Title: Burn Away.
Author: Nikkou Neko
Summary: Goodbye was her beginning and his end.
Pairing (s): Future!Duncan x Courtney
Words: 447

You said you were going to change…" Her hands clenched into fists as her eyes left his face, "But here you are behind iron bars. Again." Her voice was hard and cold as she spoke. Her gaze rose again to stare firmly into panicked cerulean, "I'm tired, Duncan."

"Baby, please… I am trying too. I am. I just-"

He broke off seemingly knowing what he was about to utter would only gain a tearful rebuttal from the former CIT who nearly had heard every excuse the felon had ever conceived. His plan changed in a millisecond. He would convince her of his innocence at a different angle, "I love you."

Courtney sighed deeply before brushing a hand across her tear filled orbs. Black mascara streaked across her cheeks and hand matching her mood. "You don't," She replied, "I'm just your get-out-of-jail card."

"…Princess, I-"

She put up a hand, "Don't, just don't."

He quieted, pressing one of his own hands to the glass between them.


She bit her lip hard enough for the nerves under the plumb flesh to protest angrily, her teeth nearly drawing blood.

"Do you realize every time you do this, put yourself here, it hurts your family? Hurts me?" She asked, her voice increasing a near decibel. Duncan had nothing to say to this. He merely flinched at the rising of her voice, fingers sliding further down the barrier between them.

"I can't help you if you don't want to be helped,"

"I never asked you to try." His gaze had fixated itself to a corner of the room. He refused to look at her as he spoke. Her last question of interrogation has visibly fazed the self-proclaimed unbreakable bad boy.

The former CIT sniffled, "I've had enough…"

A few pieces of hair were coming free from her bun she realized, when one mocha strand slithered its way to her cheek. She tucked it behind her ear before it grew damp with her tears.

Pained cerulean drifted back to her, "Don't do this, honey. I can change…" He pleaded.

"…I put my life on hold for you," She smiled softly, "It's time I get those moments back." She rose, smoothing out her skirt and pulled the elastic from her hair allowing her now mid-back length locks to fall gracefully to her shoulders.

"Goodbye Duncan, I wish you luck," She murmured settling the phone back on its cradle.

Giving him another light smile, she ignored the tears that now cascaded down her cheeks before turning on her heel. She wouldn't look back, she wouldn't allow herself to fall prey to his hypnotizing ways and charms…

She was done.

She was finally walking away.