Madagascar: Pokemon Edition:
Chapter 1: More out of Life.
It is the middle of summer on the estate of William Thatch. Thatch is not relevent to our story, but rather four of his pets, who's lives are about to change forever. but First, I must introduce myself. My name is Jim the Shiny Cacnea, well known for acting like a jack-o-lantern on Halloween on the estate. But enough about me for I will tell this tale the best I can.
Master Thatch's Ponyta, Marty, was having his 10th Birthday. He got a snowglobe from the Shinx named Alex, an umbrella from the Hippopotas named Gloria, and The Girafarig named Melman's first Thermometer. Then they made a wish and blew out the candles. But when they asked Marty what the wish was, it was for the group to have wishes of their own. Melman wished for a sounder body. Gloria wished for a boyfriend, and Alex surprisingly wished to go "To the WILD!"
Then night fell. Everyone went to their sleeping posts... but Alex had other Ideas. He busted out, wanting to be free more then anything. I followed him to stop him. A couple of Monfernos had also escaped, but I knew where they were going.
The first one said, "I hear that Tom Arcanine is Speaking at Lincoln Center!"
"Well of COURSE we are going to throw dung at him."
Sometime later, I found him at Central Station. He was deciding which Train to take, when Marty and the other caught up. they were arguing when Pokemon Control showed up. Then Tranquilizers were shot, and The rest was a short silence.