This story was inspired by a blue cow statue in the cafiteria at school, so yeah.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own things appearantly.

The Blue Cow Statue

Luigi ran for the phone, which was ringing. He ran to a stop and placed the old-fashioned telephone's separate mouth and earpieces to their appropriate receiving locations on his head.

"Hello, is your refrigerator running?" Peach said, uncontrollably giggling while executing the prank phone call.

"Yes…?" Luigi replied,

"Well go catch up!" Peach giggled violently, violently because she uncontrollably slapped Bowser around and threw him into bookcases to wear off some of the energy from the high of doing the risky phone call joke.

Luigi looked out of a window in time to see the refrigerator run past it.

Luigi tore out the front door.

The fridge looked behind itself, "Oh no!" it cried and ran off.


Luigi finished chaining the household food-preserving machine in its proper position with chains made for cruise ship anchors.

"I wonder why it became animate all of a sudden since last Saturday…" Ike pondered,

"I don't know…" Luigi mused.

"One thing… WHY AM I CHAINED TO THE FRIDGE?" screamed Ike, who was suspended from the ground by the chains.

Luigi explained while making him hold an anchor.

"Oh… WHY AM I HOLDING THIS ANCHOR?" Ike screamed again.

Luigi explained.

"Oh… WELL I AM GOING TO SET IT DOWN NOW." Ike screamed a third time.

Ike set it down.

"THERE." Ike spoke,

Luigi exited the room only to be met by Peach in a stiff, bulky phone costume, "I got you!"

Peach then ensued in doing the cancan somehow inside the costume while singing the 'I just prank called you with that one famous one and by one I mean prank phone call joke, the second time I said one in this sentance and not the first, so you don't get confused if you did' song.

"I just prank called you with that one famous one and by one I mean prank phone call joke, the second time I said one in this sentance and not the first, so you don't get confused if you did!" sang Peach.

Peach accidentally kicked herself in the head and fell down a flight of stairs twitching and smiling.

"I wish people would quit messing with me! Why must I be stereotyped as a loser because I am a not so good a clone of Mario or at least that's how I started out!" ranted the plumber.

Luigi then noticed the costume at the bottom of the stairs was empty.

"AH!" yelped Luigi in fear.

"BOO!" Peach cried into his ear.

Luigi jumped, smashing his head through the ceiling.

Luigi, dazed, looked at his surroundings: a cow was in the corner of the room

Luigi stared at it.

The cow started mooing and walking over to him with a hungry look on its face.

Peach and Link watched as Luigi's body thrashed around and screams of horror and moos were heard on the floor above.

"Attention! All Smashers report to the first floor dining hall." Came a voice from the intercom.

"Luigi… go… look at… the bath… room…" Captain Falcon snickered, pulling Luigi out of the hole in the ceiling.

"This better not be a prank… I'm so sick of you all messing with me all the time!" The plumber sighed,

Luigi opened the bathroom door to find a horse; it whinnied and chased Luigi off into the mansion ravenously.

Peach, Ike, and Luigi were the last to arrive; Ike hopping around tied to the living refrigerator with out touching the ground, Luigi with the horse's mouth up to his left shoulder in an attempt to devour him whole, and Peach, well she was a stick figure made out of peaches like usual. What? I'VE PLAYED THE GAME BEFORE I SWEAR.

All of them waited in silence sitting at the table.

Minutes and minutes passed.

"Is anyone else hungry?" asked Pikachu.

Link leaned back on his chair, dosing off. His sleepy incapacitation caused him to lean back until he lost balance and fell backwards.

Mario burst out laughing at the moment, pounding his fist on the table and pointing, he started to hyperventilate, then fell onto the table unmoving.

They stared.

Some blood came out.

"AH! Someone call 911!" screamed Lucas.

Toon Link grabbed Kirby and tried dialing him.

"What are you doing?" asked Kirby, being repeatedly poked in the eyes.

"Oh you aren't a novelty Kirby phone..." Toon Link said,

Then everyone stopped caring.

Then everyone started caring again.

"I NEED A MEDICAL KIT STAT!" screamed Fox, getting on top of the table and hanging onto the moving ceiling fan.

Everyone decided Ike should go after a ten-minute discussion about it.

Fox lost grip and flew through the mirror placed on the wall.

Ike hopped out of the room with the refrigerator.

"Stupid… people…" grunted Ike, throwing the weight to move forward. He found it, in which it had been on his head the whole time, and returned.

Ike, with his teeth, threw the kit onto Fox, who was just becoming conscious, until the kit hit him in the head.

Then the blood went back into Mario's head, "I'm alive!" everyone collectively sighed a sigh of relief.

Ike struggled out of the chains and opened the medical kit to only find novelty rubber chickens, "WTF?"

Everyone settled down.

Six hours passed.

"Ok… WHEN IS HE COMING?" asked the refrigerator angrily.

Luigi then pondered at why it was animate some more when Master Hand burst in, throwing a spiked ball onto the appliance, which then died.

"OK SO!" began Master Hand. He then noticed Marth who was on the floor struggling to keep a ravenous Pikachu off of his throat, "Somebody help!" cried Marth, getting scared.

Master Hand coolly threw a biscuit at the two to end the struggle.

Pikachu sniffed the biscuit eagerly, but in his starved state as affect of the three-hour wait, detected no living flesh and went for the glove as his next victim.

Master Hand was ripped to shreds as Pikachu eagerly feasted on magical cloth.

"But he's made of cloth, not meat…" Zelda pointed out,

"Shhh! Don't!" said Marth, covering her mouth.

Marth then covered her eyes, then went on a rampage covering people's eyes.

Master Hand magically came back together, "OK SO! I forgot what I was going to say forget it," Master Hand said and quickly left.

Two hours passed.

"Oh you all are dismissed," added the hand, reentering.

"Thank God!" cried Yoshi as everyone began to get up.

"That reminds me; dinnertime!" the glove said.

After dinner everyone left the room finally.

Luigi passed by Lucario's room, then stopped and backtracked to see him holding a blue porcelain cow statue: it was thirty centimeters high and was in a sitting position.

"What's that?" Luigi asked,

"It's a blue cow statue I found in the trash." Explained Lucario.

"You're a blue cow statue!" Luigi retorted.

Luigi left the hallway.

That night Luigi reentered the hallway.

He snuck into the Pokemon's room. Luigi opened the closet but found nothing, he opened a pointless dresser drawer and found the cow statue with a sock stretched over it as a disguise.

When Luigi took it off and when he touched it he was instantly electrocuted.

Luigi woke up to the alarm clock going off.

Luigi realized where he was and took the cow statue and ran out the door.

Luigi actually ran out a window.

Luigi made sure not to look down so he would continue to float in the air.

Link walked by from below, saw Luigi levitating, and then ran off, freaked out by the sight.

Luigi then looked at the statue. The cow statue's eyes glowed red as a low echoing voice boomed from its still mouth, "I am The Blue Cow Statue, an ancient, arcane artifact. Who has awakened me?"

"I did…?" Luigi said, scared.

"You now control the vast powers I contain." It boomed.

"'K." Luigi replied,

He then fell from his defying gravity-ness.

"Hmmm… Maybe I could use this… FOR REVENGE ON THE PEOPLE WHO PRANK ME A LOT!" cackled Luigi, "Or not… MAYBE!" Luigi continued to cackle, thinking it over.

What will happen? That's it.

Stay tuned for the second chapter and review?