Chapter 1

The whole building had fallen into chaos when he had revealed his true face. He could hear frantic footsteps, their screams were like music to his ears.

Lunging forward, he slashed his sword through three finders, their cries echoing through the halls. Their blood dripped from the blade, shining and crimson in the dull candle light.

Allen rolled his shoulders, allowing the thrill of the fight to consume him. He could almost taste their fear.

The exorcists and braver finders tried to fight him, but each fell like the last. Some barely put up a fight. Bodies crumpled on the floor, red liquid staining his white shirt.

Some of the exorcists were stronger than he had expected. But that only made the task more enjoyable. Where was the fun in killing those so weak they couldn't even put up a fight?

One group of finders, weak as they were, continued to attack him, over and over, even after he had killed them. Their bodies would heal and they would continue to fight. But when he disposed of the woman, whimpering in the corner, they fell immediately, in pieces before they hit the ground.

The black-haired swordsman was a worthwhile opponent, his skill unmatched by any ordinary human. But Noahs were not ordinary by any means. He fought well, but when his sword fell, so did he. His face contorted in pain, a strange tattoo winding across is body.

The red-haired bookman stood up before him, his own body a barrier before the girl and the old man. His determination was admirable, but it wasn't enough to save him. The old man and girl never had a chance, her anguished cries ringing through the halls, even after her breathing had ceased.

The strongest by far was the masked general. He withstood blow after blow as he was slowly forced to his knees. And the others, they lost the will to fight as his head rolled across the stone floor. With their determination crushed, they fell easily, joining their family and friends.

Allen smirked as he side stepped the bodies, slaughtering those foolish enough to believe they could hide. Some begged for him to spare them, backing away as his laughter echoed around them.

Only when every person had fallen did he allow himself a moment to sit and relax. To relish in the pleasure of the massacre, adrenalin still pumping through his veins.

As he calmed, his stomach gurgled. Death always made him hungry. Standing, he stretched his arms before moving in search of the kitchen.

Road smiled as she stepped off the boat, her hand wrapped around the innocence she had collected. After being gone for over a month, she couldn't wait to see everyone again.

She looked around, hoping that her friends had come to greet her, like they did after every mission.

Her smile fell. There was no one around. Did they forget? She banished the idea. The boat had arrived early. They were probably still asleep.

Allowing the smile to come back, she wondered how she was going to pass the time. She quickly decided that it would be fun if she ate and waited for them in the cafeteria.

Road walked through the familiar corridors, surprised by how silent it was. Even at this hour there should be some kind of noise. Even the training hall was silent. Where was Kanda? He always got up early to train while it was still silent and he could concentrate.

Something was off. She pocketed the elemental innocence, withdrawing her own. It was in the shape of an umbrella. People thought a talking umbrella was creepy, she found it rather cute.

She slowed her steps, each one cautious and silent. She scanned the halls and cursed, unable to make out anything in the dark. Frowning, she listened hard, relying on her hearing to alert her of danger.

It wasn't until her foot hit something, Road realised the true peril of the situation. Kneeling down she reached forward. She touched the thing and immediately withdrew her hand, stifling a scream. The sticky substance on her hand; she didn't need to see to identify it. Reaching out once more, she ran her hand along the person. When her fingertips brushed against cold steel, she realised who it was.

She traced the blade, only to find his fingers still clasped around the hilt. She laid her hand on his chest and brought her ear to his mouth. Tears began to trail down her cheeks. He wasn't breathing.

She stood, walking forward, fully aware of what she might find. If it could defeat Kanda... she didn't want to think about the others.

Road passed at least ten other bodies as she walked. She ignored the fact that she had tripped over Lavi's hammer and kicked one of Lenalee's hair ties across the corridor. Some of the bodies she had checked for life had still been warm.

Road stepped into the cafeteria, afraid of what she might see. She was surprised. A young boy was sitting among the strewn bodies of her comrades, happily munching on a sandwich. He smiled brightly and waved, offering her a seat beside him.

She stood, frozen in the doorway, unsure of what to make of the situation. She walked towards him. He looked so pure with his snowy white hair hanging in front of soft grey eyes. She stopped, catching herself, remembering the bodies. For the first time she noticed blood splattered across his clothing, matted in the white hair that made him look so innocent.

She stepped back, pointing her innocence at his sweet face. "Who are you?" she yelled, frantically wiping away her tears.

He stood, smirking. His eyes flashed gold and his skin greyed, a line of scars appearing on his forehead. He looked her in the eye. "My name is Allen Walker, but Allen is fine."

"You... you... you monster. You killed them."

"Yes, I believe I did." He walked forward, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Stay back," she brandished the umbrella in front of herself, tearing her eyes from his piercing gaze.

He chuckled. "Why would I want to do that?" In an instant he was in front of her, his fingers wrapped around her throat. Her umbrella clattered against the ground as he lifted her, her feet dangling in the air.

"Let go of me," she rasped. Her black nails clawed at his hand. If anything, his grip tightened.

He walked forward, slamming her into the wall. Her head hit rough concrete and her vision began to blur. She felt his hand brush her cheek.

"Such a pretty little thing," he whispered. She tried to move away, but her body wouldn't listen to her.

"Kill me," she spat, as her vision faded completely.