A/N: Ok so I know I said this would be the last chapter but i lied [: one more. it was going to be, but then...it wasn't. thanks for all the reviews, i would have posted this earlier except it was finals week and i had a lot of studying to do. please review. 10 for final chapter [: and Connor haters, rejoice.

Chapter 10

Our heads started to tilt towards the side, slowly moving closer to each other as I closed my eyes. His lips were on mine in a gentle embrace, the first kiss I ever had with Oliver.

What are you doing? I screamed in my head. You have a boyfriend! But the ecstasy of the moment was too much, the lies of the past months finally unraveled as I admitted to myself that I never had loved Connor the way I loved Oliver.

The voice in my head faded away the longer the moment lasted. Slowly moving my hands through his hair, we pulled closer together until we were almost on top of each other.

It seemed like eternity before it ended, but far too soon. Inhaling the cool night air, I smiled as I realized what had just happened.

Until I opened my eyes to find one heartbroken figure watching from by the fire.

The same heartbroken figure I was supposedly dating.

A single tear flew down my cheek. This wasn't me; I didn't cheat. I knew what it was like to be the clueless girlfriend. Finally, my wish was granted, but this was never what I had wanted.

I scrambled to get up, to try and fix things with Connor. Oliver grabbed my hand, pulling me down, pleading with me not to go.

"I'm, I'm sorry," I whispered as I choked back more tears. "I have to fix things."

"Lilly," he sighed, staring into my eyes once again. His chocolate brown gaze stopped every thought process in my brain, and all I wanted to do was go back to a few moments ago, before I realized what a mess I had made. "Please."

"I can't," I managed to squeak out.

His eyes dropped to the ground, refusing to meet mine. "I really, really like you, Oliver," I cried. "I just can't do this."

I ran towards the crowd, looking for Connor. While scanning for him in the crowd, I found the group of guys he had been talking to earlier.

"Hey, have you seen Connor?" I panted. After seeing their concerned looks, I realized what a mess I must have looked like.

"Yeah," one of the guys offered. "He was heading towards the parking lot. I'm pretty sure he has left by now."

Awesome, I thought walking away. So much for dealing with that tonight.

"Lilly!" Miley exclaimed as I walked right back her. I tried to blow her off, but she ran up to me.

"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned about my appearance. "I saw Connor leaving and then you came running out…what happened?" Great. Apparently she saw everything, which means everyone else must have too.

"I really don't want to talk about it now," I grunted, walking towards the parking lot until I realized that I had no ride. "Can you just bring me home?"

"Sure," she said and we hopped into her car.

Asking Miley for a ride was not a good idea.

Instead of bringing me home, she drove us to one of the ice cream stands. Once we got there, she pulled out the keys, went inside and bought us ice cream, and returned to the car.

"Here," she said, handing me my favorite flavor. "We can leave after you tell me why Connor's so pissed at you."

I took the ice cream in disgust. What did she think she could do, bribe me?

We sat in silence for almost half and hour after we had finished our ice creams, her singing along to the radio as I watched out of the window in pointed silence.

She suddenly turned off the radio and started to talk. "Lilly, come on, just tell me already. I'm your best friend. It can't be that bad."

"I told you, I don't want to talk about it," I repeated, still staring out of her window.

"I noticed that," she remarked sarcastically. "But I'm pretty sure that talking about it will help you, ok? And if you don't want things to end in catastrophe with Connor, I'm pretty sure you don't really have a long time to decide whether or not you want to 'talk about it.'"

I stared out of the window for a few more minutes before finally giving in. "Fine," I sighed. "I cheated on him. Happy?"

Miley sat in shock for a few moments. "You cheated on him? You? After Lucas? You would do that to him?"

"Yes, I cheated on him, Miley," I yelled back at her. "Thanks for helping me feel even more like a bitch that I already do. This is why I didn't want to talk to you about it."

More minutes of awkward silence followed before either of us talked. "I'm sorry," Miley said quietly, starting the car. "I'll bring you home now."

When we finally reached my house, I didn't want to get out. Now that she knew, I wanted to keep talking about it.

Suddenly, tears started rolling down my cheeks. Everything about tonight had gone wrong, from Oliver to Connor to Miley.

"Oh, Lily!" Miley exclaimed when she saw that I was crying. "I didn't want to make you cry! Come on, why don't you just go inside and you can tell me more about it if you want."

I sat in my pajamas on my bed as I debated whether or not to tell Miley. Finally, one side won out, and I started to explain.

"It's not as bad as you think," I said quietly as Miley crawled up on the bed with me, ready to listen.

"Ok, so tell me about it, then," she egged me on.

"Well, you know how you told me I should try and talk to Oliver?" She nodded her head. "Well, I went to go talk to him. I don't know what happened, but one minute we were just sitting there, and the next…" I trailed off. Miley's mouth opened in shock, unable to comprehend that we had finally gotten together.

I stopped her before she could say anything. "You completely right. And yes, it was amazing. But then, when we stopped, he was watching. His face was shattered. The worst I've ever felt, Miley," I tried explaining.

"So this hasn't happened before?" She asked as I shook my head no. "Well, all I can say is that you have really bad luck."

"Tell me about it," I agreed, and continued on with the rest of the story.

I awoke the next morning to Miley's obnoxious snoring. Kicking her, I tried to regain memories of why I felt so morose.

Snippets of last night played over in my mind; a kiss, a broken heart, and a resolution. A resolution that I had to talk to Connor, had to break it off. No excuses.

He had agreed to meet me at a Starbucks on the outskirts of the city, equal driving distance for both of us. I threw on a pair of ripped jeans, and headed out to my car, pulling my hair up into a messy bun.

"Shit," I cursed out loud once I saw the time on the dashboard. It was 10:04, and I was supposed to meet him there at 10:15. It was a half an hour drive.

"I'm really sorry," I apologized, running into the Starbucks. His blank faced refused the effort.

"I woke up late, and then my car didn't have any gas…But that's not exactly no excuses, is it?" I realized as his face grew in annoyance as my rambling continued.

He motioned over to where he had his laptop, and we sat down in an awkward silence for a few moments. I didn't know what to say. His eyes bore into my head, refusing to look away. I couldn't meet his gaze, too ashamed and cowardly.

"Look," I finally started after I couldn't take the silence anymore. "I'm really, really sorry. You don't deserve this, especially after everything you've done for me and what you've been through…" I trailed off. The one sided conversation wasn't made any easier by his apparent lack of human emotion.

"And I just wanted you to know that that was the first time anything every happened--"

"That's not exactly no excuses, is it?" He spat out. Two sided conversations were even worse.

"No, I guess not," I mused. "But if you want to know what happened--" He cut me off again.

"Spare me the details, Lily. I've watched my girlfriend stay be in love with another guy since before we even started our first date. Maybe I'm the rebound guy, maybe I'm the pity case, or maybe I'm the guy to make him jealous. And maybe I should have seen it coming. But at least have the guts to tell me, Lily. So you haven't been going around making out with him behind my back. Doesn't make it any better," He raged. Tears came to my eyes as I royally screwed over the nicest guy I had met in a long time.

"You're right," I swallowed. "I don't know what else to say but sorry. I owe you so much, and if it matters, I did like you." I stood up, bringing the horrendous conversation to a close.

"Maybe someday we can be friends?" I mumbled, turning back to look at him.

He shook his head firmly, and I captured the last live view of Connor I would ever see.

now please review! every one counts! [: