First of all, I'd like to say that all my readers are soo amazing, and you already have me so close to 100 reviews that I know I'll reach it after I post this chapter. Thank you all so much! So without further ado, here it is, the last chapter. It is set 2 years in the future and will hopefully wrap everything up for you. I'd also like to thank Fluf for all her help on this story. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls

Two years later...

Stephanie was perched on her favorite swing, her feet dangling beneath her, reading her favorite book. It was her favorite spot in her new house, her secluded swing out among the trees where she could relax and be alone. When she was here, she didn't have a care in the world. She pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes and flipped to the next page, completely lost in her book and unaware of her surroundings.

"Stephanie!" She heard her little sister shout from behind her as she came running up to her, bouncing as her long blonde hair flew behind her. "Daddy says it's almost time for the party to start, and that people will be here any minute. It's special for you, so hurry up!"

"Okay, squirt, I'll be right there," Stephanie said as she ruffled Sammie's hair before the young girl turned away to run back to the house. Stephanie was graduating next week, and they had planned to barbecue and invite the family over in celebration. Smiling, she closed her book, stood up from her beloved spot, and traced her way back to the house.

This house was larger than her old one, and she wasn't sure whether she liked that or not. Sure, everyone had lots of space and you never felt too crowded, but in a way she missed her tiny, quaint old home. Not that she was complaining, though.

Running her fingers along the leaves of trees as she passed, Stephanie walked down the long, winding path, her feet shuffling in the loose dirt, and then up wooden porch steps, barely making a sound as she lightly glided over each step. She glanced over her shoulder, watching as Mathew played basketball with his cousin, Ryan, and a few of his neighborhood friends while Sammie forced Brie to join her in drawing with chalk on the pavement. The six year old was attempting to spell the word "congratulations" in bright yellow across the smooth ground, but failed and it came out looking more like "congatulatons" with each letter crooked and unproportioned in size with each other.

"Can you take this outside and put it on the table?" Logan asked her as she walked through the glass door, snapping her out of her trance as he shoved a plate of food in her hands, almost sending her fumbling over.

"Sure, why not," Stephanie grumbled as she regained her balance and carried the heavy plate outside as Logan turned on the barbecue. She carefully unwrapped the plastic from around the large, glass plate and pulled it off before returning into the house to get another platter of food to be brought out. Next she went for the napkins and plates and anything else she could manage carry in one trip.

"Want any help?" Fifteen year old Brienna questioned as she escaped her little sister's game and joined Stephanie in the spacious kitchen, her fingers running along the granite countertops.

"Sure, there's only a few things left, though," Stephanie smiled as she passed a few of the objects in her hands over to Brie, stepping in front of her and out the door again, almost tripping on the doorway.

"Matt!" Logan shouted across the yard as his son, who instantly dropped the basketball in his hands at the sound of his father's voice. "Send your friends home, the rest of the family is going to be here any minute." Reluctantly, the preteen boy said goodbye to his friends as he and Ryan grumbled and made their way back inside to clean up and make themselves presentable for their grandparents.

"Daddy, my dress is all dirty," Sammie complained as she ran up to her dad, looking down at her pretty pink dress, now covered in rainbow chalk dust.

"That's why you're not supposed to play with chalk in your nice clothes," Logan reminded her as she began to pout, putting on her best sad face, puppy dog eyes and all. Logan smiled and reached over to tickle her, thrusting her up in the air as he swung her around, sending Sammie into a fit of laughter. "Now go change into one of your other dresses," He instructed her as he gently set her back down on the ground. The little girl obeyed, and scurried off to her room to put on one of the other many, many dresses she had in her closet.

"Dad, where's mom?" Stephanie questioned, looking around as she realized her mom wasn't downstairs yet.

"I'm right here," The now 7 month pregnant Rory shouted as she waddled through the large glass doors, her long sundress flowing down to her swollen ankles. She first made her way over to Logan, who pulled her into a quick kiss before gently rubbing her stomach and heading back inside to gather a few more things for the party.

"Happy graduation, honey," Rory squealed as she made her way over to her daughter and squeezed her tight, a slight tear in her eye, "I can't believe how fast you grew up."

Before Stephanie had a chance to say anything back to her slightly over-emotional mother, Lorelai came bursting through the doors shouting "Stephanie!" with Luke trailing closely behind her.

Stephanie instantly spun around and bolted over to her grandmother and squeezed her tight. "Thanks for coming, grandma," She whispered as she pulled away and turned to give Luke a hug, too.

"I would never miss a party," Lorelai assured her granddaughter before she continued on to say the rest of her hello's, "And I don't see nearly enough of you, anymore. You hardly ever visit," She jokingly scolded.

"Sorry, grams," Stephanie apologized, "I've been really busy preparing for graduation." Stephanie thought for a minute, and then added, "I'll be right back, I'm going to go get my camera from my room."

"Okay, sweetie," Lorelai said as she made her way over to her daughter, pulling her into an awkward hug, "Same goes for you too, missie. I feel like I never see you."

"I know, mom," Rory sighed as she latched into her mother's arms, "But you'll be seeing plenty of me when this little one is born," Rory assured her as she gestured to her stomach, "You'll be on full time babysitting duty."

"I can't wait," Lorelai smiled, "Are you coming to Friday Night Dinner this week?"

"Umm.." Rory started, thinking for a minute, her hands resting on her belly. She had plans that day, and was about to say no, but then she caught the look her in her mom's eye, a mix between anger and disappointment, and quickly changed her mind, "Of course. Logan has to go out of town for a few days on Wednesday, and I'm picking him up from the airport Friday, but we should be back in time to make it."

"Good," Lorelai stated as she moved on to greet the rest of the family, giving Logan his hug before he went back to barbequing.

Inside Stephanie ran through the house, her feet gliding across the floor, storming up the winding wooden stairway. Swinging her door open, she grabbed the camera off of her bed as she glanced up, her gaze landing upon the old photo of her dad that now hung proudly on her wall. Looking at it for a moment, she smiled, and then whisked back out the door and outside to the rejoin party.