A/N: I hope you enjoy this short and last update for this fiction!! I finally finished a story!!

Kagome takes in her surroundings. They're back in the feudal era by the well. They both plop onto the ground in sync with one another, happy to finally have some alone time.

Kagome places a soft kiss on her beloved's cheek. "Is the gang back yet?"

Inuyasha nuzzles her neck after breathing in the scents from the small village. "No. I can't pick up their scents. Maybe we could…" He cuts his self off by kissing her sweetly on the hand. He slowly inches his way up her arm and to her neck, kiss by soft kiss.

Kagome feels her stomach flutter with excitement as Inuyasha makes his way back to her lips. She shivers with adrenaline when he craves access inside. Kagome grants his access and pulls him closer in attempt to intensify their delight. Inuyasha unconsciously pulls her uniform top from above her head and trails kisses up and down her flat stomach. She has longed for the moment when he would finally confess his true feelings for her through a kiss, but it doesn't feel quite right. Before deepening the kiss, Kagome has to ask him. "Inuyasha do you love me?"

Inuyasha stops immediately and gazes deep into her doe brown orbs. He almost loses himself in the tremendous and sincere curiosity pooling from them. "Kagome I…" Inuyasha stares at her with the same intensity in his eyes, afraid to subdue her inquisitiveness. Once she gets her answer, will she still stick around?

Kagome picks up on the slight doubt behind his luminescent amber spheres. "Inuyasha. No matter what, I will always be here. I thought we already established that."

Inuyasha perks up at her reminder. Full of determination and confidence, he prepares to let a lot off of his chest. However, before he can say anything, he up an all too familiar scent. Graveyard soil and bones. "Kikyou…"

Kikyou, her face lifeless, pale, and holding no emotion, stops and takes in the scene before her. Inuyasha and her reincarnation are making out. For a second, if Inuyasha sees correct, her face flashes with anger. She stays in the shadows though the couple already senses her presence.

Kagome glances back at Kikyou and braces herself for disappointment. It is always the same. He's cuddy-cuddy with Kagome then goes kissy-face with Kikyou. She grips her shirt, preparing her self for a quick escape from further embarrassment.

"Kagome…I've known you for a while now and there are so many emotions mixing up inside me for both of you. Looking at the both of you now, I know who I love. I know who my youkai desires…craves. It's you." Inuyasha embraces Kagome's form, fighting his urge to mark her as his. "I love you…"

Kikyou turns her head abruptly and disappears into the brush. I guess her and Inuyasha weren't meant to be after all.

A/N: Look I updated!! And hey…it's the last chapter!! I hope it's enough to answer any questions. And before you ask…

Yeah, I am aware how short the update is. I never planned for it to be long. It just needed to be short and to the point.

I doubt there will be a sequel. There is nothing to 'sequel' on.

Duh!!! The rest of the gang does come back eventually.

Thanks to all of my readers. Especially the ones who's been with me from the get-go. You know who you are!!