Title: New day
Pairing: Kurogane x Fai
Words: 304
Genre: Romance?
Disclaimer: I own nothing; Clamp does. Isn't that great?

Summary: None? It would be longer than the fic ^^;;.

Notes: One night at about 23:40 I had Regina Spektor's "Samson" on repeat while finishing reading Terry Pratchett's "Jingo". Weirdly enough, when I got to the point where *spoiler alert!!* the Dis-organiser mentions to Vimes all the deaths that should have happened if he'd gone down history's other pant-leg, *end-ish* and the strange, molasses-like mood in the book merged with the one of the song, and they grabbed me, shook me and something bling!-ed. What bling!-ed was the certainty that Fai would eventually cut his hair once the ordeal was over (thoughts brought about by various fan-comments about the current status of his hair-length *prim sniff*) and two heart-warming/rending panels in Fai's Celes flashbacks (here http: // onemanga .com/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicles/159/20/ and here http: // onemanga .com/Tsubasa_Reservoir_Chronicles/159/21/) and they all merged together somehow, and this is what came out.

Weird, neh?

Also of note, this can be seen as a continuation of "At the end of all things", which would explain why not many things are explained in this drabble.


It was the first night after the last day. They'd made it through, all of them, as required, hoped and vowed.

Fai slept, curled on one side.

Kurogane half-sat, leaning against the wall, and listened to the silence and the sound of the mage's breaths beside him. They were in Clow castle, relieved and spent, and moonlight shone through the windows in waves.

The world was quiet and still.

Kurogane turned his head to the side and stared into the halflight. His eyes roamed aimlessly along the mage's – Fai's, Yuui's – neck and shoulders, down his back, watched the steady move of his chest, the slight curl of light hair as it lay bound at his neck. He blinked slowly.

He remembered snatched images of long, frayed hair, and he remembered it was cut.

After a while he leaned down in one even move and his lips brushed Fai's neck – a touch, a pause, a tracing of his pulse – and when Fai woke, warm and confused, he took him by the shoulders and lifted him to half-sit on the bed. A hand reached for his sword, leaning against the wall and close, the other gathered up Fai's hair, and Kurogane cut it short with one sure turn of his right wrist, while Fai stared back with mismatched eyes.

He set the sword and the blond strands upon the bed. He looked at Fai, and Fai looked back, and Kurogane framed Fai's face with mismatched hands and leaned over to kiss him, a simple pressing of the lips, a single, slow-paced brush, and Fai wrapped long, warm arms around him and held on.

Fai may have cried, silent and slow, and he may well have smiled, and Kurogane brushed his fingers through Fai's soft, short hair and held him close.

Their heartbeats evened out and matched.


…end, I guess ^^;