the last few months that all the stories in the newspapers were just that – stories and nothing more. Now there were soldiers here and his stomach clenched.

Laura swallowed, her eyes springing to Grissom for a second. Although she didn't say it, something inside was telling her this was not a social visit. They'd all heard the rumors and although most tried to ignore them, she had not. She'd seen a long silent tension return to the captain, one they both knew well.

The group continued to watch as the two riders came to a stop and dismounted. As the lead man saluted, removed his hat and held his hand out to the captain, Grissom breathed a silent breath of relief as handshakes were exchanged.

"Looks friendly enough," he said. "So, why don't we sit?"

Everyone sat at the table, Grissom making sure he could still see what was going on with the captain.

Sara picked up the lemonade. "Would you like some?"

Grissom glanced at her briefly then nodded. "Please," he replied, eyes zoning back in on the three men.

"Me, too," Gregory said, grabbing an empty glass and holding it out to Sara.

Snickering, Sara poured everyone a glass, pushing her husband's towards him so it touched his hand. He blindly reached for it and took a sip.

Sara glanced at her mother who was bouncing Thomas up and down on her lap. "Mother, do you want me to take him?"

"He's fine," Laura insisted. "Enjoying the bounce."

With a nod and smile, Sara reached for her husband's hand. "Relax," she pleaded when he looked at her. "If father needed help we would know it by now."

"Yeah," he sighed, turning a little in his seat and taking another drink from his glass. "So, what have you boys been up to?" he asked, looking at Sara's cousins.

"I kicked his butt at ball," Nicolas said.

"You did not," Gregory argued.

Grissom smirked.

"Father's coming back," Sara said.

Grissom watched the riders remount then head back the way they'd come leaving the captain alone. Slowly, he turned and walked back toward his family. When he got close enough to make out his expression, Grissom frowned and then swallowed hard. The captain looked worried and pale.

"Is everything all right?" Grissom asked, getting to his feet.

Stopping right in front of his son-in-law, the captain squeezed Grissom's arm and shook his head. "No, son," he replied, a harsh shake in his voice.

Everyone at the table got up, Laura moving to her husband. "Thomas?" she asked but she knew what was coming.

Reaching out, the captain lay a soft hand upon his grandson's head, a feeble smile passing over his lips before he glanced at everyone, his eyes settling upon Grissom before he cleared his throat. There was no other way he could say this and, after everything they had achieved, thisthis could change everything.


Sara reached for Grissom's hand, the sheer fear in her father's eyes made her stomach turn as they waited for his reply. Eventually, it came and the captain's eyes clouded as he spoke.

"We're at war."

*** - "I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me, shall never die."

The End

*** - Extracts taken from A Tale of Two cities by Charles Dickens

A/N: *Grin* Sequel? Have a nice day :D