WithoutHesitation: Okay, yay, disclaimer time! For once, as you can see, *gestures at Beetlejuice tied up behind her* I can say, unequivocally, that Beetlejuice is-

Lydia: Hey! What are you doing with him? B!

WithoutHesitation: Um... shit. I can explain...

Lydia: *tackles, pins, and threatens with a jar full of spiders* B belongs to who, were you saying?

WithoutHesitation: Um... Not me, I swear it!

Lydia: Good. *Gets up, walks over to Beetlejuice in concern*

WithoutHesitation: Well, so much for that. *sulks* Anyway, I guess Beetlejuice isn't mine, neither is the neitherworld, or Lydia... Oh shit, she's untying him! Run!


All right, with that out of the way... This is short, hope it's good. Um, that's all. I had to write this story from scratch, three times. It was hard capturing Lydia's, ah, innocence? The first two times, she was way too moody... Hope I got it this time!


Lydia flew through her bedroom door without pause for thought, flinging her book bag somewhere off to the side, her face glowing with hope as she grasped for her mirror with both hands, eyes eagerly searching the glass for some sign of Beetlejuice. Only slowly did her features fall into a small pout, as he was nowhere to be seen, and she gave a little squirm of suppressed frustration, biting her lip.

He wasn't waiting for her. But he wasalways waiting for her. That was the one thing she could count on, like knowing the sun would set each day, and usher in the night! "B?" She whimpered, her fingers trailing across the glass lightly, hoping he was just playing some kind of trick on her. "You're here, right?" A pause, with no answer. "You're not… mad, or something?" A light rap against the mirror. "B?"

No answer. Lydia licked her lips, taking a step back from the mirror and crossing her arms, still half expecting him to jump out any second, and yell 'got ya!' Not that he ever did that. Much.

"Okay, B," She sighed, thinking this over, "If you want me to say sorry for disappearing last night, I will." Hmm, she should probably change before she called him though… Especially after what they'd talked about the night before. And she would dress modestly, for once. A black sweatshirt, appropriate to the season, baggy blue jeans… Man, did it feel unnatural now. She hadn't worn this stuff in almost a year!

Pulling her spider web poncho off her bedpost came close to completing the outfit. It was just, "Beetlejuice!" And her head disappeared beneath the sheen of fabric, "Beetlejuice!" And she reemerged, the fabric barely settling around her before she yelled it again. "BEETLEJUICE!"

Something grabbed her, just below her stomach, and yanked her backwards, hard, making her head spin. She tried to yell for her friend, first instinct by now when there was trouble, but the breath was ripped from her lips almost violently, sucking the air from her chest too, and leaving her eyes bordering with black spots as she fell, and then…

Whomp! Something collided first with her feet, which flew out from under her, and then with her ass, making her yelp in surprise more than pain. What was that? What had just happened? Rain was cascading from somewhere, presumably not her ceiling, drenching her in seconds, and the air was filled with a thick, treacherous looking mist.

The neitherworld… I'm in the neitherworld. How did I get to the neitherworld? She'd been calling Beetlejuice to her, and presumably, somehow gotten drawn through the mirror somewhere close by him, instead. At least that was the way it usually worked. It had never happened on accident before, though!

But accepting the fact that she was in the neitherworld… What had happened to the place? She'd never seen a storm like this wrack the neitherworld skies, never seen the air so thick and menacing… She'd dropped into the middle of something nasty, that was for sure. But more importantly, and she turned her mind to this only a moment later, Beetlejuice should be somewhere close by. Rather than retreating then… She should probably try to find him.

She wasn't entirely certain where she was, only that it was cold and wet, and visibility was about zero. "B!" She yelled into the wind, which was only somewhat more gentle than the tearing grip that had stolen her breath only moments before. "Can you hear me? It's Lydia! B?"

It was more accident than providence that led her into stumbling out of the worst of the blow, leaving her briefly confused as she tried once again to get her bearings. A gaudy neon sign, somehow familiar, but utterly illegible in the thick fog, blared at her maddeningly, promising to tell her exactly where she was, if only she could see it.

Feeling her way along the wall, she found a place with a bar to press inwards, and gave it a solid push, hoping against hope that she'd found a door. She was already half frozen, her teeth chattering, her lips purple… She couldn't take much more.

It did give way, with such suddenness that she found herself sprawling forward onto slick, hard tiles, sliding some distance before she came to a stop, her forehead resting against yet another large sign. Slowly she lifted her head, blinking. 'Welcome to the Neitherworld's Number One Shocking Maul!'

Oh, thank god. She'd ended up someplace that wouldn't kill her. Slowly she tested her arms and legs, before climbing to her feet, and looking around. There were several people currently staring at her, and they were all surprisingly dry. Apparently they'd been trapped there a while… And seeing someone actually coming out of that storm had to be just plain weird. Even for here.

Lydia remained by the door, doing her best to squeeze handfuls of water from her clothes before actually entering further. Not that she wouldn't drip everywhere anyway, but… She mopped her face off on her poncho, which didn't help at all, then wondered suddenly if this was where Beetlejuice was. But B hates the Shocking Maul…

She was still in the process of drying off, or trying, when a handful of bills and change fell to the floor. It caught her by surprise at first, but then quickly she scooped them up, wondering how long the money had been hidden in her pocket. She couldn't remember the last time she'd worn these jeans…

But it gave her an idea. She'd buy Beetlejuice a present, to make up for any harsh feelings from their odd Valentine's night. She didn't really know if he was supposed to be mad at her, or the other way around, but presents always made her feel better, whether they were given or received. She counted the change, and ended up with the mighty sum of three dollars and forty-two cents.

Hm. Maybe she could get a card. But did even 'Greeting Cards for Morbid Occasions,' carry something that would fit a situation like this? She wasn't sure herself what situation this was exactly… 'Don't worry, I decided it's okay that you've been planning to kill me?'

It should bother her, she knew it should, but the way he'd put it, leaving everything in her hands… How could she be mad? He had a lot more reason to be upset, the way she'd been teasing him. She wondered absently if there was a card for that, either.

She'd been walking as she was thinking, trying not to slip from her soggy shoes, and only paused, with a small smile, at a sign that read, Bullets removed while you wait! Anesthetic for a small fee more! Just when she'd thought nothing could seem strange in this place! This had to be a new store…

Before she could dwell on it for long though, her eye was caught by the pushcart stand next to it, proclaiming proudly, Creepy Crawlers, and Crispy Treats! Candied bugs! He loved caramelized butter-beetle grubs…

There was no line, so she went right up to the short, pudgy creature, him with the wide smile bereft of teeth, and told him what she wanted. His grin grew wider, showing several black-socketed gums, but his eyes glinted cheerfully. "And how many will that be?" He inquired pleasantly, meaty hands balled up into fists on the weak looking stand.

Lydia hesitated. "I know that if you have to ask, you probably can't afford it, right?" She prompted slowly. His smile faded, just a little. "But… How much?"

"Three dollars each." He informed her, a little less patiently. Lydia forced a smile, and handed over her three dollars. The little man took the soggy bills, counted them, then narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously, suddenly all traces of friendliness gone. "You look familiar, come to think of it… Have I seen you here before?"

God, she couldn't believe he remembered that… She'd been like fourteen, the last time she'd come to this stand with Beetlejuice. "I haven't been here in years." She answered honestly, hoping he'd leave it at that. "So I guess I can only afford one… Can I have a box for that?"

"A box?" A puzzled frown tugged at his lips. "For one grub? Why don't you just eat it now?" Despite herself, her stomach turned just a little at this suggestion. "It can't be a gift… It's not much of a gift to be giving anyone! One grub…"

"It's all I can afford." She said softly, not getting annoyed, but rather, feeling guilty, as Beetlejuice did deserve more. "I think it'll be okay… I can never get him very good gifts, but he's always really nice about it." A trace of a smile touched her lips, despite her twisting stomach. "Sometimes I can't afford a present at all, even when it's important, and he just says, 'You're the best present a dead guy could ask for, Lyds!"

The vendor's face, surprisingly, had gone soft, and a faint smile played along his own massive maw. "Young love…" He muttered, ducking beneath the stand, and coming up with a small, gold colored box. "I'll tell you what, you give me any change you have, and I'll put the thing in this nice box… Even tie it up with a bit of shiny string."

Lydia beamed, so genuinely that the guy flushed a little, looking uncomfortable. "Deal!" She laughed, fishing out her handful of change, and dropping it on the counter. "Thank you so much… B's gonna love this!"

"Don't mention it, ki-" He started to say, handing her the box, only to suddenly go very pale. "B?" He echoed, falteringly, as if not sure he'd heard right. "Oh shit, it's you, you're that kid…" He cast a sideways glance around, making sure she was alone. Only once he had, did he relax, even a little. "Don't get me wrong, your buddy keeps me in business, pretty much, but…" A small shudder finished anything he didn't want to say aloud.

"He's a little hard to deal with." She finished softly, her smile never faltering. This she could handle. Or at least she had plenty of practice. "Thanks so much, again. He was kind of upset with me last night…"

The vendor looked at her sharply. "And you're gonna go looking for him?" He demanded, clearly figuring this was nothing less than suicidal. "Look, kid, the grubs are good, but they're not gonna save your ass from a guy like him! Especially not just one!"

"It's the thought that counts." She assured him, more or less unworried. "I'm going to go look for him now… I know he can't be too far." This however, just seemed to alarm him more, enough to make him pale again. "Bye!"

"Bye…" The ghost whispered, closing his eyes, and wiping his hand down over his face. "Damn, I should have given her some kind of discount… He's gonna friggin kill me."


Making it rain was easy. As he knew it would be. After all, if that whiny slip of a princeling had been able to make it rain, the ghost with the most should be able to do a hell of a lot better… And in fact, had. That part was no problem. Making it stop, on the other hand…

He stood there with a scowl, gaze cast up at the roiling tempest, still getting drenched, despite his spot under the store's overhang. He hated this place. The only reason he'd come was to get a gift for Lyds… And then the damn clerk had the nerve to go and piss around, taking her time to get to the impatient poltergeist, until Beetlejuice had to pull off her head, and tell her to get her ass moving if she wanted it back. Sure, then she'd been perfectly eager to help him…

He held the paper tote, hot pink and black, swinging from two fingers, eyes half closed. She'd be home by now. He should have already been in her mirror by now. But he'd told her to call him… And she hadn't. He bared his teeth at the storm, which of course, only made it rage harder. Damn thing was linked to his emotions, now that he'd created it. And he'd wondered why the gloomy royal always had clouds following him around…

With a savage kick, he knocked the door behind him open again, crashing into two patrons who were trying to peer through the glass, and see who was nuts enough to be standing in the rain. He didn't give either of them a second glance, just stomping into the damn elevator music filled corridor, and glaring around in a foul mood. She should have called him by now. Unless she wasn't going to. Then what?

That was the big question… Then what? What was he supposed to do with someone he should logically want to tear apart for bailing out on him, but couldn't bring himself to lift a finger against? Beg her for forgiveness? Fuck no. Wait patiently for her to come around to his way of thinking? Fuck no. Bribe her?

Hell, he was already halfway there, wasn't he? He glowered down at his bag, shook his head, and decided he needed to get his mind off of her, at least for a while. Maybe get something to eat. He hadn't eaten since the night before. At least this miserable place was good for something… Wasn't a better place in the neitherworld to grab some half-living delicacies.

Making a beeline through the wave of trapped maul-goers, he came to a sudden, sharp stop before the cart that sold some of his favorite creepy crawlies, and gave the ghost behind the counter his grimmest scowl. "Bag of baked fire ants." He growled, making the vendor, who hadn't noticed him, snap to attention at his familiar voice.

"Y-yes sir!" The ghost assured him, grabbing his biggest fancy bag, well aware Beetlejuice was good for it, and filling it to the brim with the tiny, crunchy bugs. "Right away, Mr. Beetle, sir!" As Beetlejuice would have grabbed the bag though, the ghost hesitated before handing it over. "That girl, find you, sir?" He asked slowly.

Beetlejuice looked at him with a frown. He hated being called sir, and the only reason he hadn't popped the guy's head for it before now, was that he was a great cook, and he didn't feel like looking for another. Girl? "What girl?" He asked slowly. The only girl who'd be looking for him was Lyds… Or someone who wanted to be exorcised in the most painful way possible. But why would Lyds have come here? Why not just call him?

"Dark hair, red poncho…" Beetlejuice's stomach flipped, and his face, for a moment, forgot to be terrifying. "She said she was going to go looking for you… Wanted to give you something."

Not his ring. Oh hell, not his ring… She'd promised never to take it off! He was about to grill the guy for more information, when suddenly a happy cry whipped him around, his eyes taking a moment to focus on the goth girl waving at him from across the court. "B!" She squealed, dodging the thick crowd to try to get to him. "I knew I'd find you!"

Beetlejuice started forward while she still struggled to get through, physically knocking people aside to reach her. She made a little, startled sound as he swept her into an embrace, then slowly relaxed against him, giggling. "I guess you're not mad, huh?" She whispered softly, rubbing her cheek against the roughness of his coat. "I thought you'd be mad…"

"Mad?" he grunted, looking down at her as if she were the mad one here. "Couldn't be mad at you, babes…" He let her go, noticing only now that she was soaked to the skin, and still looked like she had a chill. Damn storm… Why the hell would she think he was mad? He couldn't figure this kid out worth shit. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Lydia, at this, looked a little puzzled herself. "Well, I was trying to call you, and got pulled here myself, instead." She explained, as if she didn't quite understand it either. "But I figured, since I was here, I should pick you up something, to make up for taking off last night!" She blushed a little, adding, "And for making such a scene… I still can't believe I did that."

"Neitherworld liquor." He dismissed easily, his features beginning to relax, even forming a small smile. "Told ya, it ain't meant for the living. Now what's this about picking me up something?" He didn't expect it to be much, so was a little surprised when she handed over a small golden box, a nervous smile on her face. "Now what's this…?" He made a grab for it, and she pulled it away teasingly, looking embarrassed. "Babes…" He growled softly.

"Well… it's stupid. But it was all I could get." She let him take it this time, and he juiced the string off it, cracking the shiny lid… A caramelized butter-beetle grub. Just one. He almost burst out laughing, but managed to just grin a little, and prod the fat, squirming thing.

"Babes, figure it to you, knowing what I like…" Then, remembering the bag he was still holding, he shoved it at her. "Here. Did a little shopping myself…" He fished the grub out as she accepted the bag, and slurped the fat, squiggling thing into his mouth, biting it hard. After that, much of its squirming stopped. It was his favorite, but he barely tasted it. He was too busy watching Lydia.

Lydia opened the bag slowly, an eager light to her face, and paused in surprise at the slender, black box within. Pulling this out, she set the bag on the floor, and fiddled with the opening with her thumbs, drawing out the moment of suspense until he wanted to curse at her… Then flipping it open, with one smooth motion.

Her face went slack, and her eyes widened, as she saw what was inside. Slowly, her lips curved upwards, and the dark of her gaze started shining, as she pulled the beetle locket out of the case, and spun it hypnotically in the light. "B…" She whispered, twisting it between her thumb and forefinger, clearly impressed at the shiny purple bug. "It's beautiful!"

"Read the back." He told her smugly, figuring this was what she'd like best. She turned it over obediently, and then gave a little squeal of surprise, at the etching of herself in the rough naturedly poltergeist's arms, the words, Beetle's Babes, underneath it. "There you go," He said proudly, snagging it from her fingers, and unhooking the back, "Had it worked from that picture of you I took… Now turn around."

Lydia turned obediently, lifting her hair, and felt the cool tingling of the medallion settle around her throat. The chain was small, like a choker, making it hang just below the small hollow of her neck. His strong fingers, fresh from clasping it, settled about her shoulder, to be buried in her hair as she released it. "What do you think, Lyds?" He asked huskily, burying his nose somewhere in the twisted mass of strands.

"Does this mean you're not mad?" She whispered, turning into his embrace, and resting her head in the curve of his shoulder.

"Babes, I pretty much told you I plan on killing you last night…" He pointed out, unable to keep the smile from his face, or his words, "I'd have figured you for being the one pissed here, not me." He pushed her back a little, which was too bad, as she felt really good pressed against him. "I know that's not the sort of thing you breathers take lightly."

"B," Lydia sighed, her eyes shining, "You want us to be together. Forever. Just like you promised. Why would I be mad?"

A small frown graced his face. "Then why the hell did you take off like that?" He demanded, realizing for the first time that maybe he was a little angry with her.

"Because if I hadn't," She whispered, tangling her fingers up in the thick fabric of his coat, "I would have asked to just stay with you then, and never leave." He considered her in surprise, his mind taking a moment to process this. "It's like you said… I'm hardly part of that world now. Why do you think I'd be upset to die, if it meant staying with you?" Her voice dropped, just a little more. "I love you, B. I thought I told you that a long time ago."

His tongue felt like it was twisted in a knot at the back of his throat, and for once, all the dangerous-witted poltergeist could think to do was nod. Lydia laughed, accepting his unspoken words without a second thought, and falling forward into his arms again. "B," She giggled into his throat, "You're my best friend… I'm never letting you go."

Beetlejuice's arms tightened around her, hard, until she gave a little squeak of discomfort, and then only loosened slowly, his nose buried in the crown of her head. "Hell, babes," He growled into her hair, "That's good, because I sure as shit ain't letting you go either. And I don't know what I'd do to prove it, since I can't go around ripping you limb from limb, like everyone else…" She just laughed, and he sighed, not sure what in the world he was supposed to do now. Hell if he'd known what he was getting into, that night so long ago…

"Come on!" He growled suddenly, sweeping her into the air. "You're fucking freezing… Let's get you home before you get yourself sick!" Lydia nodded enthusiastically, tipping her head up with a smile on her face, not the least bit uncomfortable in his powerful arms. As she said his name the first time, he watched perfect curve of her lips, the second time, he saw the brilliance of her eyes, the third time… The third time, he didn't even hear her, wondering how long he'd have to wait before she really was his for good… Forever. If he could ever bring himself to… to… He surrendered with a little sigh.

Lyds… Eternity just ain't good enough for you, babes…
