It's the final chapter! Wee! Oh, and sorry if you are a Sonic fan.

Chapter 5: Falcon Punch and Cheese Pizza

All was quiet at breakfast time in the cafeteria. The Brawlers made no conversation and weren't eating.

Finally, Captain Falcon sighed. "Things haven't been the same around here. Not since..." he trailed off and looked down sadly.

The others felt the same way.

"What did the note say, again?" the Pokémon Trainer asked.

Pit took out the note from the fold in his clothes and read it out loud: "'I'm sorry to leave without saying a proper good-bye. You all have been so kind to me, and it has been a great pleasure working with all of you. I would stay, but I have other comittments that I simply can't ignore. My place is not here. Don't worry, I won't forget any of you, and I thank you all for making my time here very pleasent. May all your dreams come true. Sincerely, NiGHTS.'"

Bowser sniffed.

Luigi looked at the Koopa King closely. "Whoa, dude, are you crying?"

Bowser glared at the plumber. "No!" he lied. "Of course I ain't! I'm glad she's gone!" He turned his face away so no one would see his tears of truth. (I love that line XD)

Just then, Lucas burst into tears and started to sob loudly. Ness tried to comfort him, but was also feeling distraught himself.

Peach asked softly, "But why would she leave? I thought she liked it here..."

"She did the right thing." Marth explained, "She sacrificed her own dreams to make her friends' dreams come true. They needed her..." He looked down and closed his eyes.

Meta Knight nodded solemnly. "A true friend never leaves her own friends behind."

"Yeah, but I still wish she stayed." Toon Link mumbled, resting his head ontop of his hands folded on the table.

Mario sighed. "She made her decision. She's-a not coming back."

There was a moment of silence. It was broken once Sonic came through the door. "Hey, everyone! Thanks for waitin'! Now that I'm here, let's get this party started!"

No one responded, or even looked up, for that matter.

Sonic jumped in a seat with a huge grin on his face, not noticing the mood of everyone else. "Come on! Where's the food? I am one hungry fastest-hedgehog-of-the-world!" He laughed, spinning around in his spinny chair. Then he noticed everyone's glum expressions, but still remained cheerful. "Hey, how come I'm the only one celebratin'? C'mon, bring on the chili dogs!" At once, chili dogs were thrown at Sonic, each one splattering all over him on each side. "Whoa! Careful there with the chili dogs..." he said, wiping some sauce from his face. Licking his fingers, he chuckled, "Time to forget about that annoying jester and focus on me!" He started to sing loudly, "Sonic! He can really move! Sonic! He's got an attitude! Sonic! He's the fastest thing in Braaaaaaaaaawl!"

"Ok, now I'm gonna kill him." Ganondorf growled, crushing a pop can in his hand. He lunged at Sonic, followed by everyone else.

Soon, everyone was beating up the blue hedgehog.

"OW! OOF! HEY! CUT IT OUT! YOWCH! AAH! HEEEYYY!" Sonic cried as he was getting barraged by several attacks. Just when he thought that they had stopped because they pulled away from him, he got another thing comin'.


Sonic's eyes widened. "Oh f--"

(easy-off) BAM!


"Well done, NiGHTS!" congratulated Takashi Iizuka after NiGHTS completed her last scene in her game.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Iizuka." NiGHTS politely replied.

"I'm glad you decided to come back and finish making the game with us." Will said.

"If you hadn't come back, we would've had to go over our budget using a computer animated version of you!" Helen remarked.

"Good thing, too." Reala added. "I'm, er, not so good with the 'working with air' deal."

"Finally! You admit a flaw!" Owl exclaimed at Reala.

"WHO CARES? NIGHTS IS BACK!" Jackle shouted happilly.

Everyone went around NiGHTS and kept congratulating her.

"It feels so good to be back!" NiGHTS sighed contently.

"By the way," Takashi interrupted. "What was it exactly that convinced you to come back to us?"

NiGHTS hesitated at first. "Er, I guess I was just homesick. Or would it be companysick?" Everyone laughed.

"The main thing is that you are here to stay with us, forever!" Takashi exclaimed.

"Until the company dies." Reala said. "Er, not saying that I want it to go broke! I'm just saying!"

"There's just one thing left to take care of." Jackle reminded. "Who wants a hot, fresh, deep-dish pizza?" He held up a pizza box.

Everyone hurried in for the pizza.

As NiGHTS took a big bite out of her slice, she thought of the cheesiest and randomest thing ever, Like the cheese that keeps the slices from coming apart, friendship is the bond that holds you and your buddies together!

The End

Yeah, that last line really was cheesy (in more ways than one)...but anyway, it's the end! I know you all knew what NiGHTS' decision was going to be from the very start of this fic, but that's dramatic irony for you. Hope you enjoyed it nevertheless and look out for more of my FanFics! And artwork! And videos! ^_^