I don't own any of the Marvel characters. This is just for fun.

Cara woke up with a drowsy dizziness. Her world was spinning out of control. Her reality had sifted form normal, dull, down right boring to crazy. She felt like she was loosing her mind.

"Where am I and who are these people???" the question burned in her head.

She tried to get up but found that she was to heavily medicated to get the room to stop spinning long enough to stand to her feet. Cara took several long deep breaths to clear her head before she attempted to sit up. She sat up slowly and glanced around her surroundings. That's when she noticed that red head woman form earlier sitting in a chair on the other side of the room.

When the red head noticed that she was awake she spoke in a sweet and kind voice. Very soothing voice.

"Oh good, your awake. Hello. My name is Jean Grey." Jean said as she walked over to the young girl with her hand stretched out waiting for the girl to shake it.

Cara just looked at her hand and remained silent looking over the red head with caution.

"Where am I?" Cara said.

"Your in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters." Jean paused for a second. "I just want to apologies for earlier. You must have been very startled. I had wanted to be in the room with you when you woke up but I was call out to other business."

"What happened? How did I get here?" Cara asked, she still did not trust this woman yet. Not by a long shot.

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. We caught you in the park this morning. Do you remember how you got there?"

"What do you mean you caught me in the park."

"Well we literally caught you. You were falling out of the sky. Your lucky Rouge caught you when she did."

"What!!! What do you mean I was falling out of the sky. That's impossible I was at home taking a bath. I wasn't any where near an air plane." Cara said in shock.

"Well what do you remember from earlier?

"I told you. I was taking a bath and then there was light and that's it, that's all I remember."

Jean had a look of concern on her face. You don't remember making a force field or an energy bubble before you blacked out?"

"An energy bubble? A force field? What are you talking about? This is crazy." Cara said looking at Jean Grey like she had lost her mind. "Look thank you for catching me and all but I feel a lot better and I'd like to go home now. I can make a phone call and my mom can be here to pick me up. Please, may I use your phone?"

"Yes I'll take you to my office to use the phone but wouldn't you like to rest first. It has been a very long day for you."

"No! No its fine. I'm fine. I'd just like to go home now." Cara said as she stood up with shaky feet, her blue hospital scrubs a little to big for her.

Cara followed Jean to the elevator. Cara watched as Jean pushed the main level button. When the elevator doors opened Cara was surprised caught by surprise when she was almost knocked down by a child running through the hallway.

She had almost expected there to be more silver hallways on the other side of the elevator doors but was shocked when she saw children with books in their hand.

"So what's your name? You didn't ell me when we were in the med lab."

"Its Cara. Cara Ellington." Cara said, then she took a breath. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be so rude, its just that today has been weird."

"Its Ok. No hard feelings," Jean said with a smile.

"Earlier I dreamt that there was a big, blue, furry monster standing over me. I must have been hallucinating or something. "No. You weren't hallucinating. You did see a blue, furry Man. His man is Hank McCoy. He is our resident doctor."

"Wow! That's cool. But why wood anyone want to dye their whole body blue. He must be like those wolf people that are in the circus. You know. It must have taken him forever to dye his whole body like that," Cara said.

"No Cara. He is a mutant, like everyone here. This is a school that helps mutants learn to control their abilities."

"Mutants!" Cara said laughing in a disbelieving tone. "There's no such thing. Are you trying to tell me that everyone here is a mutant?"

"Yes, everyone here has an ability or a mutation. Haven't you every heard anything about mutants on the news or read anything in the papers?"

"No." Cara said not trully believing what she was hearing. "So if everyone has an ability, a mutation then what's yours?"

"I'm telepathic and I have telekinesis."

"OK. Fine. Prove it. Read my mind."

"I can't read your mind" Jean said knowing that this was going to be a battle.

"Mutants. Yeah, sure. So why can't you read my mind?"

"I can't read your mind because you're a psy-blocker. You have a natural ability to block mind readers."

"OK. Then move something with your mind," Cara was beginning to enjoy proving that Jean was a nut.

"Look," Jean said pointing to her office door. The door then swung open.

"What. You can't be serious. You have an automatic door. Just like any grocery store." Cara was feeling pretty smart now.

"OK look at the desk." Jean then proceeded to pull out the chair for Cara to sit in. Then she effortlessly lifted the cordless phone from her desk to rest in Cara's shaking hand.

Cara's mouth was open and a look of pure awh and a little fear was on her face.

"What the hell!" Cara yelled as she jumped to her feet breathing fast. "OK. OK. OK. OK."

"So you're a mutant. And Everyone in this school are mutants. This is nuts! How? Why? How? This has got to be a trick. Nobody has POWERS! Nobody. Not where I'm from. How come I've never heard of mutants before? Huh? I've never seen anything on the news before! You would think that the rest of the world would know about this!"

Cara was pacing the room now ranting to her self, trying to come to terms with what she just saw.

"Is this some kind of government experiment? I don't get it. Is this a military top secret thing?"

"No. I'm sorry to have upset you so much. I just assumed that you knew about mutants. And know that government does not work with mutants."

Dizzy. She was feeling Dizzy. Why was she feeling dizzy. Breath. Yes. Cara remembered to breath.