Hello everyone. I do not own any of the Marvel Characters. This is just for fun.

"I hate my job" Cara thought as she walked home from her minimum wage job at the mall. Cara hated being a casher at that stupid clothing store. Her boss Tommy was a dick and he was cutting her hours because she refused to go out on a date with him. "Jerk" she huffed as she slammed the door. Cara dropped her backpack and ran up stairs to her bedroom and angrily yanked off her cloths and threw them on the bed. She was hoping a nice hot bath would relax her before she did her homework and made dinner before her Parents and little brother got home.

"I can't wait to go to college" she thought as she ran the bath water and started brushing her teeth. "I won't have to deal with jerks like Tommy Dinklemen."




Cara sighed as she slid into the steamy hot water letting her thoughts drift and become lighter until she fell asleep and her thoughts became dreams. She was dreaming now. Dreaming of water, warm water, cloudy. The water begins to glow, dim at first then brighter and brighter, blinding light. "What a weird dream" she thought as she look down at her body in the water. Then she began to realize that its not a dream. She's awake.

"Cara!!! Cara are you home?" she could hear her mother yelling up the steps to her. "Cara! Did you start dinner?" Her mother yelled as she slowly made her way up the stares. "How many time do I have to tell you not to leave your backpack just lying around and take it to your room!?!"

Cara couldn't move. She couldn't speak. Her voice was frozen in her throat. The light she was dreaming about wasn't a dream. It was real. Her bath tub was glowing. The water began to boil even though the water wasn't hot. It began to churn and splash.

"All I asked you to do was start dinner," Cara's mother said as she walked into her room. "Cara can you hear me?" Her mother asked in exasperation as she opened the bathroom door.

When the door swung open Cara yelled "MOMMY!!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!"

"My God!" Cara's mother ran to her daughters side and tried to grab her arm but she began to slip down into the glowing water. "NO! DAVID! DAVID!" Cara's mother yelled for her husband. "DAVID! HELP!"

"What in the world is going on up there?" David thought as he ran toward his wife's voice. "Tanya what's wron…" His voice died in his throat as he walked in on the scene.

"David help me! She's Slipping! PLEASE! I can't hold on!"

David ran to his wife's side but it was to late. Cara's hand slipped out of her mother's hand and she was gone through the light.