This is the fanfiction for shortshorty's SasuHina fanfic, In The Name of Literature. Hell yeah! It's freaking awesome people!

I loves you!

I wrote this months ago.. so beware of super lameness people!

Disclaimer: A fanfiction.

Warning: Lame lame lame. Also, a very long and tedious IM convo. Read at your own risk! Characters' behaviours are subjected to the original story.


"A-ano, I can't go to your house tonight. Father said I should stay at home and complete another hot, steamy chapter,"

Hyuuga Hinata was sitting on her bed, facing her opened bedroom window while talking on the phone with one very disappointed Uchiha Sasuke.


"I'm not sure if I can write a decent porn on my own, I need your help tonight, but how?"

She ruffled her hair slightly and fell back on the soft fluffy comforter on her bed, stifling a yawn. She was clad in her favorite jimjams which consisted of an oversized worn-out white t-shirt and a pink-striped girl boxer.

"Well, I suppose we could communicate through instant messenger,"

"O-okay, I'll see you in a minute, 'bye,"


With that, the midnight blue-haired girl reached straight to her computer and signed in her MSN messenger.

Hyuuga Hinata has signed in

69tomatoes has signed in

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Is this gonna work?

69tomatoes says:

Of cos. Wat do u need help with?

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Well, it's hard for me to type it out since y'know…

69tomatoes says:

I dont

Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

C'mon. u dont have to be shy with me

Hyuuga Hinata says:

… = =;;

69tomatoes says:

U bore me. Do something entertaining

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Like what?

69tomatoes says:

Switch on your webcam. I wanna c u

Hyuuga Hinata says:

I don;t think that's a good idea

69tomatoes says:

Do it or I wont help u

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Fine Dx

(Hyuuga Hinata has invited 69tomatoes to view his/her webcam. Accept or Decline)

69tomatoes says:

Much better. Belly dance for me

Hyuuga Hinata says:

I don't belly dance

69tomatoes says:

Why not?

Hyuuga Hinata says:

I just don't. Stop asking

Hyuuga Hinata says:

What are u doing?

69tomatoes says:

Looking at ur webcam

Hyuuga Hinata says:


69tomatoes says:

what are u gonna do if I masturbate while watching u?

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Stop that!

69tomatoes says:

Sorry. But do someting, I'm bored

Hyuuga Hinata says:

You're supposed to be teaching me not me entertaining you

69tomatoes says:

But I am. I'm teaching u d art of seduction

Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

Turn me on

Hyuuga Hinata says:


69tomatoes says:

Do something to turn me on

Hyuuga Hinata says:

No way! Why should I?

69tomatoes says:

Cos it makes me feel good

Hyuuga Hinata says:

And how is that good for me?

69tomatoes says:

Cos if I feel good, I'll help u write d entire chapter…so?

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Uhh.. you're not making this easy for me

69tomatoes says:

u either do it or u don't…

Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

Tell me

Hyuuga Hinata says:


69tomatoes says:

What would u do to turn me on?

Hyuuga Hinata says:

What kind of question is that?

69tomatoes says:

Like I said, I'm teaching you the art of seduction…and stop asking questions dammit

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Umm, I'd take my shirt off?

69tomatoes says:

Do it

Hyuuga Hinata says:


69tomatoes says:

Take your shirt off, do it Hinata

Hyuuga Hinata says:

NO WAY! You are crazy Uchiha-san…

69tomatoes says:

Its sasuke. Look, just do it, don't think! just take it off, easy as that.

Hyuuga Hinata says:

It's not, ok. Forget it, I'm not taking anything off!

69tomatoes says:

Then dis conversation ends here, and so will my tutoring

Hyuuga Hinata says:

NO wait!

Hinata chewed on her bottom lip as she nervously glanced at the webcam situated right in front of her. It was attached to the top of the screen…all the while with Sasuke watching her with amusement at the other side of the conversation.

69tomatoes says:


Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

I'm waiting Hinata…

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Give me a minute…

Sasuke snickered victoriously as he resisted the urge to pump out his fists in the air. "Oooh, I love blackmail…"

69tomatoes says:

okay, u only have 43 seconds left…

Hinata was having difficulty in breathing. What was she thinking? She was actually going to strip in front of him. Well, not outright stripping but still! She had to remain calm and composed because even though she couldn't see him, she was sure as hell he was watching her every move on his computer screen like a depraved hawk.

And she wasn't about to let him see how nervous she really was at the moment.

Tugging at the hem of her oversized white t-shirt, (Sasuke was giddy with excitement as he saw this) she gulped audibly as she pulled it up slowly, exposing her flat stomach, then her bra-clad breasts, and finally took it off completely, half-nude for all the world to see. Well, only Sasuke.

Hyuuga Hinata says:

… can I put my shirt back on?

69tomatoes says:


Hyuuga Hinata says:


69tomatoes says:

Lower the camera a bit, I cant see u properly

The current positioning of the camera lens only showed Hinata's face and the half part of her upper chest…and he simply needed to see more. Namely, her entire chest as well as her sexy bare stomach.

Hyuuga Hinata says:

…is that enough?

69tomatoes says:

Just a bit lower

69tomatoes says:

Yes, stop right there

Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

that's nice

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Sasuke? Why aren't you typing anything?

69tomatoes says:

I'm admiring your body

(Hinata blushed heavily when she read this and Sasuke couldn't help but smirk proudly when he saw her blush extending all the way to the top parts of her exposed chest.)

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Stop that! You're embarrassing me

69tomatoes says:


Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

u can rub urself if u want to

(Once again Hinata reddens in rapid speed causing Sasuke to yet again smirk wickedly. Oh hell he would make it his personal mission to make Hyuuga Hinata blush as much as she could.)

Hyuuga Hinata says:

I said stop it Sasuke! And NO I won't rub myself!

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Stop asking me to do such disgusting things

69tomatoes says:

Okok I'm sorry


Hyuuga Hinata says:

69tomatoes says:

Take your bra off Hinata

Hyuuga Hinata says:


Apparently, that was a very wrong thing to say on Sasuke's part, as upon being asked to do such a scandalous act, Hinata immediately put on her white t-shirt before crossing her arms protectively in front of her chest.

Sasuke groaned and sagged in his seat as he watched this.

Hyuuga Hinata says:

Ok that's it Sasuke, I'm switching my webcam off!

Hyuuga Hinata says:

And I'm leaving this conversation, bye!

Hyuuga Hinata says:

I hate you!

Hyuuga Hinata has signed out.

69tomatoes says:

69tomatoes has signed out.

Hyuuga Hinata slumped in her seat and tried to calm her still thundering heart. Despite her extreme embarrassment and mortification on the whole matter, she couldn't help but feel a little turned on by what had just taken place.

She could still feel the sexual tingle lingering on her skin even after she'd put her shirt back on. She had initially felt it when her mind involuntarily imagined how the ultimately gorgeous Uchiha Sasuke was watching her nearly-naked upper body.

It was hard to admit, but despite herself, she found the whole experience, quite enjoyable…and arousing.

"Sasuke…" she sighed as she plopped on her fluffy white bed. The story can wait. Now she had other, more pressing matters to address to…namely, dreaming about her delicious tutor.

Meanwhile at the Uchiha residence…

'Hinata sure has a couple of delicious-looking tomatoes…' the raven-haired Uchiha thought dreamily as he bit and licked a ripe juicy tomato on his bed.



There, didn't I say it was pointless? LOL. I hope you like it shorty-sama! Kukukuku, poor Hinata!

In The Name of Literature:

So, since the story is no longer available here, I guess I should explain briefly about the story to those who have never read it before. It's about Hyuuga Hinata who was forced to write an award-winning PORN novel by none other than her own beloved father, Hyuuga Hiashi. Apparently, that stupid old man had accepted a challenge from the world's most famous porn-writer, the GREAT Jiraiya-sama. So Hinata (who was a bestselling romance writer...but no, not THAT kind of romance though) being Hinata, didn't know the first thing about sex, and asked for help from Kiba to find her a tutor. To make the already long summary short, Kiba accidentally read out Uchiha Sasuke's number to her instead of Uzumaki Naruto's. And the rest is history.

PM me if you want a copy of the story. It is incomplete though.