title: Pax Romana
pairing: JouxHonda
summary: Oh, the things we do for family and friends (and the people that are somewhere in the middle).
rating: K
notes: Written for Computerfreak101's Yu-Gi-Oh! Crack Pairing Competition.
standard disclaimer applies.
---1 o'clock, I'll miss you more.---
---3 o'clock, and I'll have forgotten.---
(--"Please come big brother!"
"Neh, it one of Kaiba's parties."
"Please big brother, I've always wanted to see inside a manor!"
"Urgh, fine! …but why does it have to be Kaiba's…?"
"Oh, and there is one more thing."
"It's a costumed Christmas party!"--)
-- but catch me at 2 o'clock and I'll give you a kiss. --
("Someone please kill me.")
Oh, the things we do for family and friends (and the people that are somewhere in the middle).
Katsuya Jonouchi was a man of many talents. Duelling, insulting Kaiba's scrawny ass, looking after his little sister, standing up for his friends, hell he was even a pretty sweet street fighter, not to mention the battles he fought in his mind, with himself and anyone else that thought they'd throw a party in there.
Apparently, he also looked good in a dress.
Wait, correction,
Jou tugged at his toga. "What is this meant to be?"
"A Toga!"
Jou blinked. "What? It's a freaking dress!"
Honda laughed. "Dare ya to wear it. Dare you or you're not a man." He held up his pinkie in the ritual they had had since they were twelve.
Jou swore. "You are a low man." He took Honda's pinkie with his own, they leant to the side and spat, then let go. "How precisely does wearing a dress make me more of a man?"
Honda shrugged. "I dunno, but you swore - deal with it."
Jou growled. "And what are you supposed to be?"
"A Pirate."
Jou snorted. "Weirdest looking Pirate I've ever seen."
Honda hit him across the back of the head. "Its all the costume shop had left."
"A green and yellow pirate suit and a red toga… Honda?" He slung his arm around his oldest friend's shoulders.
"You are never picking costumes for us again."
( -- "Katsuya Jounuochi, so glad you could join us - and is that a dress?"
"Kiss my ass, Kaiba, and it's a toga."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, dog." -- )
( -- "Honda-kun! You look interesting!"
"Thanks Shikuza!"
"I-its alright… it is really very, um… bright?" -- )
Jou raised his head, he looked around, he saw Yuugi, laughing at something the person next to him (that Jou didnt know) had said. Standing beside him was Anzu, laughing as well at whatever had been said as well. He grinned, Anzu look kinda pretty tonight.
Soft and in a white dress, a set of wings on her back.
An Angel.
Honda, was in a corner.
Honda, was lonely.
Honda, was staring at Shizuka with so much hope in his eyes, it was physically painful.
She'd come in a matching outfit to Anzu, he'd noted, the white dress that sat just right on her, and those cute little wings.
An Angel.
-- 1 oclock, I'll miss you more. --
"How goes it?" Jou sat down against the wall next to Honda.
Honda sighed, "Its... depressing."
He watched Shizuka unknowingly enchant every man around her.
Jou nodded, eyeing Anzu, who was oblivious to Yuugi's staring... at her chest.
Yuugi did have hormones after all.
"Guess Yuugi's brain is the same place its always has been - extra people inside his brain or not."
"Huh? What, up Anzu's skirt?"
"Yes... well, he wishes he was." Jou snorted.
"You do too, don't you?" Honda said smugly. Jou rolled his eye and went to get them beers.
---3 o'clock, and I'll have forgotten.---
"That was horrible!" Honda moaned in mortified embarrassment, his face in his hands.
"... it happened to you too?" Jou slurred - beer number six... or was it seven?
"You mean she - "
Jou nodded. "Yep." He passed Honda a drink. "Here ya go mate."
( -- "Shizuka I..."
"Oh Honda, you are really sweet, but you see..."
Her warm breath was hitting his cheek.
She murmured the last part into his ear.
Honda sighed.
"WAIT - WHAT?!" -- )
Honda took a giant gulp. Jou spat his out.
"She's going out with who?!"
"Not joking. Kaiba."
Jou groaned, dropping his head into his hands. "I thought Ma raised her with better taste... Tonight sucks."
Honda gave a side look, "What happened to you?"
"Well -- "
( -- "Hey Anzu, you know you look really pretty tonight?"
"Really? Thank - you Jou!" She put her arms around his shoulders.
"My pleasure."
He lent in --
she stopped him.
"Sorry, I would, but... well, I'm not interested." -- )
"Then I catch her ten minutes later in the corner with Ryou!"
"No way!"
"Mmmhmm," Jou mumbled through another mouthful.
"Urgh," Honda muttered. "I just wanted one kiss tonight. One decent make out session."
Jou hic-ed. "I know what you mean." he mumbled again, words slurring.
Honda glanced askance at him. "How many of those have you had?"
"Some would say too many, I say not enough."
"Good. Because I am going to suggest something in about two more drinks and I need you to be drunk to not actually remember it."
"Alright." Jou took another drink.
( -- "Wanna make-out?"
"...Still not drunk enough." -- )
-- but catch me at 2 o'clock and I'll give you a kiss. --
&maybe they did.