Moving on…

I don't own avatar, what more is there to say?

Letting go someone you love is hard, I watch my mom coop with it everyday. Let's just say that this story is a dedication to everyone on the world who has lost someone they love, may they find their own unique way of handling the loss….


Moving on….

The moonlight shining upon the lake in the Spirit Oasis gave the place a serene glow.

Feeling the familiar tingle of loss, the young man walked up to the pond. Being here, where it all happened reminded him of her.

Sitting down, he could almost feel her sitting down next to him...

Taking a deep breath while berating himself for the foolishness of it all - only a fool could think that the moon would actually hear his words - Sokka thought ' goes ....'

"Yue, even though I'm getting married to Suki tomorrow, I want you to know

that I haven't forgotten you, and I never will. But tonight, I've come with a request

Once we're married, Suki is going to stop drinking the precaution tea. And well….I….I want my first child to be a girl….

A waterbender...


Having said what was on his heart, he bowed towards the pond and left the Oasis.

Feeling something soft and wet hit his face, he looked enough, instead of snowing, it was raining. Running he quickly

made his way home, to the waiting arms of his fiance, his soon to be wife, Suki.

Unknown to him, the moon was smiling down on him, ghostly tears running over her pure face....


Nine months later.....

"Let me get in this instance! My wife is in there!"

Sokka and the gAang were currently in the newly build hospital on Kyoshi Island.

Three hours ago, Suki had gone into labour and Katara was in the room with her, helping deliver the baby.

Agonised by the frantic screams of his wife and Katara's reassuring voice telling Suki to push, had put Sokka in such a state that it took the combination of both the Avatar and the Fire Lord to stop Sokka from entering the room.

After another agonising 10 minutes, Suki's screams stopped leaving the hallway earily quiet.

Katara opened the door and Sokka rushed past her screaming :" Suki! You're alright! I was so

worried about" and then the sight before him shut him up. Suki was lying in bed, her hair sweaty and disheveled, in her arms a tiny bundle.

"Sokka", Suki offered him a tired smile before continuing," it's a girl....."

Feeling awkward and proud, he timidly took the small bundle from her arms.

Smiling at her husband, Suki uttered the legendary words : "I'm naming her Yue,

Yue Kiyoshi Kokoro...And Sokka couldn't help himself but beam at her


Now, when the moon becomes a full moon, Sokka doesn't go out alone anymore. He takes Suki and little Yue with him, and everytime he looks at little Yue, he knows that the moon hasn't forgotten him either.

A/N : Yue Kiyoshi Kokoro's name actually has a meaning in Japanese. According to the site I used it should mean (this is in order) Moon, Pure and Heart.

A fitting name, don't you think?

Oh and thanks Adridere for taking the time to beta my one-shot :D

A/N A/N: I might do another one-shot if I get some reviews ;)