A/N: I was going to post this the other day but no-one reviewed the epilogue for 'An Affair to Last A Lifetime' so I decided to leave it a bit longer. This is the long awaited sequel for Missing. I will only continue it if I get at least 8 reviews.
Set- 1 year after Missing ends.
Disclaimer: Only own Ebony and Dylan.
Olivia Benson-Stabler woke one morning in the warmth and safety of her husband's arms. He must've come home in the early hours since she didn't remember going to bed with him the night before.
As if Elliot could sense that she was awake, he grumbled, "it's too early for thinking, baby."
Olivia kissed her lover's cheek with a soft smile. "Babe, it's 6:31. Are you working this morning?"
"No. Not till tomorrow, beautiful," he replied and gave his wife a soft kiss on the lips before going back to sleep.
The brunette quietly got up grabbed her work clothes, which were piled neatly on the arm chair, in the corner of the master bedroom and headed in to the ensuite bathroom, where she relieved herself and with a flick of her slender wrist, shining with a gold bracelet, turned on the taps in the shower.
She made sure the water was pulsing hot and streaming up the bathroom as she undressed before stepping in under the water, with an exhausted sigh.
The mother had had troubling sleeping the last few nights, knowing that her son's biological father was up for parole a year earlier then expected. She silently hoped that they would deny it but all she could was hope and await the announcement.
Once she was showered and dressed in a pair of dark blue form fitting jeans, a black blouse and black boots with her hair neatly brushed and tied back, Olivia headed toward her son's bedroom. A wood plaque stuck to his door with 'Dylan' painted on it with a dinosaur. Something Olivia had painted for him. Ebony also had one of her own with her name and a fairy on it, on her bedroom door.
The tired mother slowly opened the half closed door to find her son still sleeping soundly, curled up on his side. She leaned down and caressed his soft cheek, whispering," it's time to wake up, my sweet boy."
Dylan rolled on to his back and squinted his eyes open, sleepily. "Mommy?"
"Yes, buddy. It's me. Time to get up, your clothes are on the desk chair, as usual. I got to wake your sister up," she said and headed out of the room.
She reached Ebony's bedroom and walked in to see her precious four year old daughter sleeping soundly, just like her mommy does. Sprawled out on her belly, on her bed, left arm and leg hanging over the side as she snored softly. Olivia approached softly and squatted down beside the bed.
"Time to wake up, my princess," she whispered, caressing her tiny olive cheek.
Ebony's tiny eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw her hero. Her mommy. "Morning Mommy."
"Morning, baby. Time to get up for pre-school," Olivia replied and helped Ebony out of bed. "Let's get dressed, huh?" She finished, grabbing the clothes that she'd set out the night before. A pair of black ¾ leggings, a long sleeved stripped pink and white top and her princess sneakers.
As Ebony stepped in to the leggings as her mommy held them open, helping her to get dressed, she searched her mother's caramel brown orbs. "Mommy?"
"Yes, baby?"
"You 'kay?" The toddler asked innocently.
"Mommy's ok, Ebs. Just a little tired," she replied and grabbed the top.
Ebony nodded and held up her arms so Olivia could put her top on over her head.
"Just socks and shoes now, honey."
"Where's daddy?" Ebony asked and sat on her bed.
"He's sleeping, baby. He got home late," Olivia replied, putting her daughter's shoes on her tiny feet swining over the edge of the bed.
"He home late lots, Mommy."
Olivia sighed. "I know, baby. I know," she replied. She was getting sick of it. She barely saw her husband anymore and they hadn't made love in months.
Their marriage was falling apart and Elliot was just to oblivious to realize it. Didn't realize how tired and rejected his wife felt.
Once the kids were ready to leave, she told the kids to wait by the front door as she went to tell Elliot they were going.
Olivia opened the bedroom door to see Elliot still asleep on his side of the bed. She noticed that he wasn't sleeping with her pillow, like he used to. The brunette sighed and sucked it in before tip-toeing over to the bed.
"We're going now, El," she whispered and planted a soft kiss on his lips.
Elliot just mumbled," mm-hm," and rolled away from her.
Olivia had to hold back threatening tears. He had never done that before. He normally pulled her down in to bed with him and attack her mouth with his own before whispering how much he loved her.
She turned and walked out of the master bedroom. The mother headed down the stairs and quickly ushered them out to their black SUV in the driveway. They bought it just in case Olivia got pregnant again but it hadn't happened and she didn't see it happening, although she did want one more child before it was too late.
"Get in to the car, kids," she told them as she put their bags in the front passenger seat.
She then got in the driver's seat and started up the car.
"Mommy?" Dylan questioned as his mother backed out of the driveway.
"Yes, buddy?" She replied before she changed gears and drove down the street.
"Why isn't daddy with us?"
Olivia sighed and turned in to a busy street, speeding up to keep up with the traffic. "He worked late, so he has the day off," she informed her son, keeping her eyes on the road ahead.
"Again?!" Dylan groaned. "Mom, you gotta tell him. I heared you crying last night, Mommy."
"Just leave it, buddy, please," she practically begged.
"Dylan, please," Olivia groaned in frustration before putting the blinker on and changing lanes.
Dylan just bit his bottom lip and looked out the window, while Ebony sang happily with the song on the radio.
The car ride was silent until they reached the school. Dylan grabbed his school bag from the front passenger seat before opening the car door and getting out. "Bye," he muttered and walked away without kissing his mom goodbye.
Olivia sighed in defeat and got out the car. She had to take Ebony to her pre-school class.
"Come on, Ebs. Let's get you to class, mommy has to get to work," she said, taking her daughter's tiny hand in her own and walked her to class.
That had been over three hours ago and it was now almost lunch time.
"Liv? Olivia? Benson!"
Olivia looked up from her day dream to see who was calling her name. It was Fin. "Fin? What's wrong?"
"I should be asking you that question."
"Fin, I'm fine. Really.," the female detective answered with a fake smile.
"Ok, Miss I'm fine. This just came for you," he said and passed her the folded up letter with her name scribbled on the front.
"Fin? Who brought this in?"
"Some kid," he replied with a shrug and watched her open it and read it before she picked up the phone all of a sudden and dialled a number.
"Hey El."
"Hey baby. What's up?"
"You want to have lunch with me?"
There was hesitation in his voice as he answered. "Baby, I'd love to, but I have to finish this paperwork."
"Oh ok. Well don't worry about picking the kids up either since you're too busy. I'll do it," she replied and hung up.
Elliot was left sitting there with the receiver beeping in his ear. His wife has just hung up on him without saying 'I love you'. She'd never done that before.
Olivia got up, grabbing her coat, purse and keys, leaving the letter on her desk in her rush.
"I gotta pick up the kids. I'll see you later!" She called out over her shoulder as she rushed out.
"Where's Benson going?" Cragen asked from his office doorway, startling Fin.
"I dunno, Cap. She read a letter, called Elliot and then rushed out saying she had to pick up Dylan and Ebony.
Cragen just nodded and went back in to his office, deciding not to be nosey by reading the letter.