Summary: What if Bella wasn't an only child? What if she had a younger sister that doesn't come till the wedding and what if Bella wasn't the only one whose blood and mind effect Edward as well as the others. What would happen if a certain Clearwater imprints on her?Could she handle things like her older sister?

Authors note ~

Hey guys and welcome back to my story Annie and the Beast. It's been a smidge hasn't it. Like it says on my page my life has changed quite a bit and so has my writing. Like I said before I've never been the best speller and sometimes I have a spell of dyslexia. But writing is my passion so I continue the best I can.

Annie and the Beast was pretty much my first fanfiction and definitely my first Twilight fanfiction. While I'm no longer obsessed with the book (New Moon kind of messed it up for me,) I know I had a lot of readers who enjoyed it. Coming back to writing now that my life has fallen into place I thought I would rewrite Annie and the Beast for a few reasons.

The 1st it was crap. The writing was horrible in my opinion and I cringed rereading it.

The 2nd being I hate the way I wrote Annie. Sure somethings were okay with her personality. Her daddy issues? They steamed from my own. Her protectiveness of her family? I would do whatever it took to protected mine. I'm the oldest of seven and because of my childhood helped raise a good handful. Her immaturity? I was young and struggling with my own.

3rd why the hell not? Lol

So I'm gonna give it a go and see how it turns out. I may get more people to read it and I may not. If you like the new version great! I'm glad I have pulled you in with my imagination and thoughts on how things could be or go. If I don't thanks for stopping by and I hope you find something inspiring to read.