Hello soon to be loyal viewers!! You probably don't know anything about me. Well I just joined fanfiction community. Just so you know ill try to update once a week. Usually on Friday. But I do get grounded more than the average teenager does. So expect one to three day delays from time to time. Another thing is that I have this entire story planned out. But I'll let you review and decide if there will be a sequel. Just so you know Team 13 plays a large role in Sakura-sama's life. Flashbacks will be given once in a while but their pasts will be revealed in the story and future oneshots for each character. Rated for themes, situations, and language/languages.
Rating: MApprox. Chapters: 18-27
Pairings: AkaxSaku slight Rookie9xSaku
Summary: Sakura Haruno, ANBU captain, Hokage's apprentice, the memories they forgot, the person to take revenge against those who betrayed her. The person the Akatsuki see as a broken flower.
Warning: Naomi-kun's past may cause tears try not to hurt me for that.
Secrets and LiesChapter 1
Akatsuki meet Konoha
Haruno Sakura walked with her short pink hair a mess. Not only did Ino create a mess of a day for the petite kunoichi but also she had the guts to offer help. That was what pushed her off the deep end. 'She doesn't even remember the whore' Sakura thought to herself. Inner Sakura merely nodded her head in agreement. Inner was still sore of what the village had done. Not that they remember. A chunin ran up to her. " Sakura-hime, your wanted at the Hokages office" then ran off. She inwardly prayed this had to be a mission or she may abort the plan and reek havoc.
When she entered the Hokage's office it was clean. 'It's the apocalypse' Shouted Inner to her outer. She cautiously stepped forward. "Sakura I want you on this mission" came the Hokage's hard voice. To the side stood the Akatsuki. Sakura barely cared if the Akatsuki came to kill the Hokage. She'd care if they destroyed the village. That was her job. Looking to her Hokage she saw the woman had a contract in front of her and the Akatsuki leader on her side. "As you know Sakura our business with Sound has grown into a dangerous affair. In exchange for a treaty with the Akatsuki we'll team up to destroy Orochimaru" her voice continued. This didn't come in Sakura's own plans and she thought of turning the mission down. 'Don't. There is a sense of peace in these ones. I don't think that they will see to their end of the bargain in the end. Plus they may not know of the INCEDENT.' Sakura had to agree to that and with that thought in mind she nodded.
All the Akatsuki members stepped forward. And each one introduced themselves. "Kakazu" "Hidan" "Tobi" " Diedara" "Kisame" "Itachi" "Zetsu"
After introductions Sakura let a small smile come over her face. "Haruno Sakura. Welcome to Konoha, Akatsuki"
The Akatsuki's first thought of the pink-haired ninja was confusion. She had greeted them as if they were regular citizens. And what about that smile. Creepy. Yet they couldn't for some reason feel that they could confide in the kunoichi they had just met. On the way out the Akatsuki had the first conversation with their 'caretaker'. "So, what are we going to do?" asked Kisame. Sakura smoothly replayed "I'll drop you off at the house and you can go on from there." They weren't expecting that. But they couldn't help but want to spend some time with the new kunoichi that had talked to them as if they were teammates. It felt weird to the Akatsuki.
Sakura couldn't help but feel a bit relieved when the blue skinned Akatsuki member started talking. She had only had a regular conversation with her team. The Akatsuki were a refreshing start. And when they hung around her when she said she was going to drop them off she couldn't help but feel as if there were more people she could talk to. Now for the first time in a long time Sakura gave a real, true smile to someone who wasn't a part of her team. But she couldn't help but get the feeling that they may not blend well with her team. Tomorrow they would meet the team Sakura was sensei to. The top Assassination and Tracking squad. Team 13.
How was that for a first time? Let me know if you have any advice. It would really help.
The nurses continued to scramble to find the patient that had escaped. With a shout a brunette nurse lunged at a figure. The figure jumped on the bar and flipped over it to avoid the nurse. While doing so she was in the Akatsuki's range of sight. The first thing they saw was dark midnight blue hair that hide her eyes from view and a forehead protector with a long scratch through it.
Next Time: Chapter 2
Hikari and Naomi
Quote of the day
I love you is eight letters, so is bullshit
Please Read and Review
Syanara**Lady Natsume