Hey guys. i'm sorry it took me so long to update this. I had just started my year 11 exams and i really needed to focus on that but now i'm finished. I hope i passed them. So yea now that i'm finished i should be able to update more often. So i finally got the last and final chapter of this story. I know its not as long as the others but i didn't know what else to put. i hope you like it and i apoligise now for any grammer errors but its late i have to go back to school tomorrow for introductory classes for year 12 so i need my sleep.

Well i think thats the end of my AN. Sorry if bored you.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but i wish i did. If i did i would be best friends with every disney star that i love! You never know... there's the off chance that it could happen one day.

Chapter 3

"What?" Caitlyn asked, not able to stop her mouth from pretty much dropping to the floor.

"I talked to our manager and he spoke to your dad and they all said that it was okay for you to come on tour with us" Nate explained.

"Why?" Caitlyn asked, still not able to get her head around this.

"That's what I also want to know" Nate heard Fiona mumble.

"You really don't want to go all the way to England to change into some person other than yourself. I don't want you to go all the way to England because that means I would not get to see you as much. Even though when I am on tour I would still never get to see you as much" Nate started rambling. Caitlyn shook her head and started smiling.

"Nate!" Caitlyn called out. Nate stopped talking and looked at Caitlyn. She just stood there looking at him with an amused expression on her face and her hand on her hip. Nate immediately blushed.

"I was rambling, wasn't I?" Caitlyn nodded. "Anyway, I want you to come on tour with me" Nate said softly.

"You have got to be kidding me?" Fiona said.

"What is going on here?" Mrs. Kingston asked.

"None of your business" Caitlyn snapped. Mrs. Kingston narrowed her eyes, stepped forward and slapped Caitlyn across the face. Everyone was pretty much stunned into silence.

"Don't you dare talk back to me like that" Mrs. Kingston hissed. "Hopefully this school will also teach you some manners on how to treat people older than you"

"I don't answer to you" Caitlyn said

"Actually you do seeing as your coming to my school"

"No I'm not" Caitlyn said unable to help the smile "I'm going to go with Nate" Caitlyn said as she reached over and grabbed Nate's hand. Nate smiled widely at her. Nate stepped forward and wrapped his arm around Caitlyn's shoulder.

"You are not going anywhere with that…. boy!" Fiona screeched.

"Says who?" Caitlyn challenged.

"Me, since I am your mother" Caitlyn's eyes narrowed at that statement.

"You are not my mother. You never have and you never will be"

"I'm still your guardian"

"Since when have I ever considered you my guardian?" Caitlyn asked. Fiona opened her mouth to answer but found she didn't have an answer. "That's what I thought" Caitlyn said as she turned to Mrs. Kingston. "We won't be needing your services anymore"

"You're not going to get very far in life with the dreams you have" Mrs. Kingston said harshly before turning around and walking back to her car. Caitlyn's face fell and she looked at the ground. Mrs. Kingston stopped by her driver and said something to him. Caitlyn looked up and she and Nate watched as the driver went around to the boot of the car and tossed out Caitlyn's bags. They left quickly after that. Nate smiled at Shane and Jason as they stepped forward and picked up Caitlyn's bags.

"You do realize that as soon as you leave this house, you're not welcome back" Fiona said. Caitlyn looked up at Fiona tried to act tough but Fiona was surprised to find someone who looked insecure and scared looking right back at her.

"I was never welcomed in the first place once you were part of this family" Caitlyn replied with no tone what so ever. Nate looked over at her confusedly while Fiona just walked away and back into the house.

"What's wrong?" Nate asked once Fiona had left. Caitlyn sighed.

"I can't help but think everyone is right about me. I'm not going to be going far if I don't even know what my dreams are" Caitlyn said as she looked down at the ground.

"Hey" Nate said softly as he placed two fingers under Caitlyn's chin and forced her to look at him. "You don't have to decide everything now. We're only 17. We have our whole life ahead of us to figure out what we want and what our dreams are. And you know that whatever you decide, I'll be right there behind you" Caitlyn smiled up at Nate and softly kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face in his chest. Nate tightened his arms around her.

"I love you" he heard Caitlyn mumble.

"I love you too Caity" Nate said. Caitlyn lifted her head up and kissed him again. "We'd better get going though" Caitlyn nodded and the two began to walk down the path to the bus. As they were walking Nate reached over, grabbed her hand and kissed it. Caitlyn smiled and wrapped her arm around Nate's waist, a content smile on her face.


Caitlyn walked onto the bus and immediately stopped. There asleep on the couch next to Shane who was playing with her hair was Mitchie Torres.

"Mitchie?" Caitlyn asked, mostly to herself. She didn't expect for Mitchie to open her eyes and squeal once she saw Caitlyn.

"Caitlyn!" Mitchie said as she jumped up and crushed Caitlyn in a hug. Shane, Nate and Jason laughed as they watched the exchange.

"What you are doing here?" Caitlyn asked.

"Shane asked me to be their opening act for their tour" Mitchie said excitedly. Caitlyn watched as Mitchie looked over at Shane and gave him a soft smile. Shane grinned goofily back.

"So… what's going on here?" Caitlyn casually asked. She had to suppress a laugh when she saw Mitchie and Shane immediately blush.

"What do you mean?" Mitchie asked with a visible blush still on her cheeks. Caitlyn shook her head.

"You and me are going to have a serious chat tonight" Caitlyn said as placed her bag on the couch.

"So… let me show you where your bunking" Mitchie quickly said as she grabbed Caitlyn's bag and then yanked Caitlyn on the wrist making her stumble forward.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" Caitlyn yelled at her. All the guys laughed at Mitchie dragged Caitlyn towards the back of the bus.

"Who wants to play guitar hero?" Jason asked. Nate and Shane nodded and all three headed over to the TV. As the guys were setting up they heard Caitlyn squeal.

"I knew it!"

"Shut up!" Mitchie yelled not long after. All three guys looked at each other.

"What do you think that's about?" Nate asked.

"I'm not sure I want to know" Shane said as he turned back to the game. Nate looked up when the door opened and he saw Caitlyn walk out with a triumphant grin on her face.

"What are you smiling at?" Nate asked once Caitlyn had sat down beside him. Caitlyn just smiled sweetly and kissed him.

"You'll see" Caitlyn said as she turned to Shane. "Hey Shane?"


"Do you want to do me a favor?"

"What kind of favor?" Shane asked, turning around to look at Caitlyn. Caitlyn leaned forward.

"Ask Mitchie out" That simple statement was enough to make Shane go as red as a tomato.

"Oh… umm… what?"

"Ask. Mitchie. Out" Caitlyn repeated slowly.

"Either you do it or someone else beats you to it" Nate said. Shane seemed to think about this before he slowly got up and started walking towards the back rooms where Mitchie was. He stopped just outside the door and turned around to look at the other.

"You won't be disappointed" Caitlyn reassured him. Shane nodded and opened the door. Caitlyn relaxed into Nate when Shane closed the door. Nate responded by wrapping his arm around her shoulders and linking their hands together while they watched Jason play Guitar Hero.

"Yes!" everyone heard Mitchie say after a few minutes.

"I take it she wasn't disappointed" Nate said with a chuckle. Caitlyn shook her head as she snuggled closer to Nate and closed her eyes. Caitlyn heard the door open and opened her eyes to see Mitchie and Shane walk out, hands entwined.

"Told you" Caitlyn said to both of them as they sat down opposite Caitlyn and Nate. Mitchie and Shane blushed but smiled. Mitchie positioned herself so that her head was in Shane's lap. Caitlyn sighed in content as she looked around the bus. Jason was rocking it out on Guitar Hero while singing along to the lyrics. Mitchie had her eyes closed while Shane was running his hand through her hair, having a quiet conversation with her. Her eyes travelled up to Nate who was looking at the TV. Nate felt someone looking at him and turned his head to see Caitlyn looking at him with a soft smile on her face. Nate leans down and kissed her softly.

"What's on your mind?"

"Could my life be anymore perfect right now" Caitlyn answered as she hugged Nate around the waist. Nate smiled and kissed the side of her head.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too"

"I would like to welcome the newly Mr. and Mrs. Grey to the dance floor" Shane said into the microphone. Nate stood up and held out his hand to his new wife. Caitlyn smiled and accepted his hand. He lead them both out to the dance floor.

"I've put in a special request for the song" Nate said.

"What would that be?" Caitlyn asked as the first few notes started to play.

If I could break this spell, I'd run to him today

And somehow I know he's on his way to me

Nathan, you and I were meant to be

Caitlyn had tears in her eyes as she remembered the song. She looked up at Nate with tears in her eyes.

"How?" Nate shook his head but held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked as he bowed to her. Caitlyn laughed and played along. She curtsied back.

"Yes you may" she said as Nate took her hand and began to waltz with her.

Far longer than forever

I'll hold you in my heart

It's almost like you're here with me

Although we're far apart

Far longer than forever

As constant as a star

I close my eyes and I am where you are

Sure as the dawn brings the sunrise

We've an unshakable bond

Destined to last for a lifetime and beyond

Far longer than forever (Far longer than forever)

I swear that I'll be true (I swear that I'll be true)

I've made an everlasting vow

To find a way to you

Far longer than forever

Like no love every known

And with your love I'll never be alone

Far longer than forever

Much stronger than forever

And with your love I'll never be alone

Everyone was in awe as the couple dance. No-one knew the secret behind the song or the meaning but they did know one thing. Nate and Caitlyn's love would last forever and always.

So i know the ending is a little weird but that's how i wanted it to be. Please review and tell me what you think. Bank Hiest and Storm should be updated within the week. Happy Reading