A/N: Happy belated Halloween. This is my little dedication to All Hallows Eve, even though it's a day late. It's CodyxNoah, so if you don't like the pairing. Don't read , you can skip to the next chapter where there is only slight mention/

Written in Noah's POV

Disclaimer: Don't own, don't own, don't own. I don't even own who they go as = (

I walked into Geoff's house. He had thrown a party for all the TDI contestants, a reunion of sorts. He'd said it'd be a Halloween party, and that we should come in costume. I wasn't too fond of that. I was never a big fan of dressing up, even as a kid. So I went as something that would let me still dress normally, sure, nobody would get it, but it was simple and easy, and at least I wouldn't end up having to go as say, a gigantic pumpkin.

I'd gotten the idea from a book my sister had forced me to read. When we'd gone to the states for awhile to go to Disney World, it happened to be showing at a theatre nearby. She'd forced me to see that too. I figured the only person that might even get what I was would be was Cody. I'd seen him reading the book his first week at Playas des Losers, and figured he'd get a laugh.

But I digress. Although I had been expecting Cody to get what I was, what I saw, I did not expect. If you have yet to figure it out, which I am sure you have not, I had gone as Crope, from Wicked: the Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West. Cody, hilariously, had decided to go as Tibbett, prior to the insanity.

I couldn't help but laugh. Cody, saw me across the room and laughed as well. He bounded over, in true Tibbett fashion, and engaged me in conversation.

"I see, we both thought the same." He said chuckling slightly

Laughing back I replied, "I would think so. It was better than coming as a gigantic pumpkin."

He laughed some more, which made me smile some more, since I loved his laugh.

There was more to the reason that I'd come as Crope than I hated dressing up. I'd also done it, to insinuate something. I'm sure all of you have seen the episode of Total Drama Island entitled, 'The Big Sleep,' where I and a certain brunette both awoke to me spooning and 'kissing' said brunette. Well, thanks to that episode, everyone assumed I was gay, and at that point in my life I was in serious denial.

So, when I was trying to think of a 'simple' costume to dress up as, I couldn't help but hint at something. Well, if you've ever read Wicked you'd know the implied homosexuality of Tibbett and Crope. Well, I couldn't help but hint at my orientation, now could I? Slyly and cleverly tell the rest of the crew that they were right all along. Even if, they only one that would get it was Cody.

Cody, on the other hand, had probably only come as Tibbett for a laugh. A good, ha ha. Play with my emotions with out even knowing it. He was the epitome of lust for me. The fact that he was into females, or so I thought at the time, and I males, meant that he'd forever be the bane of my existence.

But once again, I digress. There I was, at the party of a life time, talking with the man of my dreams about the hilarity of giant pumpkins, when Owen the lovable oaf, came by dressed as such.

This, of course resulted in us both laughing. When we finally stopped, which took a great deal of time, might I add. Cody began to speak again.

"So, what have you been up to?" He asked not merely out of politeness.

"Well, I've been trying to get into a good college, you?" I replied trying ever so hard to keep the cynical side of me that had yet to disappear, away.

"I've been trying to get into a good college too!" He said, sounding excited about how much we had in common at the moment, "But it appears that after TDI they won't take me seriously."

"Yeah," I replied smiling, "After the…er…incident, people tend to run away from me."

Probably shouldn't have said that one. It ended up bringing an awkward silence, luckily, or unluckily for me, Izzy popped out of no where and broke it.

"Did you know awkward silences make gay babies?" She said smiling her crazy smile.

So I attempted to make a joke…and it didn't turn out so well.

"Must've been a reaaaally awkward silence that caused me to be born, then."

It was supposed to be funny, you know, ha ha ha, Noah you are such a card. Didn't work well. At all. But, I believe I'm being repetitive.

My eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when I heard what I just said echo throughout the room.

"Is that a microphone on your shirt Izzy?" I exclaimed. I was screwed now, totally and royally screwed.

"All signs point to yes." Izzy replied before cackling maniacally.

"I am going to kill you," I growled back, causing her to scream her catch phrase before running away.

'You'll never catch me alive!' bounced off ever wall in the house, amplified by the microphone that had been on her shirt.

"So you are gay then…" Cody remarked awkwardly, making him seem uncontrollably cute.

I nodded reluctantly and Cody smiled.

"Then, I won't have to worry about having unreturned feelings." He said smiling.

I was shocked for all of five minutes before smirking. I dragged him into Geoff's 'coat room,' and became the cliché homosexual couple that hooks up at a Halloween party after dressing as Tibbett and Crope.

That is a stereotype, right?

A/N: Noah uses a lot of big words that I didn't even know I knew the meaning to. Hope you enjoyed it.
reviews would be absolutely lovely.