sunny in california

So...I haven't written the Forbidden Pairing yet. That's right. The Forbidden Pairing. Shess.

I'm sorry this is so short, but I haven't posted any freeverse in a while. And plus, it's Halloween! (:

I have two other fics ready and waiting to be typed. But they're all long and blah blah blah. And I'm too lazy to type something long tonight.

Sorry for rambling. Lol. Enjoy, children!


It's always sunny



Bright, c h e e r f u l

Golden & sunkissed.


The sunshine

nearly B L 1 N D S

(suffocates, really)

Tess Tyler -

her sequined dress and glittery shoes

reflect (blazing) rays of light

into her I c 3 blue eyes.


Kind of like when she

catch Shane Gray's

R E D – H O T stare.


His eyes burn with a fiery passion

and turn Tess's cold as ice eyes

into rivers of rainwater.


("I'm m e l t i n g ! M E L T I N G !")


Tess yearns for Shane's touch

his steadfast embrace

and for his burning brown orbs

to blaze with L 0 V E --

love for Tess,

and Tess only.


But he's already fallen.

And already broken.

And already yearning.


For Mitchie Torres.


When the sun shines on M-M-Mitchie,

she B A S K S in it

and it doesn't seem to B U R N her.


She only shines brighter.


Tess Tyler plays "replacement"

when Mitchie decides to leave Shane

for her manager.


Tess Tyler takes what she can get,





They steal kisses in

San Diego.


They make love

(not really)


M A L 1 B U.


They dance the nights away

and drink away the pain in

t h e P a l i s a d e s.


They're both just

(Hollywood tragedies) -

Both LONGING to be



But it's easier said than done

in California.


Where it's always sunny.


(with a chance of clouds)


Umm, I'm not sure where I went with that. Lol, I think I'm just glad that I finally managed to finish my first Shess. XD

Please review with more than "so cute/sad" or "i loved it," thanks!