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"Tsukiko, that's a pretty name, " Kagome complemented. "Um, thank you, it means moon child," Tsukiko said, feeling a little uncomfortable with Kagome's intensive gaze.

"So," Miruko said, " where are you far?" "Everywhere, if that makes sense, I guess you could say, I'm a wanderer," Tsukiko said, warming up a little bit, but still cautious.

Shippo, with his big, boyish eyes, asked, "surely, your parents miss you when you're gone." Tsukiko smiled at Shippo, a breathtaking smile that would make a full grown man faint.

"Well, I'm sure they would miss me if they were alive, um, what was your name again?" Tsukiko said with kindness in her voice.

"I'm sorry, I don't know, you must miss them greatly, so sorry, it's Shippo.." and Shippo kept rambling on, until Tsukiko interrupted him, saying, "no, no, it's OK, Shippo, don't be sorry, I never knew my parents, so how could you miss someone you don't even know?"

Everyone fell silent, staring at her with sympathy. "Listen, thank you for healing me and everything. I appreciate you generosity and good-heartiness, but I should be on my way." Tsukiko was getting up when Kagome abruptly stood and said, " no you aren't going anywhere, those are pretty bad wounds. You need to stay with us for awhile."

"Kagome is right, you shouldn't be walking around, especially in your condition, you should heal first before anything else," Sango implied.

"Sango's right, it's been a long day we should get some sleep," Miruko said, leaning near a oak tree, with its chestnut coloured bark seeming menacing in the firelight.

"Miruko is right, we should get to sleep. We have a long day ahead of you guys," Inuyasha said, laying down on the grass.

"Yeah," Kagome yawned, "I'm sleepy and my muscles feel so sore." Kagome got to set the sleeping bag up,"Goodnight, everyone. See you in the morning." With that ending statement, Kagome fell asleep.

"Good night, everyone," Sango said, falling asleep beside Miruko. -How cute-

Shippo yawned, "night, guys." He went and curled up beside Kagome, now it was only Inuyasha and Tsukiko who were left awake.

"You should get some sleep if you want your wounds to heal," Inuyasha said laying down.

"They're just flesh wounds, don't worry about it." Tsukiko said, leaning against a large boulder, "thanks though."


The moon was out, the stars twinkling in the blacken sky, a lone warrior stakes the river-side. With the light of the moon shining upon her sliver hair, Tsukiko stopped to rest. Seating upon a large rock, Tsukiko heard footsteps coming up behind her.

"What are you doing here Inuyasha?" Tsukiko asked, annoyed.

"Why did you leave the camp?" Inuyasha asked frustrated, "you need time to heal, girl." Tsukiko got up with such swiftness, her wounds didn't even affect her.

"As you well know, my name is Tsukiko, so, I would appreciate it if you would call by my name," Tsukiko said with confidence.

"Listen, come back with me, the others will be worried," Inuyasha said, edging closer to her.

"Tell me this, Inuyasha why should I go back with you?" Tsukiko said, staring him straight in the eye.

'I just told you, the others will be worried, I mean Kagome would kill me and, and..." Inuyasha started strutting.

"Uh, you just haven't figured it out yet, have you?" Tsukiko smirked, "come on, Inuyasha, I was told you were dump, but I thought you were observant, of these things."

"I don't get what you're talking about, girl," Inuyasha shouted at Tsukiko.

"Look at my face, Inuyasha, my eyes, my eyes don't you see or sense anything familiar about me." Tsukiko trying to hint to Inuyasha about what she was saying.

"I..I don't know," Inuyasha said flabbergasted. I can't tell her what I see, I just don't what to believe it.

"Man, you are so ignorant, do you want me to tell you?" Tsukiko said with a small smile playing on her face.

Inuyasha was silent, his face was blank, his eyes as big as fully rounded coals, his complexion pale white. No, please don't let it be what I'm thinking it is.

"Inuyasha, as you know, I'm a half demon. I have demon powers just like the great dog demon and blue eyes like the human princess Shizio." Tsukiko said with a serious tone in her voice.

"I am your sister, not just your sister, but your twin sister, Inuyasha." Tsukiko said, to a pale faced Inuyasha.

Inuyasha just stood there looking at her, shock written all over his face. That can't be.