Disclaimer: Sorry, I don't wanna tell you that I don't own TDI nor will I ever… ;)

Author's Note: This chappie takes is like a substitute for 1.11 aka Who Can You Trust. I haven't seen every eppie of TDI, so some of my details might be incorrect. I apologize in advance.

Without further ado, please read on!


"Campers!" Chris's obnoxiously loud voice rang over the camp. Dinner had just gotten over and most campers were relaxing. Not for long…

"You. Cafeteria. Next Challenge. NOW!!!"

Soon enough, everyone had filed into the cafeteria and was awaiting Chris's further instruction.

Duncan was vandalizing the underside of the table, Geoff was looking for toe-jam in between his toes, Bridgette was twirling a strand of hair and Lena was sleeping.

"Campers!" Chris walked in, always sure to make a big entrance. "I said CAMPERS!"

Everyone turned towards him, even drowsy Lena who was yawning.

"Thank you," Chris started. "Tonight's challenge will be easy," Chris winked at Lena. "If you're not a lightweight, that is."

"What?" Heather started.

"Dude, you might be over twenty-one, but last time I checked, we're all teenagers," Geoff clarified. "Not that I'm not scared or anything," Geoff added quickly.

"You're actually going give us alcohol on international television?" Duncan raised his unibrow.

"Well, not exactly. There's a certain sap found right here on Total Drama Island that's just like alcohol, but it's not illegal for you guys which means I can make you drink it without going to jail," Chris explained.

"I still don't get it," Lindsay started.

"That's a shocker," Chris mumbled.

"We're gonna be, like drinking?" she asked.

"Pretty much," Chris grinned evilly while he rubbed his hands together. "Last one standing after 50 shots of this stuff gets invincibility or whoever can down the most, whichever happens first," Chris shrugged.

Chef Hatchet brought out hundreds of shots of the brownish sap. Everyone had 20 placed before them.

"Have fun!" Chris cued for the teenagers to start. "You're gonna have a hell of a hangover."

Everyone picked up a shot glass and started to chug the gooey brown substance.


After the challenge, Chris sent everyone back to their cabins, but no one made it there. Most of the campers fell to the ground right outside of the cafeteria and everyone was covered in barf.

Some campers had had experience with alcohol, so they didn't have nearly as much trouble as the rest.

Lena was somewhere in the middle. She stumbled over to her cabin, but she went in the wrong direction, putting her right in front of Chris's luxurious cabin.

"Open up!" Lena slurred.

Chris went to the door, grumbling, "Go home!" he yelled without looking who was at the door. He opened his eyes and gave a slight smile. "Never mind, you wanna come in?"

"Chris," Lena hiccupped. "What are you doing in our cabin?"

Chris raised an eyebrow, "This is my cabin."

"That would explain the symmetry of your roof," Lena giggled.

"Uh…" Chris started.

In the sky, the clouds gathered and darkened. Before long, it started to pour. It poured hard.

"It's raining!" Lena said happily. She raised her hands to catch raindrops. She pulled Chris out of his cabin and into the rain.

"Ahhh!" Chris staggered as he got wet. "Are you crazy? We're soaked!"

"It feels awesome!" Lena exclaimed.

"Yeah…" Chris dragged her inside.

"Hey! The sky stopped!" Lena said, rocking back and forth. "I think I lost my balance."

Chris just walked away mumbling with his head resting in his hands. Lena followed him.

"Where ya goin'?" she hiccupped.

"Thanks to you, I'm soaked. I'm going to change," Chris explained as he unbuttoned his navy shirt. He went into his room and tossed the shirt onto a chair.

"You should strip down more often."

"Ah!" Chris turned around to see Lena behind him. She gave a slight wave. "Go away!"

Lena's smile faltered. "Are you sure?" she raised her eyebrow suggestively.

"You're drunk," Chris said bluntly.

"So?" Lena hiccupped again. She took off her sweatshirt and tossed it aside. She walked up to bare-chested Chris and straddled him onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked, perplexed.

"Like you've never done this before," Lena giggled.

"You're drunk."

"And you've said that like four times," Lena slurred as she held up seven fingers.

"Okay, whatever," Chris got up and gave Lena an extra pair of pajamas, then left the room.

Lena put on the spare navy blue button-down shirt and gray khaki pajamas and looked in the mirror. "I look like you!" she said before stumbling out of his room.

"In here," Chris grunted. Lena walked into the large television room and sat on the couch, right next to Chris.

"Whatcha watchin'?" Lena rested her head on Chris's shoulder. She cuddled up next to him. Chris smiled involuntarily as he put his arm around her shoulder.

"Total Drama Island," Chris answered.

"So we're on TV right now?" Lena slurred.

"Nah," Chris answered. "I'm just watching reruns."

"Hey! That's me!" Lena pointed at the TV sharply. She looked up at Chris. "When was that again?"

"I think the episode when you were telling me off," Chris answered.

"Oh yeah," Lena blushed. A few weeks ago, at the beginning of camp, Lena started telling Chris off because his jerkiness had gone too far for her.

"You know, I really liked you back then," Lena said out of the blue. "Not that I don't anymore," she snuggled closer to Chris.

"Really?" Chris turned to her.

"Yup," Lena answered nodding her head vigorously.

"Why?" Chris turned back to the television, bewildered.

After a few moments without a response, Chris looked at Lena.

She was fast asleep on his shoulder.


"Ugh," Lena moaned as she rubbed her head. She rolled around a little in the silk-sheeted bed before standing. She turned towards the room's source of light, the giant window. Lena looked around at where she was. A plush bed, shag rugs, glass floor- definitely not the Killer Bass Girls' Cabin.


"Did I get voted off?" Lena asked. "Maybe I'm at that resort place for the losers," she thought.

Lena got off the bed, with some difficulty. She held her pounding head in her hands as she peeked out of the window. She was still on Total Drama Island.

"Where am I?" Lena asked herself.

"You don't remember?" Chris said from right behind her.

"AH!" Lena winced. "DON'T BE SO LOUD!"

"Sorry," Chris put a comforting arm around her shoulder.

"Chris?" Lena asked.

"That's my name," Chris smirked.

"Chris, where are we?"

"My cabin, babe," Chris answered softly.

"Very… swish," Lena complemented. She looked down at her attire.

"Like the PJs?"

"They look like the same thing you wear everyday!"

"Yeah, I'm too lazy to change sometimes. That's where having identical pajamas and uniforms come in handy," Chris replied.


"You might wanna freshen up, barf breath," Chris suggested.

"Barf br-" Lena stopped to smell her breath. "Okay, I see what ya mean now."

"There are hot showers and actual soap here, if-"

"No need to explain," Lena dashed off to the bathroom.


After she showered and redressed in her typical green sweatshirt and dark wash jeans from the night before, Lena looked around for the kitchen. She only got lost a few times.

"In here!" Chris said with his mouth full.

"Whatcha eatin'?" Lena sat down next to him. She looked at the array of danishes, bagels, fruit and juices lined up the table. "You eat all of this?"

"Nah, it's just to torture the campers. The network gives the rest to the monkeys," Chris explained. "Help yourself," he offered her.

"No thanks, my head is still pounding from last night's challenge," Lena rubbed her temples.

"There might be some aspirin on the counter," Chris thought aloud. "It works wonders," he turned his attention back to her.

"Cool," Lena grabbed a few tablets and a glass of water and swallowed the aspirin.

"No problem," Chris said, munching on his slice of cold pizza.

"I should probably get back to the cabin," Lena said awkwardly.

"Whatever," Chris shrugged, a little disappointed she was leaving. He masked his true feelings well. "I'll see you at the campfire this evening," he kissed her softly before she left.


"'Round the campfire tonight? Crap! That means the Bass lost the challenge!" Lena outwardly cringed.


"We're going to have to get rid of someone," Courtney argued.

"Okay, let's agree on who to vote off now. Geoff, are you okay with being voted off by us? How about you, Harold?" Duncan said sarcastically.

"Okay you two, anymore sexual tension and I think the cabin's gonna explode," Bridgette calmed them down.

"I still can't believe we lost," Courtney mumbled.

"Alright," Geoff started. "What are we going to do?"

"We're going in circles!" Courtney said, frustrated.

"Look, it's just gonna have to be like this- We vote off whoever we think we should. As an individual thing," Bridgette suggested.

"Well, it was nice knowing all of you guys," DJ said, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

"What's gonna happen to you, DJ?" Lena asked as she walked into the Killer Bass's cabin.

"Me? Not sure. The Killer Bass Team? One of us is going home tonight," DJ answered.


Later that evening…


"Nice knowing ya," Duncan leaned back.


"My vote is cast," Courtney said, a little uncomfortable.


"Sorry," Bridgette smiled sympathetically.


"You know what they say… Mind telling me again?" Geoff laughed.


"Have fun in Playa De LOSERS!" Harold sneered.


"Man! I hate it when I've gotta vote off a friend," DJ mumbled.


"Why do I have the feeling that I'm getting voted off? Just when I hook up with Chris," Lena mumbled.

Bridgette, Courtney, Duncan, DJ, Geoff, Harold and Lena were gathered around the campfire, waiting for Chris.

Lena had her arms wrapped around her knees and shivered from the cold. She couldn't bear looking at Chris, knowing that she might never come back to the island.

"Okay, you've all cast your votes. There are seven campers before me, but only six marshmallows on my tray," Chris started. "The camper who doesn't receive a marshmallow must go the Dock of Shame immediately and catch the Boat of Losers. They can't come back. Ever."

"The first one goes to Geoff, Bridgette, Duncan," Chris tossed them a marshmallow respectively.

Chris stared at the next marshmallow intently.

"Harold," he ate his marshmallow greedily. "DJ," Chris announced before turning solemn.

"Courtney, Lena," Chris addressed each of the girls.

After a long silence and anticipation from everyone, as in everyone… Chris picked up the marshmallow.

"Okay, who can choose between these lovely ladies? Neither of you are going home… for now," Chris munched on the last marshmallow.


"Why didn't you kick me off, Chris?" Lena asked him.

They two of them were sitting under the docks. Lena was sitting in between Chris's legs and was leaning on him.

"If I did, we wouldn't be here right now, would we?" Chris kissed Lena softly.


Well, it's over. Please review! ^.^