A/N: This computer is so frustrating! Either that, or it's Firefox...Grr...Can't figure out how to change my homepage, and whenever I look up how to do it, it just tells me to click Tools and then Options. There is no thing that says options! Maybe it's because this isn't a Windows or a Mac... At least I get Internet I suppose. I'll just have to deal.

Last chapter of this story. This is now a complete story. I'm very happy with the way it turned out. I sincerely hope that the rest of you enjoy the ending as much I as enjoyed writing it.

Now I just have to finish Yami no Yume... That may take me a while...

Read, review, enjoy.

Kurogane was just walking through the door when the phone rang. His parents weren't home, so there was no one else to answer. Kurogane sighed, he hated answering the phone, especially now that he was out of high school and everyone expected him to be off at college, even though he had decided to stay home for a year, save up money, and spend time with his mother. It was such a hassle when he picked up the phone and the person on the other end asked why he was there and not at college.

For a moment he considered letting it ring, but then decided that his parents wouldn't like it if they found out he'd just let it ring, and he picked it up, and pressed talk. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end was not the voice he expected, "Ah, Kuro-chan?"

For a second Kurogane's mind ran blank. "M-Mage?" That was all his tongue could manage.

From other other end Fai chuckled and Kurogane could just see him nodding, "Yes, Kuro-chan, it's me. I finally called."

Kurogane growled, it had been seven months since the blond had left on that train! He'd been waiting for this call for so long that he'd given up on getting it! "Took you long enough!"

Again, there was a chuckle. "Yes, I'm sorry about that. I did keep my word though, I did read it after I got to college, and I did call you after I read it. It just...took a lot longer than I thought it would. How are you?"

'How are you?' Was that all he could say? That stung. Kurogane shook his head, "I'm fine. I've been working down at the local grocer, stocking shelves, and lifting boxes. Mom's been doing well, and Dad's been getting brighter every day that she's been home."

"Good. I'm glad you're doing well, and I glad you stayed home. I don't know how I would get in touch with you if you had left." There was silence on the other side of the phone after that, and Kurogane somehow knew that Fai was biting his lip on the other side. At last he spoke again, "Listen...do you have work next...Friday?"

"No, I have Friday's and Monday's off. Why?"

"Well, I would like it if you would be down at the park, where you took me when we first met, at five o'clock next Friday."

"Why?" There's nothing there. You're at college.

Fai sighed softly, "Please, I just want you to go there. Think of it like...you'll be in touch with me, even though I'm not there. Like memorial. Next Friday...it'll be exactly four years since we met."

At this Kurogane could only nod, even though he knew Fai couldn't see him nod through the telephone. "All right, Mage. I'll go down there."

"Thank you. I have to go now. I'll talk to you soon, okay?"

"Yeah, just make sure it isn't seven months next time."

"I will, don't worry. Good bye."

"Bye." Kurogane hung up the phone. He felt many things at once. Anger, confusion, relief, sadness. He didn't know what to think about Fai's call. He hadn't mentioned his thoughts on the notebook at all, but he wanted him to visit the park. It hurt, and yet the confusion dulled the pain.

From his dorm room, Fai hung up the phone. His hand grazed lightly over the notebook. He smiled. So those were Kurogane's thoughts. His precious thoughts. Unadulterated, pure, simple. Fai loved them. He loved every last one of them, just as much as he loved Kurogane himself.

It was weird. Fai had heard so many times that when you were relieved of something, or when you felt good, you felt light, like a feather. Yes, Fai felt relieved, but he didn't feel light at all. If anything he felt like a ton of bricks had been placed on his shoulders. He left like he was alive...in the sense that everyone around him was alive.

Fai frowned. I wonder... The blond boy stood up from his seat on his bed and went over to the corner of his room, picking up the violin case that lay there. He opened it, took out the violin and bow, and began to play. It wasn't the song his brother had written for him. Kurogane was the only one who had ever heard that one, and he was probably the only one who ever would. No...Fai played a different tune, one of the one's Ashura was teaching him.

His heartrate quickened as he waited for the first part to happen. It always happened because the violin was loud, loud enough to attract attention. Sure enough, a few moments later there was a knock on his door. He stopped playing. "Come in," he said softly. Soft enough that normally, the knocker didn't even notice.

The door opened. Fai's breath hitched.

In the doorway stood his roommate. A boy, the same age as him, with bright violet eyes and messy black hair. His name was Kamui. Fai knew that, but that was just about all he knew about him, other than the fact that either he or his friends ate a lot.

Kamui blinked at him, and tilted his head cluelessly to one side. "Who are you?"

Fai's skin went paler. It's amazing. He can see me now. At last he parted his lips and spoke. "I-I'm your roommate."

It was nearly five o'clock. Kurogane thought to himself as he walked through the park. It was cold, but it wasn't snowing. Kurogane wasn't sure if it was better because it wasn't snowing, or if that just made it seem even colder. Either way he was uncomfortable.

He made his way down the path, toward the bench he remembered that he and Fai had sat on four years ago today. The closer and closer to the spot he got the stranger and stranger the sight of it became. There was someone else sitting on the bench. A young man, no older than he was. He was long, and lanky, like a stick. He wore blue from head to foot, and was bundled up in a winter's coat and a scarf. His head was bare, and the hair that fluttered slightly in the wind was blond.

Kurogane narrowed his eyes and all doubt left his mind. It was Fai. He couldn't quite be sure at first, this person was thinner than the Fai he remembered. His hair and skin was paler. It just didn't quite look like his Fai. Yet it was. He had to be. "Mage?" He called out questioningly.

The blond's eyes opened. Even the blue of his eyes was paler.

"Good afternoon, Kuro-chan." The voice was the same.

"What are you doing here?" Kurogane asked as he came closer to Fai, his eyes narrowed and inspected the blond as if he expected him to disappear right before his eyes. "I thought you weren't coming."

"I didn't think I was coming either, but...I told Ashura..."


"A professor. He's tutoring me in music. Uh..." Fai rubbed the side of his face with one hand and gave a small laugh. "I told Ashura what happened and he insisted on paying for my trip. He said I needed to be here."


"Ashura can see me," Fai paused, "Well, everyone can see me now, but Ashura was like you, he could see me before. Ashura also kows how much you mean to me. He knows a lot of things. I was going to write you a letter. It's cheaper, and it's somehow better than email or telephone, but Ashura insisted I tell you face to face."

Kurogane didn't know what to ask first. He was tempted to ask about people being able to see him. He certainly hadn't mentioned that over the phone, but his curiousity about what Fai needed to tell him in person won over the wonderment about Fai's visibility. "Tell me what?"


"Yes, Mage?"

"About the notebook...is everything you wrote...still true?"

Kurogane's heart sank. The notebook. Now you're going to discuss it. Should he lie? Should he say that it wasn't true anymore? No. Kurogane could have slapped himself for that thought. He hadn't lied to Fai in the notebook, he wasn't going to lie to his face now. "It's all true. Every last word of it."

Fai's eyes looked toward the ground. A soft smile played his lips. "I'm so happy."

Kurogane blinked, he hadn't been expecting...that... "You're happy?"

"Of course!" Fai looked up at him with a smile that was somehow happy, relieved, but most of all, contented. "Of course I am...I thought you could never love me back."

Kurogane stood dumbfounded as the meaning of those words sunk into his skull. Was he really hearing what he thought he was hearing? Was he misinterpreting the words he was hearing? "Kuro-chan? Are you...upset?"

Kurogane shook his head, both answering Fai, and snapping himself back to reality. Before he was really, truly aware of what he was doing, he had wrapped his arms around the blond boy and was holding him tightly against his chest. "Of course I'm not upset you idiot. I just....wasn't expecting you to say that." He grumbled as he sat his chin on top of Fai's head. He was happy, truly he was, something they had both appearently thought impossible had happened; the person they loved returned their feeling. Still, despite how happy he truly was, it was somehow embarrassing too. How long had they both felt this way, and not told the other because of fear? Kurogane did not want to think about it.

The young man tilted his head and placed his lips on the top of Fai's head for just a moment. He heard Fai chuckle. "What?"

"That's not how you kiss, Kuro-chan." The blond pulled away from the hug and placed both of his cold hands on either side of Kurogane's face, "This is." Fai leaned forward and up to place his lips gently against Kurogane's in a kiss.

Kurogane couldn't help but smile as he kissed Fai back. It was funny, he could feel that Fai's touch was cold against his skin, but he wasn't cold anymore.

"Can people still see you?" Kurogane asked as his boyfriend reached out to catch one of the many falling cherry blossom petals. It was Fai's spring break, and Ashura had again paid for Fai's round trip to come visit.

"Yes," Fai said as he finally caught one and let one finger gently stroke the petal, as though it were a baby chick. "People pay a lot more attention to me now. You'd be surprised."

"No, I wouldn't," Kurogane shook his head. He'd always known that Fai would be popular if people could see him. It was just that people couldn't see him until last winter. The red-eyed boy watched Fai look up at the trees and then continue to try and catch more of the falling petals. "Are you sure that it's all right that we came here again?"

"Of course," Fai grinned and blew the caught petals at Kurogane's face. "I like tradition." The blond chuckled and pulled Kurogane along to the next tree. "It's not boring, it gives me a nice feeling of nostalgia."

"If you're sure..." Kurogane grumbled. He himself wasn't bored, but he wasn't exactly sure how Fai was satisfied doing the same things over and over again. Fai was an artist, despite his biology major, and artists were always looking for new things to draw or paint. How would Fai find new things to capture in his art, if he only looked at the same things again and again?

"There he is! I told you, Syaoran!" Kurogane heard a girl's giggle follow the statement. He felt like he had heard the name Syaoran somewhere before, the voice too, was familiar. He looked over his shoulder to see two kids, a couple years younger than he and Fai were, come running up to them. "And he's visible too! Ha!" The girl laughed once with joy and did a spin. It made her look a little like a ballerina.

Kurogane folded his arms over his chest. He remembered these two now. A boy who hung ever so slightly behind a girl who said she wanted Fai to paint for her. "You two again?"

Fai, for the first time, looked at them. He looked at them and then he looked at Kurogane. He looked back at them. "Again, Kuro-chan?"

"Again, Mage. They were here last year too."

The girl, he thought he remembered her name to be Sakura, nodded. "Yep! I'm Sakura, and this," she wrapped her fingers around the boy's hand and pulled him forward slightly so that he was level with her. "Is Syaoran! You're Fai Flourite."

Fai blinked. "Why...yes. I am. Is there something I can help you with?"

Sakura nodded, "Shall I tell you the long story? Or the short one?"

Fai chuckled. Kurogane could tell that the girl amused him. "The long one, please."

The green-eyed girl nodded. "All right. You see, I am Sakura Kinomoto. When I was much younger than I am now, I moved into a big house far away from here. The house was huge! My brother, Touya, his friend, Yukito, Syaoran, and I went looking all over it. We found lots of stuff."


"A violin and paintings. Lots and lots of paintings. I loved them all. I hung them all over my room when I was younger. My parents said I should throw them out, but they were so pretty. The paintings were all signed by Fai Flourite. That's you."

Fai gave a small laugh. "Yes, I'm Fai Flourite. You found my paintings? Okay. They were from a long time ago. I'm not upset that you kept them. In fact, I'm kinda glad someone liked them enough to keep them."

Sakura smiled, "But that's not all. You see, this summer, Syaoran and I are going to travel."

Fai looked up at Kurogane. Kurogane knew that Fai had probably been able to follow the girl's story up until that point. Now Fai was probably wondering what this had to do with him. "Okay..."

"And we'll be traveling all over the world."


The girl smiled. "I want you, and your friend, to come with us."

At this Fai blinked once in confusion and stared at Sakura. "Why?" That one word from Fai's lips mirrored Kurogane's thoughts. Why would this girl want Fai, who she only knew through his paintings, to come with him? In fact he wondered even more why both he and Fai were invited. It would possibly make more sense if it was just Fai.

"Because," the girl sighed and she seemed to become more calm. "I don't want to take pictures on this trip. It's so special to me, and photographs are cheap. I think a photograph captures the image, but not the memory. I'm going on this trip to collect lots of memories, of all sorts of places."

"But that doesn't explain--"

"Paintings are so much more personal. They capture everything in the way the painter sees it. I can't paint, but you can. I want you to come with, so I can learn about the person who's paintings I loved, and so that person can paint those memories."

Fai shrugged. "I don't have anything specific planned for summer, but I don't have any money either..."

Sakura smiled widely. "That's okay! I've been planning this trip for a very long time, and I have enough money to pay for all four of us!" The girl held her arms out as widely as she could. "Plus, the more the merrier! Memories are no good if you're the only one that has the memory! You have to be able to talk about it with someone. That's why I wanted you to be visible when I came and asked you...if you can't be seen...then your memories will be different, even if you're in the same place."

For a moment they were all quiet. Each one of them seemed to be in thought it seemed. Kurogane himself thought about how Sakura was right. Fai's memories would be different, because he wouldn't see, hear, touch the same as everyone else if no one could see him. It was probably exactly like looking at a photograph. You could see it, but you weren't there.

It was again Sakura's voice that broke the silence. "So? Will you come?"

Fai's blue eyes looked to the falling petals and then they looked to Kurogane. Kurogane didn't need to think about the answer to Fai's unspoken question. A trip would do Fai plenty of good. It was in fact, and answer to the question he'd been wondering a little while before. If Fai went on this trip he'd see lots of places, paint lots of things. It would be good for the artist. He nodded.

Fai smiled at Kurogane and then grinned at Sakura. "Is that a yes?"

"Yes," Fai said softly. "Kuro-chan and I will go with you and Syaoran this summer. Let's go paint memories."