Internet Girl
Summary- She was his best kept secret. He didn't plan on sharing her with the world. She was his Internet Girl. AU- Smitchie one-shot
A/N: Hello again 8D Yeah, I'm still planning to update 'Assumptions' soon, but I had a one-shot I really wanted to do! I got the inspiration for this after listening to Aaron Carter's 'Internet Girl' song :D Why did I listen to it? After hearing the band playing 'I want Candy' so many times, I decided to listen to Aaron Carter's version xDD Haha just though I should share xD Enjoy the one-shot!
Shane impatiently tapped his pencil on the desk. 2 more minutes of the blasted class and he'd be out of here. He couldn't wait for after school. No, he wasn't going to hang out with Nate or Jason to play guitar, nor was he exited to do his homework. Shane Grey couldn't wait to get home and get on his laptop.
Lately, the 15 year old had been spending a bit too much time on the Internet, especially the chat rooms. It was either the Internet or doing homework, and he surely wouldn't even consider the second choice. So while Shane was on the Internet, he had been chatting with so many people, but one in particular caught his eye. The user, ThisIsMe123, was especially welcoming to him on the chat room. One day, they had decided to chat alone together, and they had learned so much about each other. ThisIsMe123 was a female, a singer, and a friendly down to earth girl. That was an A+ in the Shane Grey book of girls.
Unfortunately for the both of them, school and daily life took up their time, so they had to resort to email. Shane just could wait to get home and check his mail. It had been nearly a day since her last E-mail, and it was killing Shane.
Everyone immediately filed out of the room, all ignoring the teacher's shouts of 'Don't forget to read page 369 and do the review!' Shane quickly gathered all his things and raced to the door. On his way there, he bumped into someone. 'How annoying' he muttered under his breath.
"I'm sorry!" a female voice came. Shane looked up and his eyes locked with the shyest girl in his grade, Mitchie Torres. She was about a A- in Shane's book. The girl was always quiet, unless necessary and she only had 2 friends, Sierra Johnson and Caitlyn Gellar. Other than that, she kept everything to herself or her friends. To Shane, Mitchie was a pretty cute girl, but not as pretty as Tess Tyler, or ThisIsMe123, though he never did see a picture of him.
"It's alright." He grumbled. He reached down and helped her pick up her textbook and notebooks, one which had written 'Mitchie's Songs' across the top. 'She writes songs?' Shane cocked his eyebrow before brushing off the thought. She couldn't be as good as ThisIsMe123.
Both Mitchie and Shane stood up at the same time. "Here's your stuff." He said, handing Mitchie all of her stuff. " was nice talking to you?"
Shane started walking out of the room when Mitchie called out to him. "Wait!" she exclaimed in a soft voice. He slowly turned around to face her, but she was looking at her shoes.
"Yes?" He asked annoyed.
Nothing came out and Shane was about to leave when she answered. "D-do you want to hang out tonight? Shane." She managed to stutter.
Shane looked down at his shoes. She obviously wasn't good with talking to boys and denial could hurt her bad. Nonetheless, Shane wasn't interested. "I'm sorry Mitchie, but I have plans tonight." That was like a slap across the face to Mitchie. "Maybe another time?"
Mitchie bit her lip and said nothing. She only nodded before running out of the classroom and past Shane. Shane on the other hand let out a heavy sigh and walked to the exit.
At Shane's house
Shane quickly rushed up the stairs after hugging his mom and giving her a kiss on the cheek. His mom didn't know anything about ThisIsMe123, but what she did know was that her son was constantly staying up all night to be on the Internet. Shane had been scolded about this several times, but he only got sneakier about it. Even his best friends, Nate Parker and Jason Henley didn't know about her. Shane was the only one that knew.
The moment he got into his room, he tossed his backpack on his bed and closed the door. Immediately, he leaped on his bed and opened his computer. It was already on since Shane had checked his E-mail account this morning. He had a message!
Let's chat on MSN. I should be online right now.
-ThisIsMe123 :)
His eyes diverted to the top of the page. 3:25 P.M it read. She practically just sent that message! Shane immediately closed out of the page and opened a page that led to MSN.
"I hope she's online." Shane said softly as he logged onto his MSN account, ElRockstar15. "I want to talk to her so bad."
He waited a moment before a private message was sent to her. It was from ThisIsMe123! Shane's lips twitched into a wide grin. "Yes!" He cheered.
On the bottom of the pop-up, it told him that she was typing something. He waited a few seconds before the message appeared.
ThisIsMe123- Hey Popstar :)
Shane smirked. He had told her a bit about his music, which he claimed to be rock, but she simply insisted that if he were to ever become an artist, he'd be a popstar.
ElRockstar15- It's rockstar thank you very much. Now how was your day
ThisIsMe123- Dreadful! I got rejected by this boy I like. Pretty pathetic huh? It took me forever to have the guts to ask him and smack! I got rejected. He apparently already had plans... -sighs-
Shane couldn't help but frown. How could the guy reject her? She was such a nice and sweet girl. Whoever it was had to be the biggest idiot in the world to do such a thing to her. Oh how Shane wished he could've been that boy. Then he finally could have been with the girl of his dreams.
ElRockstar15- He obviously has some issues.
ElRockstar15- You deserve so much better!
ThisIsMe123- Well, maybe he'll accept another time. He did agree to it. Just promise me one thing.
ElRockstar15- Anything
ThisIsMe123- Don't ever reject a girl like that. It'll break her heart.
ElRockstar15- I promise.
ThisIsMe123- Well, I'd better head off. I have homework and you probably do too!!
ElRockstar15- Well, talk to you later then! Bye Internet Girl.
ThisIsMe123- Internet Girl? Whatever! Bye! :) P.S Thanks for cheering me up. You're the best! :)
Shane logged out of his MSN account and smiled once again. He couldn't help but love the girl, even though they never even had a real conversation before.
She was his best kept secret. He didn't plan on sharing her with the world. She was his Internet Girl.
A/N: Was it cheesy? I had fun writing this 8D I finally got tired of the song after listening to it for a few times. The cute little voice just gets in your head lol Reivews are quite welcomed! :)
Disclaimer: I don't own Internet Girl or Camp Rock :3